Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1802 We are going to be finished! Hans!

"What's going on!? What happened!? Who gave the order to fire the cannon? They are all entangled with the Germans and they are still firing. Aren't you afraid of blowing me up to death!? Ah!?"

Comrade Lao Ma was very angry. He was so angry that his brain was congested and he was about to go berserk. read

The attack on our side was going well in an orderly manner, but suddenly, for some reason, a burst of crazy shelling came over us like rain.

Fortunately, the shelling was not directed at Malashenko, but instead roared in depth toward the German position farther ahead and farther out.

The shelling roared overhead and then went straight towards the farther area controlled by the Germans. When Malashenko and Malashenko's eyes were as wide as cow's eggs, they were stunned for a while, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​​​fire that exploded one after another. Devouring everything around it.

Such a scene in front of us almost stunned Comrade Ma on the spot.

Malashenko, who was wide-eyed, couldn't understand. He had done nothing, neither called for artillery support nor issued any artillery-related orders, so how could artillery support come roaring in unexpectedly? After flying over his head, he landed on the top of the German's head in a straddle shot and exploded into a sea of ​​fire.

Yes, it is true that the shelling did not hit the top of one's head, but it was only two to three hundred meters away from the forefront assault troops. One step further is the shrapnel damage radius of the large-caliber heavy artillery. It can be said that as long as it is slightly higher, the unlucky ones who are blown up at this moment are not just the Germans, but many Red Army soldiers who have charged before will be buried.

Who was it that gave the order to fire this shelling? Do you want to kill me? Rebellion or something!

Malashenko, who was also rushing forward, immediately became furious. If the shelling hit him slightly above his head, the fragile top armor of the IS4 heavy tank would not be able to withstand the large-caliber grenade. After receiving the initiation, being fried into meat sauce and then grilled to a pulp was the only possible outcome for him today.

The comrade division commander was very angry, and as a result of his anger, he picked up the radio transmitter at hand and started shouting. The radio channel was immediately filled with Malashenko's strong anger, but the next thing that came from the other end of the radio was The answer was even more surprising.

"Fire artillery? What are you talking about? No one gave the order to fire artillery. The artillery position is still on standby. There is silence now. If the artillery position fires, I can hear the sound of artillery here, but now I only hear the distant sound from your side. Sound of firefight."


Listening to the reply given to him by Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko, holding the radio transmitter in his hand, half-opening his mouth and blinking twice, was even more confused, with a bunch of question marks on his face.

"What the hell is going on!? It's not the shelling from us, so where did the shelling in front of me come from!? It couldn't be the Germans bombing the Germans, right? The SS came to help us fight against the Wehrmacht or what? Sample?"

Malashenko's voice gradually trailed off. As soon as he finished speaking, the radio wave called by another voice was already connected to the command vehicle's radio station.

"Comrade Division Commander, something is wrong! There is a sound of artillery behind the dirt bag at one o'clock diagonally in front of us. It is very loud! It sounds like a heavy artillery group is firing at the Germans. Their target is not us. Are they from friendly forces?"

? ? ?

What the hell is this? Where the hell did the friendly heavy artillery group come from! ?

Malashenko, who was violently bombarded by various emergencies, was completely confused. No matter how good his brain was, he could not understand what was going on in this bloody situation.

"Calm down, Malashenko, you have to calm down, the troops still need your command."

Malashenko took two deep breaths in succession under strong self-suggestion, and once again grasped the radio transmitter in his hand, he already had a simple and straightforward response plan in his mind.

"Rush up, Kulbalov! Take down the dirt bag diagonally in front of you at one o'clock and see what the hell is firing behind that dirt bag! Then you know what to do, you don't need to teach me you!"


It was really unexpected that Comrade Division Commander could give such an order and reply. Kulbalov, who was blinking twice while holding the radio transmitter in his hand, was also dumbfounded. After two seconds, he recovered. Press the call button again and the call will be heard.

"Understood. I will contact you again after the mission is completed. Over."

The contact with Comrade Political Commissar and Kulbalov came to an end one after another. Malashenko, who still could not solve the doubts in his heart, became more and more confused. There was only one thing left to do in this situation.

"Suspend the attack. All frontline troops, immediately suspend the attack! Find bunkers and wait for my orders. I repeat, stay where you are and do not continue to attack!"

It is actually a very taboo thing to suddenly stop halfway while the attack is still in progress. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a taboo for military strategists.

Either you fight or you withdraw. What kind of bad thing is it to just sit there and do nothing without fighting or withdrawing? What's more, the place where you are staying is still the enemy's position. The result of the sit-in war was to let the enemy go or wait for the enemy to gather stronger strength and then come back. Neither of them was a good thing. Malashenko, who felt as if he had eaten a fly, could only stare anxiously but was helpless.

The only quick solution is to wait for Kurbalov to get everything done as soon as possible and then receive new news. This is the only option to answer all the mysteries so far.

"Charge! Each crew forms an assault formation and take down the dirtbags in front of me! All charge!"

From Malashenko's order, he realized that the current battlefield situation was unexpected and unpredictable. Kulbalov, who knew how dangerous this unknown situation was on the battlefield, was also anxious, and then After receiving Malashenko's death order, he immediately mobilized all the troops at hand, gathered into a powerful assault energy, and rushed straight towards the mountain in front of him.

A dense group of IS6 heavy tanks roared and charged, followed closely by the red-eyed Red Army soldiers holding AKs and Boboshas and firing desperately, regardless of ammunition consumption.

The remaining German troops who were suppressed in the circular position under the soil bag could hardly even raise their heads. The dense automatic firepower that swept through them like a storm was unprecedented. Carrying iron fists and tank killers in their hands but unable to find an attack window or opportunity to fire. This is the most real situation of the German troops who are being suppressed.

"We're going to be doomed! Hans! The Russians will come and tear us apart. It's all over now!"

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