Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1785 Loving Father and Iron Alliance

The news brought by Beria was indeed very important. Stalin needed these first-hand updates to understand the frontline battle situation and every subtle change. In addition to these, Stalin did have other things that needed to be discussed with Beria, such as the army named after him.

"Vatutin called me personally and reported the results of the battle and some details."

"I am very satisfied with this combat operation. The 1st Beria and Stalin Guards Tank Division concentrated its superior troops and superior equipment, used flexible and excellent tactics, and prepared sufficient combat plans and response methods in advance. In a short period of time, Such brilliant results were achieved in just one day. I personally think this is worthy of careful analysis and study as a classic and excellent combat example, and it would be best if it could be studied throughout the entire army.”

To be honest, it is quite rare for Comrade Stalin, a loving father, to speak to his subordinates in this way.

Even when asking for opinions from his subordinates, Comrade Stalin would simply say "please speak freely" and then remain silent, just being a listener.

Take the initiative to speak out your own thoughts and opinions first, and then seek the opinions and views of your subordinates. This not only shows that Comrade Stalin has great trust in Beria to the extent that he can speak and act like this, but more importantly, it is true that Comrade Stalin is in a good mood at the moment, and he is actually interested in working with Beria. The intelligence chief started talking about combat matters.

It was rare for Beria to be asked this kind of question. He seemed a little surprised at first, but the intelligence chief was still the intelligence chief. A slight surprise flashed across his face, and he soon regained his composure.

"You are right, Comrade Stalin, and I think so too."

First of all, I am sure that the leader’s point of view is correct. This is the basic operation. The more important content of the speech is actually left in the second half of the sentence.

"You know, Comrade Stalin, I am not a military commander. Talking about strategies and tactics is not what I am good at. But I think if an in-depth study of the whole army is carried out, it will greatly enhance the soft power of our Red Army. This is multifaceted in terms of tactical application and troop morale, and it is indeed necessary.”

"In the process of dealing with some commanders and deserters who made serious mistakes in frontline operations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs found through comparisons between different cases that most of them had one thing in common: their mastery of tactical application and combat command skills was extremely poor. To an alarming degree, they tend to panic and make big mistakes when faced with practical changes that go beyond what is taught in the textbook.

“Although this is only a small number of people, if we can push the numbers of this small number of people down further and continue to improve the abilities of those who are already qualified, I think this will be very helpful in improving the overall strength of our Red Army. It is obvious that the plan you propose is the best option for this purpose.”

Transfer topics that you are not involved in and are not good at, to your own duties through persuasive words, conduct focused, in-depth, and highly vertical special analysis, and finally give your own conclusions.

Stalin admired Beria for many merits, and this was the most shining one among them. Beria was always so satisfactory in his duties within the scope of his responsibilities, and was only less than one step away from being impeccable. The satisfied smile on the face of the loving comrade was enough to explain the problem.

"Very good. Your opinions have provided me with some good ideas and summaries. I will talk to Vasilevskiy and the others about this matter when I come down. We need to formulate a relatively complete charter to implement it."

"Well, there is one more thing. The relevant publicity materials and tasks that need to be performed about this battle have been arranged now. Do you have any views or opinions on this matter? I mean internal publicity. For our people and warriors to fully benefit from it, we need all aspects.”

People who engage in intelligence generally have super high EQ and IQ. Compared with ordinary people, Ya'an is definitely one of the best in these two attributes. Needless to say, the intelligence leader Beria's attributes in this regard are even better. .

As one of the most popular people around his loving father, Beria was often asked by his loving father for opinions that were not related to his job. The specific matter depends on the circumstances of the incident and the mood of the loving comrade. There are almost all kinds of things, so Beria's expression at this moment does not appear to be that surprising.


It cannot be said that Beria is pretending to think. Answering the leader's question must be carefully considered and thought twice before making any decision. This seemingly simple question is also worthy of some thought.

"Can it be in the form of a poster? I mean this can be used as a way of publicity. The content of artistic painting is not my expertise, so I will not express my opinions randomly, Comrade Stalin. But I think there is a poster slogan that is very Yes, this is what I suddenly thought of just now.”

"A slogan?"

Comrade Stalin was obviously interested. He took off the smoking pipe from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

"Tell me about it, I want to hear it."

"Stalin crushed Greater Germany, and the Iron Alliance defended the motherland!"

The slogan is the finishing touch of a poster. A painting with sufficient artistic level alone cannot be called a classic poster. It must be a slogan that can complement it and have the same level of attainment.

Many times, slogans are even more important than paintings. After all, artistic pictures have different understandings for everyone, but only the direction of understanding indicated by the slogans is the same, which is particularly important.


Holding the pipe in his mouth and slowly inhaling, Stalin savored the poster slogan presented by Beria. It was obvious that Stalin could taste the multi-layered meanings in it. This is a poster slogan that is not very difficult to decipher, but its artistic conception is high enough for people to appreciate the ingenious wording while understanding its deeper meaning.

"It's good. It's factual and has multiple meanings. It's short and concise."

"I have memorized the slogan and will add it to the promotional materials. You are indeed very talented in this area, Beria, I have to admit this. This is a major advantage of yours."

Being able to satisfy comrades and praise them without hesitation is the best result for Beria. When the official reaches this position, there is almost nothing more important than this.

"This is what I should do, Comrade Stalin, and your satisfaction is the best result I can think of."

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