Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1601 Comrade Commander wants to see you

"So? What are you trying to tell me through this?"

It can be said that Malashenko asked knowingly, but there are some things that require real answers to feel at ease. Malashenko still needs political commissar comrades to answer himself personally.

"What I want to tell you is, don't do anything that will make you regret. Deal with the problems you are facing now, in a way that you feel is really right. You don't need to use lies. Now you understand what I mean. Yet?"


Malashenko's conjecture was confirmed by the political commissar himself, but even so, it still could not dispel Malashenko's concerns.

"Coco, if, well I mean, the truth is too hard to accept after all, maybe I will lose everything because of it, you know it's possible."

The word "nothing" is, to be honest, a bit strange when used today.

Is Malashenko serious?

of course.

Will this really turn out to be the case?

if not? This is the worst possible outcome, and there is a relatively high possibility.

But our Comrade Political Commissar still has a calm expression on his face.

"If the result is like this, then this is also a result you must accept. You can escape now, just like me, but what will you do in the future? Sooner or later, you will have to face it. The longer you delay, the more likely the consequences will be. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I made again.”


Being content with the status quo and greedy for the good, even if the good is only temporary, they always want to keep delaying potentially unfortunate things for as long as they can, just like if they are drunk now, they will be drunk tomorrow.

The reason is simple and straightforward, and it is not a good thing.

However, human beings are sometimes such creatures. Even if they know they are wrong, they will always continue to make mistakes habitually.


Because making changes will inevitably face risks and sacrifices, but being content with the status quo can preserve this peace of mind.

Not many people can take the initiative to face it and make changes. Most of the time, they need someone's guidance and help. Malashenko was lucky to have a political commissar who could stand up and help him in time.

"Stop hesitating. This is not a problem that can be hesitated and avoided. No matter how bad the outcome is, you must solve it as soon as possible. Otherwise, when are you going to delay it? Can you hide it from the two of them for a lifetime? Think about it. Will you live through the worst possible outcome when the truth comes out?”

“Do it now and it won’t be as bad as what might happen in the future, trust me.


Comrade Political Commissar is right. He should indeed use his courage and responsibility to solve this problem as soon as possible. Being overly greedy for this fleeting and fleeting beauty will not bring any good results in the end.

"I understand and I know what to do."

"I'll go find Anya first and settle her side before Natalia arrives. I hope she can listen to me like before this time. I hope, I can't guarantee it 100%. "

The matter of Malashenko and Anya has long been an open secret. It didn't take long for the word to spread through the mouths of the doctors and nurses in the field hospital, and it spread throughout the division and became known to everyone.

This kind of thing is actually not a big deal, especially for the high-level commanders and fighters of the Red Army. It is a normal situation to "the red flag does not fall down at home, but the colorful flags are flying outside." Look at how many generals in the Red Army are Qing A man who has no desire to be happy and only does food, sleep and fight on the battlefield? You have to find yourself a confidante who can relieve the loneliness and depression on the battlefield, right?

Therefore, when everyone in the division is already aware of it, the political commissar who is a core team member around Malashenko has naturally known about this for a long time, and knows the details much better than the average person.

"Anya is a girl with a strong personality. Although she is young and not as mature as Natalia, it does not mean that she does not have her own ideas and opinions."

"Be careful not to be led by her. Although she is kind-hearted, women in love will make all kinds of strange demands. Remember why you went there, and don't compromise casually. You know what women are best at. It’s a way to make men compromise, right? This is an innate skill that you don’t need to learn, so you’d better pay attention.”


Malashenko, who was speechless, certainly knew what Comrade Comrade Political Commissar meant. The so-called "crying, making trouble, and hanging himself" is really an innate skill that all women do not need to learn. Especially for the man who loves her, these tricks are better than the trump card. Of course, Malashenko understands and has experienced this in his previous life.

"Ahem, I understand, thank you for reminding me, I hope it can be resolved smoothly."

With a feeling of apprehension and uneasiness, Malashenko headed towards the field hospital. It didn't take much effort to find the person he was looking for on this trip: he was busy helping Dr. Karachev. Anya.

"Anya, put the work at hand aside for now. Comrade the teacher wants to see you, he is waiting outside."

"Ah? What? Cocoa is this plasma. It needs to be sent to Dr. Stukov immediately. It is still waiting to be used on the operating table."

"Don't worry about this. Just leave the plasma to me and I'll send it over. You quickly pack up and go see Comrade Senior. He is pressed for time and has many things to be busy with. Comrade Senior's time is the first priority."

Although some time has passed since the end of the Battle of Cherkasy, in recent days, wounded soldiers from nearby friendly forces have been transferred almost every day to the field hospital of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division for surgery and treatment.

As an elite ace unit with the title of leader, the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division enjoys the best medical resource supplies and configurations among all the Red Army Guards units on the front line.

It has the most adequate medical resources and the most capable doctors, as well as capable Russian-American surgeons like Karachev who have returned from studying abroad. It is naturally normal to receive the wounded from nearby friendly forces. At this moment, Anya is busy with an operation and is responsible for delivering plasma. The white nurse uniform all over her body is covered with blood stains.

"Oh, I have to change these clothes. My gloves are covered in blood. I'll be back soon!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Malashenko put his hands in his pockets and wandered around the door waiting, while his mind kept thinking about how to tell Anya this.

It may be good to tell it simply and straightforwardly, but will such straightforward truth cause any strong reactions?

Malashenko, who had never done such a thing in the past, was really in a state of confusion. He couldn't even tell how Anya might react. The little time he had for final thoughts quickly disappeared in a rush. It ended with the sound of coming footsteps.

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