Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1810 Comrade Ma’s Versailles Time

When the dust settled after the last gunshot on the position, Malashenko raised his hand and looked at his watch. The hour hand on it pointed to the 2 position.

This brutal offensive and defensive battle between flesh and blood and armor took half a day to come to an end. As a result, it only took half a day to defeat the Germans' stubborn resistance. This result does not sound too bad, at least it is not beyond Malashenko's prior That's the expected time.

Being able to end everything so quickly in the second half of the battle has a lot to do with the fact that Kulbalov's side knocked out the Germans' hidden artillery fire points and lifted the obstacles that had previously prevented reinforcements from entering the battle.

After the hidden crisis point was eliminated, Division Commander Gornakov's reinforcements were finally able to enter the battlefield and charge into battle.

The German army, which only had a small part of the position still under its control, could withstand such an offensive. It had been beaten to the last breath by Malashenko, and now it was fully equipped with the strength of a full infantry division. Press up.

The word "terrible" is no longer enough to describe the situation of the German army. It would be better to say "sudden death on the spot" is more appropriate.

There were no reinforcements and no troops to respond to the retreat. The German infantry, which was seriously short of anti-armor heavy firepower, looked at the torrent of Russian steel surging in like an ocean. It was so desperate that it could not be accurately described in words.

You can't fight, you can't run, your two legs can outrun steel wheels and track pads, and it's just nonsense to fly at high speed.

What else can be done now?

If you don't just want to die, then the only option left is surrender, and that's the fact.

Malashenko, who had long expected that the final result would be like this, ordered the process to be started again, and all the Germans who threw away their weapons and performed French military salutes were gathered together and held captive. Anyone who disobeyed would still be beaten, kicked, yelled at, and even slapped in the face with the butt of a gun as usual. Malashenko did not make any comments about this and let the soldiers do whatever they wanted.

I still have a lot of things to do, and I don't have time to waste time here with these German guys next door who are waiting to surrender. If you are not honest, you have to be prepared to be beaten. If you really want to say that the bruises and bruises are caused by these fascist bastards.

"It's unbelievable that this battle was won like this. Uh, I mean, it was indeed much faster than I thought. I thought that we could only capture half of the position today and advance two or three kilometers. I didn't expect that we would be able to So smooth."

Many commanders and soldiers of the brother troops who fought with Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division for the first time all had the same feeling: a battle that seemed extremely difficult and would cost heavy casualties could be achieved as long as Malashenko was in place in person and led the troops. Once the troops rush forward, you don't need to worry too much about what happens next.

No matter what kind of monster the German guy on the opposite side is, he will basically collapse in less than half a day in front of this ocean-like torrent of steel. The devastating offensive of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division can be said to be extremely rare. If you hadn't witnessed such a combat scene with your own eyes, this combat mode was slightly different in many details.

Commander Gornakov felt that he never dreamed that the battle could be fought so smoothly.

Malashenko, who was used to being looked at by others in this way, thought it was nothing. On the contrary, if he couldn't take down the hodgepodge of German sticks in front of him today, it would be called abnormal performance.

"The position was built in a hurry yesterday. There is no depth defense at all. There are no armored troops and air support. There are not many heavy anti-tank weapons that are the core pillar of the position's defense."

"Why can these German guys stop us? They had no chance of winning from the beginning. To be honest, I even feel that this battle is a bit slow. If everything is done before lunch, it will be called an extraordinary performance."


My own and Malashenko's tactical thinking and commanding skills are not on the same level. Malashenko is obviously much higher than me. This is why Commander Gornakov heard Comrade Ma's "Versailles Declaration" The only feeling I got after that.

However, Malashenko is telling the truth.

The feeling of holding the command of such a powerful army, even if I use my brain to imagine, I can't imagine what it would be like, so don't make irresponsible remarks on the issues of command and tactics. Maybe the shock in my eyes is because of the suddenness. It seemed to Rashenko that it was really just a trivial matter.

"Has your division received the next phase of combat orders? Where will it march next?"

While Gornakov was "thinking wildly", Malashenko had jumped down from the turret of his command vehicle, took off his thick leather gloves to let his hands breathe, and said.

"It's not clear yet. The order I received is to wait for your arrival and then obey your orders. I will cooperate with you to deal with the Germans in front of you and destroy their defenses."

"As for what happens next, I guess our division may continue to push westward? I can't say for sure, who knows?"

"What about your division? Where are you planning to go next? Maybe we can move together."

Gornakov inadvertently asked about Malashenko's next move, and Malashenko, who had already fought a brutal battle with this old man in tacit understanding, didn't mind talking about it.

"Our division is going north, northwest. The Germans have assembled a large number of armored troops and heavy defense forces there, trying to create a protrusion between our front army and the Baltic Front. They may also launch a counterattack later. They cannot be allowed to Succeed."

"To take down this group of fascists, we need heavy equipment to launch an encirclement and annihilation campaign. Ordinary troops cannot cope with it, so we have to mobilize our division."

When the position reaches the level of division commander, you can actually have a more or less understanding of the next action plan in the overall strategic direction. Including where the key points of the current overall situation are, and in which direction the next step may be to gather heavy troops and invest decisive forces. As long as a competent enough division commander can basically understand these things, it is just a matter of understanding the difference.

After listening to what Malashenko said, Gornakov nodded and was about to say something else. Suddenly, a correspondent came forward quickly to report that it was someone from Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division and not someone else. His own soldiers.

"Comrade Division Commander, Commander Kurbalov sent a message that the captured German artillery unit has been properly disposed of. Please ask the division headquarters for the next order."

"If you don't tell me, I've forgotten about this. I have to go take a look."

Suddenly remembering that there was such a thing, Malashenko was about to leave, but he remembered that Commander Gornakov was with him, and he blurted out a casual question even out of politeness.

"We have captured all the German artillerymen who crippled your battalion before. I heard they all have new equipment. Let's go and see it together?"

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