Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1788 Good brother, don’t be angry!

"Hero of the Soviet Union? To Kulbalov?"

Obviously, just from the surprised expression on his face, it can be seen that the political commissar was somewhat caught off guard by Malashenko's sudden proposal. It can be said that there was no prior warning. read

But just because Malashenko said it so casually, the political commissar also began to think about the topic Malashenko opened, and after a while he felt that he almost had the answer.

"Well, if you think about it carefully, it is indeed feasible."

"In terms of military exploits alone, Kulbalov played a decisive role in the final victory of this battle. Without the successful interception of one regiment, we would never have been able to end the battle within one day yesterday and join up with another armored division. The situation will become more difficult after that, and German reinforcements from outside the Baobuqi Company's encirclement will also come in, and then it will be a different story. "

"And in terms of qualifications, there is no problem."

"From the border of the motherland to the city walls of Moscow, and now back to Belarus. In addition to recuperating and resting in the rear, Kulbalov spent the rest of his time on the front line and in combat, but he did not receive many honors for this. . In addition, his background is very good. His mother is a worker and his father is a warehouse director of a local supply and marketing cooperative and a member of the Communist Party.”

"In the name of the division, draft an application report for the honor of Hero of the Soviet Union for Kulbalov. I think this is feasible, and I agree with you."

Hearing what Comrade Political Commissar said, our Comrade Ma's energy instantly became much higher.

It was as if the political commissar nodded and approved the matter, then it would be settled, no problem, as long as the report application was thanked, it would definitely be approved.

"This is great! I bet that boy Kurbalov flew into the sky with joy when he received this surprise. I guarantee you."

Seeing Malashenko beaming and beaming, Comrade Comrade Political Commissar smiled and shook his head and promptly poured a ladle of cold water on Comrade Ma, cooling down Comrade Ma's temperature.

"Don't be too happy too early. It doesn't matter what you and I say, nor does Comrade Commander say. It needs the nod of the big shots in Moscow to be approved. We have just decided to draft the report and haven't submitted it yet. If you are so happy, be careful that extreme happiness will lead to sadness.”

Comrade Political Commissar kindly reminded us, Comrade Ma, not to get too happy, but Malashenko still waved his hand as nonchalantly as a big man.

"The wording of the report should be more sincere. I will move around a bit more and call Comrade Commander to talk. If it still doesn't work, I will talk to Marshal Zhukov. I don't believe that so many people can help and even get a commendation." If you don’t come down, besides, this is not a white-collar military achievement without doing anything. Kurbalov’s real ability is here. Who is dissatisfied? Let’s try it instead.”

Comrade Lao Ma has put forward the later truth of "If you can do it, go ahead, but if you can't do it, don't force yourself". Although this statement sounds harsh, your refusal to admit it does make sense in certain circumstances. Even Comrade Political Commissar could only curl his lips with a helpless smile after hearing this.

"The honor you won for Kulbalov is naturally a good thing and deserved."

"But what you just said, hey, if it were written into a novel, it would be somewhat similar to a villain who colludes with superiors and subordinates to commit crimes. It's as if they were tailor-made for such a person."

Comrade Political Commissar naturally said these words half-jokingly and could not be taken seriously, but Comrade Ma secretly cursed after hearing these words.

"Exactly, this is called rational use of interpersonal relationships to do things. If you are rigid in everything and don't know how to adapt, then you are called a serious fool."

A breakfast of chatting ended quickly. Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, which had one morning to rest before the attack, had a busy scene visible to the naked eye everywhere.

The crews of each vehicle gathered around their vehicles for final maintenance, refueling and reloading before the expedition. The division's logistics and baggage troops also directly drove the trucks loading and unloading materials and supplies to the offensive departure position, ammunition and various supplies. The supplies that are available can be collected on the spot, which is convenient and fast, eliminating the time of traveling back and forth to the logistics. It is indeed rare to see people queuing up to receive supplies.

"Tow it away, bring the car up, over here! Yes, this car needs to be towed away. Hurry, tow it to our station for overhaul. It's too late for emergency repairs. Act quickly!"

Putting down the radio in his hand and turning around, Lieutenant Colonel Karamov, the "General Manager" of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, put his hands on his hips and looked at a group of soldiers in front of him in front of several tanks that had not been repaired before the war. Busy up and down, securing tow cables in preparation for trailers.

Next to Karamov, Lieutenant Colonel Kurbalov, the commander of the 1st Tank Regiment, was also standing here, holding a half-burned cigarette in his hand and asking questions to Karamov beside him.

"I obviously saw that you were busy all night last night, and with the time this morning, can't these vehicles really be repaired? I even have a reserve crew. The Germans are just providing armor I opened a few small eyes, why is it so troublesome to repair? "

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

Kulbalov, who only led troops to fight and did not work to repair cars, could stand and talk without pain in his back. At least, this was indeed the case to Karamov, who rolled his eyes at him.

"What do you know? You just opened your eyes when you looked outside, but the new gadget used by these German infantrymen is really disgusting. After the metal jet penetrates into the car, it will cause more serious internal damage, and the jet will be in Further scattering and separation in the car caused serious damage to non-metallic flammable materials, low-strength structural steel, and soft metals.”

"The engines of these cars are completely scrapped, to the point where they can't be repaired even with replacement parts. I've been busy all night, and the test drive this morning still didn't meet the delivery standards. You can just keep these cars forcibly, but now It can barely drive, but I can't guarantee what will happen if it goes on the battlefield. The engine might overheat and explode. Don't say I didn't warn you."


Karamov's words were very rude, even a bit unpleasant.

Kurbalov thought it was a joke and said it casually, but he really didn't expect Karamov to have such a big reaction. He was really embarrassed for a while and couldn't get off the stage.

But then I thought about how I had a good sleep last night, but Karamov didn't sleep all night. He led the entire field maintenance and support group into battle, running back and forth between the three tank regiments, conducting on-site command and supervision, He even went out of his way to repair the car himself, but now he was covered in oil and black stains and was in a state of exhaustion with no time to change clothes and wash off.

To say that the elders are a little angry at this time, especially when others are making fun of the fruits of their hard work and do not understand them, is completely normal. It can even be said that it is abnormal not to be angry.

Thinking of this, Kulbalov, who knew that what he had just said was a bit too much, quickly took out his cigarette case, handed one to the man next to him as if offering a gift, and connected it to the fire, with an apologetic smile on his face. The ground spoke.

"Good brother, don't be angry! That's my problem. I talk carelessly without thinking through my brain. Don't you think I regret it? Just don't take it to your heart, okay?"

??Added update, there is one more update, please wait a moment.



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