Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1808 Maozi goes down the mountain

"That's a flare from the Russians. Don't think about it any more. We've definitely been exposed. The ones who came up first may just be the scouts. They are calling for follow-up reinforcements. The remaining time we have can only be calculated by seconds."

The Red Army scout platoon leader lying on the top of the slope and the squad leader next to him had no idea what the Germans below, who had become an ant nest in chaos, were muttering. However, if he had known that the German guy had guessed the real situation from his casual remarks, his jaw would not have dropped on the spot, but his pupils would have dilated and his eyes would have been so frightened that he would not have been able to run away.

The level of the German officers varies widely. There are new recruits who are picky about their feet, and there are also experienced people who are like a dictionary after experiencing various narrow escapes. It's like a mixed bag of fish and dragons, a big fight between vegetables and masters. At least this is the reality of the German guys down the slope.

"No, I don't want anything except the car and the things that have been loaded! All personnel board the car and evacuate immediately, and execute the order! Immediately!"


The expression of the second lieutenant in front of him was a little dull. At that moment, he didn't understand whether this order should really be carried out.

"But Major Schennauer hasn't come down yet, he's still up there."

Major Schennauer was the battalion commander and the highest-ranking military commander. It was crazy just to think about it, leaving his commander alone and letting the troops run away.

The panicked second lieutenant no longer remembered what Major Schennauer was doing up there, and it was no longer important at the moment. The important thing is that Major Schennauer has not returned to his unit yet and has no idea where he is. Moreover, his deputy, Captain Bockman, the deputy battalion commander, is planning to run away alone with his troops. Such crazy behavior is simply shocking. unbelievable!

Aren’t they two very close comrades-in-arms? As is generally recognized by everyone, what is the reason for this situation?

At this moment, Bockman had no time to talk about cause and effect with the rookie in front of him. He had already pulled out the pistol from the holster and pointed it at the opponent's head.

"Follow orders, yes or no?"


Although the second lieutenant is a rookie, he finally understands the principle that "it is the duty of a soldier to execute orders."

In the beginning, it was just a "casual question" out of a "well-intentioned reminder". The second lieutenant, who was strictly educated in military doctrine and trained in quick officer doctrine, did not dare to blatantly disobey orders at this time. Executing orders was his only choice. There is only one right thing to do and no other.

Holding his pistol in his hand and watching the second lieutenant's back as he hurriedly left to execute the order, Captain Bockman, who only felt mixed feelings and indescribable sadness in his heart, did not expect to be understood. Because there are some things that you have to do even if you have the blame on your head and betrayal of faith, as is the case now.

"We have to get out of here quickly, we can't delay any longer."

Captain Bockman, who was muttering about how little time he had left in a low voice, looked complicated and was walking in a hurry, soon came to the radio antenna mounted on the roof of his car, which was equipped with a high-power command radio. Next to the half-track command vehicle that looked like a fishnet grille, he, who did not own a dedicated combat vehicle, could only rely on this thing to evacuate.

"Let's go, let's go immediately! Get us out of here, quickly!"

Captain Bockman, who was the last one to board the bus, issued an order as soon as he got on the bus. The surrounding steel behemoths with roaring engines were also preparing to evacuate. This time, the order was quickly implemented by Bockman. The captain finally settled one of his most important concerns.

Everything seems to be going according to plan, but the crux of the problem is that there are always times in this world when plans fail to keep up with changes. A large black shadow suddenly appears on the top of the slope. Almost at a glance, you can see such a terrifying scene. The German soldiers were stunned on the spot.

"Russians! Russian tanks, on the top of the slope! Russian tanks are coming!"

! ! !

Just before he could take a breath while leaning back on his seat, Captain Bockman trembled all over when he heard the sudden scream outside the car.

This has nothing to do with fear, it's just a subconscious stress reaction.

The phrase "Russian tanks are coming" is now, to most German soldiers, no different than a ghost story heard by a kid in elementary school, especially those rookie recruits who are afraid Russians are like cowards who are afraid of ghosts, and it would be a good idea if they were not scared enough to urinate a few drops on the spot.

Captain Bockman almost rolled out of the rear of the car, turned around, raised his head, and looked toward the top of the slope.

I saw Russian heavy tanks that were huge, like moving hills, roaring and roaring. The huge bodies appeared from behind the top of the slope with the front of the vehicle raised high, and then they were instantly pressed down due to their own weight. down, and then rushed straight down the mountain.

Not only the tanks, but also the increasing number of Russian infantry who are constantly "flashing out" from the top of the hillside. With all kinds of guys in their hands, most of them equipped with shining silver bayonets, they followed their own steel behemoths directly like tigers down the mountain, shouting passionate slogans and pounced down.

Captain Bockman has never seen and does not know what it is like to have 200 cousins ​​jump to your house in an instant with just one phone call. But I do know how terrifying it is to see Russian tanks and infantry all over the mountains and plains, shouting "Ula!" and rushing down.

To put it bluntly, not to mention the new recruits and rookies, even a veteran like me would be scared to see this formation.

It's just that the fear of those rookies and new recruits is due to their instinctive fear of the Russians.

And I, because of my past experiences, have seen such scenes countless times, and I also clearly understand how terrible the results will be when the Russians use this battle, and I know that in terms of the current situation, It is definitely the case that our situation is over and there is no way to recover.

To withstand the Russians' posture, a lot of things are needed. A sufficiently strong position, a complete system of firepower and troop configuration, a sufficient number of reserves and powerful fire support are all indispensable.

What do you have now?

Sorry, none of the above are available.

Even these bulky guys who were the only ones on hand had just transitioned from a combat state to a marching state preparing to evacuate, and there was no time to immediately enter the battle and fire on the enemy.

To survive or to perish, this is a question worth thinking about.

Looking at the Russian army rushing down from all over the mountains and plains like tigers, and their numbers are still increasing.

Captain Bockman, who just had a pale smile on his face, knew that everything was over. No matter which link or process went wrong, it was no longer important now.

Rivers of blood strewn with corpses are not the final result he wants. Since last year, he has felt that this hopeless war will be defeated. After figuring out all this, the only thing left is to return home alive. Think about it, this war is no longer worth the meaningless sacrifice.

While saving his own life, he could also save all his comrades in the battalion from death. This sounds like a good result recorded in the history books.

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