Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1806 Battlefield Prayer

Indeed, as the squad leader said. read

The group of thugs down the slope, several hundred people in size, were completely unaware of the fact that they were being watched by the two pairs of eyes on the top of the slope behind them. One of the important reasons was that they were busy packing their things and didn't even bother to look back. To.

Not being discovered is naturally a good thing. This shows that the covert and lurking operations are still going on, which is an extremely advantageous advantage if a surprise attack is needed.

However, the main problem does not lie in this, but in the lack of troops.

No matter how you look at the group of German sticks below the slope, they are at least hundreds of men strong enough to form a battalion, and they also carry the unknown heavy weapons that I saw for the first time: an all-round weapon. A short-barreled self-propelled artillery with a closed armor configuration. If the big and thick tube is fired accurately, it will definitely wipe out the two squads of our own team in an instant, even if they are not clean, most of them will be killed.

And for a cannon like this that looks fierce enough, the German soldiers down the slope must have at least thirty or forty of them. And this is just a rough calculation after a quick glance, the actual number will only be more than this.

Watching these Germans run away without doing anything is definitely not the best choice. In fact, as long as there are any other methods available, you must not do this. Let so many important Germans run away. I've lost a lot of money.

The top priority is to quickly think of a way to get the best of both worlds and be useful immediately without delaying for too long. The only possible option that can deal with the gang of German sticks below the slope is to summon the large troops who are still finishing the battlefield cleanup work to come over quickly. Mark the current location and rush here specifically, and use the fastest speed to get there before the Germans run away.

The platoon leader, who was leaning on the back of the slope with the AK in his arms, was thinking of a solution. He felt that this was the only feasible solution, but how to summon the large troops immediately was a troublesome problem.

It is true that my platoon is a vanguard reconnaissance platoon. What they usually do is to lurk in secret, catch a German tongue in the middle of the night and come back to torture the intelligence. The dangerous work of licking blood, to say that the combat power is shining, plus the fear of death. That's really not an exaggeration.

But if you want to communicate in real time and establish effective contact with the large troops to report the situation, this troublesome thing is completely blind.

These days, there are no individual radios, and there are no satellite phones. If you want to contact the rear troops immediately, you must at least have a radio station that can connect to the tanks' inter-vehicle radio channel, but it has come to this point. Where can I find some bullshit radio station? How could there be such a thing in this damn place?

Send someone to run to report the news?

In normal times, it is feasible, but the trouble is that this is not normal time. The last precious time is urgent and may be extinguished at any time like a candle in the wind.

If we really send someone to run errands to deliver the news and then wait for the large forces to press forward and launch the attack, I dare not say that all the Germans below have escaped completely. With this level of mechanization, there should be no big problem if they can escape half of them. This is obviously not the best. result.

What to do? What the hell should I do! ? Sokka! ! !

The anxious platoon leader hugged AK tightly in his arms and almost wanted to roar and curse on the spot. After fighting for so long, he had never felt so anxious that he was about to burst.

But just as his eyes glanced around unintentionally, the platoon leader wanted to jump all over the place in a hurry, but suddenly he saw a very strange thing on the waist of the squad leader who was standing next to him.

That thing has a very familiar appearance. I have seen it more than once before, but generally speaking, I don't see it often. Relatively speaking, there are not many opportunities to see it.

As for the reason, it's just because this is a captured German weapon, not the Soviet army's own equipment, and it's not something very destructive, but a piece of tactical equipment.

"What else is there in your waist? Is it a German pipe?"

"Small smoker", this is the name given by the Red Army soldiers to this humble German super-caliber pistol.

It looks like a pistol but can fire super-caliber smoke grenades. The principle is somewhat similar to the Japanese grenade, but it is smaller and more convenient than the grenade and can be carried around like a real pistol.

For the reconnaissance unit whose tactical needs are far more diverse than those of ordinary infantry units and whose tactical changes are complex, this thing is much more popular than other captured German weapons. After all, who wouldn’t like a small pistol that can fire smoke grenades and has a fixed trajectory, which is far more reliable than hand-thrown smoke grenades and is also convenient and easy to carry?

Faced with the sudden inquiry from the platoon leader, he blinked and glanced at the thing on his waist, and then the squad leader took it out and spoke.

"The one I found from the wreckage of the Kraut Tiger King last time has never been replaced. Why do you ask?"

Indeed, this kind of inconspicuous small object is generally used by German armored troops. Just open the hatch to launch smoke grenades around the vehicle body to create a concealed smoke screen effect. This is a magical tool when you need to retreat. It is not surprising to find this thing in the wreckage of the already valuable King Tiger tank.

Unlike the squad leader who had a puzzled expression on his face, the platoon leader's expression could simply be described as "ecstatic".

"This is it! This is what we need! How much ammo do you have with you?"

"Not much, I only brought three rounds. This thing is quite heavy, so I can only bring so much."

Three smoke grenades can be used to save lives when retreating, or to block the enemy's sight and create attack opportunities during a strong attack.

But the platoon leader doesn't need either of the two general uses. He needs another special one that has never been used before, and he needs it now.

"I looked around. Our slope is now the highest point of the surrounding terrain. There is nothing higher than this! If there is any movement here, you can definitely see it all around."

"Put on the smoke grenade and shoot it straight into the sky! The smoke will start to disperse in mid-air. Shoot all three rounds in a row. Hurry!"


The squad leader blinked and didn't understand the meaning of this for a while, so he subconsciously asked a question and blurted it out.

"Then what? Why do you do this?"

The comrade platoon leader who was getting angry was obviously dismissive and just thought there was too much nonsense. You could tell just from the irritable tone of his reply.

"Then you pray that our large army can see this thing, understand its meaning, and rush over to help! If you continue to talk nonsense, I will throw you down the slope to play with the Germans, so do it!"

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