Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1773 Iron Wing Returns

Having made a promise to Vatutin personally, the next thing Malashenko has to do is to fulfill his promise and fight the final battle of annihilation of the Grossdeutschland Division perfectly and well. read

Aviation support has not yet arrived, and artillery support will have to wait a while, but this does not mean that Malashenko does not have immediately available support firepower on hand.

The division's self-propelled artillery units have entered combat positions and are ready. The ISU-152 self-propelled artillery battalion and Katyusha rocket launcher battalion with muzzles and launchers raised high are ready to go. With just one order, they can rain down deadly artillery fire on the enemy.

Taking advantage of the fact that the anxious battle led by Kulbalov and Lavrinenko had not yet extended to the core, and was still fighting fiercely on the periphery, and was about to complete a breakthrough, there was no extra time for Maratha, who led the troops led by the two, to withdraw. Shen Ke directly issued a seemingly dangerous order.

"Fire at the core area of ​​the German defense line and blow up all their reserve troops! Maximum firepower output, no need to save ammunition, fire immediately!!!"

Since the battle continues to be fierce on the periphery, don't I just need to avoid the peripheral battle area and pour all the firepower on the front line away from the collision between the two warring parties? The core area of ​​the German defense line is undoubtedly the shelling coordinates that best meet this requirement, and Malashenko is very sure that he has found the right location.

There are risks, but war itself is a gambling game that is full of risks and cannot be absolutely guaranteed. Every gambler who goes to the table with chips in his pocket to participate in the war cannot guarantee that he will definitely win. If risks and uncertainties are excluded, the art of war will lose its greatest charm and uniqueness. Malashenko, who understands this well, decided that it is worth a try.

Boom boom boom——

Boo hoo hoo——

The mighty sound of the 152 heavy artillery and Katyusha salvos tore through the sky and resounded throughout the earth. Countless red light-point projectiles and rockets trailing orange-red tail flames rushed towards the German defense line.

The German soldiers who were busy fighting a fierce battle with the enemy's Red Army heard this huge movement as soon as they were terrified.

As the most powerful land artillery force on the planet at this time, the Soviet field artillery group can create the most powerful and seismic noise every time it fires, among troops of the same level. The one where the mountain shakes.

Ever since the Soviet army entered the strategic counter-offensive stage, they have often endured such horrific fire coverage countless times. Those German veterans who were able to survive the crazy baptism of the Soviet field artillery group have already experienced such destruction first-hand. The power is so terrifying.

This resulted in the person just hearing the sound but not having time to wait for the shell to fall, or in other words, not even having the time to look up and see where the shell was flying.

A large number of the terrified front-line German troops had even hid on the spot and hid in any bunker they could find, whether it was a bomb crater or even the remains of a tank, it was always better than being bombarded with nothing around you.

The German front-line troops, whose firepower had suddenly dropped, were instantly inferior to others. However, the Red Army on the opposite side, which was stepping up its attack, had a completely different scene.

This overwhelming barrage of heavy artillery was like a clarion call for charge. The Red Army soldiers, who were already high in morale and fighting spirit, and the steel behemoths tried their best to fight against what they knew was the enemy. Our own roaring artillery fire continued to attack the German troops in front of us.

Afraid of accidental damage from our own artillery fire? This is purely unnecessary worry.

The fact that one's own artillery can fire under such circumstances means that it is absolutely sure that large-scale friendly fire will not occur.

It is very simple to ask where this confidence comes from.

As an elite unit that works together and has great collective cohesion, all the commanders, political staff and soldiers of the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division have great trust in their comrade, the division commander, and firmly believe that they can win under the leadership of this man.

Comrade division commander will not allow artillery fire to accidentally injure one of his own people. The roar of artillery fire at this moment means that comrade division commander has been fully prepared before giving the order to fire. No one will have unnecessary suspicion at this time.

"Comrades, crush the fascists! For the motherland, hurrah!!!"


The Soviet troops facing the enemy were shouting for a charge, but the German troops in the core part of the defense line had incorrect reserves, and the troops that had just withdrawn to rest were enduring the most terrifying hellfire.

Boom boom boom——


The huge explosions that came one after another almost turned the entire earth upside down and turned it upside down. There were no reliable anti-bomb shelters and field fortifications, and there was no time to dig even the most basic trench. The Grossdeutschland Division, which was surrounded and then engaged in a bitter battle, suffered the most brutal casualties unimaginable at this moment.

Countless German soldiers were completely crushed into powder and their bones scattered into ashes under the overwhelming artillery fire. The term "corpse" referring to the remains of ordinary human beings after death is no longer applicable at this moment.

Whether it is the ISU-152 or the Katyusha, they are absolutely formidable heavyweight firepower. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that if you are killed by this thing and leave a whole body, it is considered a high burner.

A barrage of artillery shells and rockets flashing with a deadly red light came down, leaving a mess everywhere they passed, and the ground was dotted with craters.

It has become a luxury to find all the intact corpses of German soldiers. If a perverted murderer is interested, he might be willing to come over with a broom and dustpan to clean up the messy garbage on the ground.

Although this was not the first time he had experienced this kind of destructive power, Colonel Klose still felt an extremely strong shock at this moment, as if his soul was about to be ripped off.

"Air Force Where the hell is our Air Force!?"

This was a cry that came from the depths of the soul and from the bottom of my heart. The sound was so loud that it even overshadowed a Katyusha rocket that exploded at a long distance. Many German soldiers around them were also avoiding artillery fire. I heard this cry of despair and anger.

As if in response to this cry, the violent roar from the western sky suddenly entered the battlefield and appeared in the sky directly above the battle zone.

Those German soldiers in despair saw the roaring iron wings above their heads. The black and white Iron Cross logo was so conspicuous and inspiring. The promised hope finally came at this moment of despair.

Malashenko, who had just returned to his car and half of his body was still outside the turret, clearly saw the scene in the sky with a telescope in his hand, and immediately spat out an uncontrollable curse. .

"Grass mud horse! It's these bad bastards again!"

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