Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1820 Lend me a fire

Comrade Division Commander's orders were implemented very well. The German prisoners of war who had finished their work today indeed only ate some swill leftovers from the Red Army and some moldy bread that should have been thrown away. Read and everyone is given a ration and no refills are given, it doesn’t matter whether you are full or not.

The German prisoners of war who had just finished their work and were all covered in stinky sweat gathered together, squatting or sitting on the ground and eating from the lunch boxes they carried. This was the only thing that had not been confiscated by the Russians, except for his military uniform and water bottle.

"Oh, this stuff tastes so bad, Hans, it tastes worse than the coffee you make!"

"Coffee? Are you still in the mood to talk about coffee? If there is a cup of coffee right now, no matter how bad it is, I will go crazy with joy."

"Bah, bah! What did the Russians add to this? It's stinky, smelly, and tastes bad! Did they piss in it or poop in it? How could there be such unpalatable shit? This is for human consumption. Something? And the amount is so small, how can I be full?”

The vast majority of the German soldiers were angrily cursing how unpalatable the food in the lunch boxes was and complaining in low voices, but no one dared to stand up and yell at Maozi, who was under guard with guns all around: " What the hell did you feed me? Go ahead and make me another three dishes and one soup!"

Well, I have to say that the battle during the day really frightened this group of German prisoners of war who laid down their weapons, especially after knowing that they had defeated their powerful opponent, the "Stalin Guards" led by the rumored "Iron Butcher".

The captives who were recruited as recruits this year were even more frightened. They didn't even dare to take a breath, for fear that the terrible things in the rumors would happen to them.

As the war progressed into 1944, many new recruits in the German army were very afraid of the Russian enemies on the opposite side. This was already a well-known and recognized fact, and no one could argue with it. Especially after surviving a bloody battle, the surviving soldiers who had seen how ferocious the Russians on the opposite side were were even more frightened.

There are only a few who can truly stand out and become veterans of the war. The serious decline in the quality of grassroots officers in the German army is also an important reason for this situation. The recruits lack sufficient battlefield care and guidance. They basically rely on their own subjective consciousness and judgment whether they are good or bad.

Coupled with the strategic defeat of the German army and the great panic that has never stopped so far, it is not difficult to understand why many new recruits are afraid of the enemy and even more afraid of the legendary "Iron Butcher" troops. .

Those who keep busy and dare not speak out are basically new recruits, while those who keep complaining and complaining are veterans who have served for two or three years. This is the real situation among the German prisoners at the moment.

"Stop complaining, the Russians did this on purpose. No one wants their prisoners of war to eat and drink well every day and keep them strong. Not to mention how much food they consume, they raise you so well just to make you riot. Are you more energetic now? Don't be kidding, the Russians are not stupid, they are also experts at abusing human beings."

A German squad leader who seemed to know better took the initiative to complain. I guess these two fools didn't know what the SS did in the concentration camp. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to talk about "Russians abusing human beings". He is an expert."

Compared to doing those lousy things like giving birth to a son without having an anus, you Germans are better at this.

"You two, what are you mumbling about? No discussion allowed! If you keep mumbling in a low voice, you will be dragged out and hanged on a pole. Who is not afraid of death and wants to try it!?"


The German prisoners of war, who had been buzzing like a pile of mosquitoes in the evening, suddenly fell silent. They were in a state of silence, and no one dared to push them any more.

Are you kidding me? Not only do those Russians dare to say it, they absolutely dare to do it.

It is absolutely unambiguous to say that I will drag you out and hang you. No one wants to surrender and save your life only to end up on the road because of your blindness. There is no more embarrassing way to die than this right now.

As for the food being unpalatable

Okay, if it tastes bad, then it tastes bad. At least it won’t kill you, right?

"These fascist lackeys, if you don't give them something powerful, they don't know what state they are in now, and they still treat themselves as human beings~"

Just after shouting loudly, the soldier carrying the latest AK assault rifle on his back came to another soldier standing guard holding an SVT40 while touching his pocket. They took out two cigarettes from the cigarette case they had just taken out, and each of them took one in their mouths to start a fire, and started to complain.

"If I didn't have to smoke, I really wouldn't want to smoke the horse manure cigarettes from the Germans! It's harder to smoke than the worst kind of horseradish mixed with sawdust that I smoked when I first joined the army. These fascist cigarettes are simply Stinks worse than shit."

A week's cigarette ration is often exhausted before Friday. Even though the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division is an elite ace with top supply rights, even ordinary soldiers have more cigarette rations than other Guards divisions. Half of the money was spent, but they still couldn't stand up to these big smokers who smoked to death all day long.

It’s not that you can smoke as many cigarettes as you are addicted to. It’s that no matter how many cigarettes you send out, as long as it doesn’t make people sick and retching, they will all be smoked as quickly as possible. The reality is so damn real.

"Hey, I said stop complaining. I confiscated a lot from the German prisoners. Counting the weekly ration, we two brothers can deal with it for a month. Don't tell anyone."

"What are you thinking about? Why would you tell others? I also picked off a lot of German corpses here, and there are also a few boxes of high-end goods from the lieutenant. Some of them have been smoked now, hehe."

"I said you two will meet later, hey, lend me a fire, I didn't bring it."

"Okay, here's the fire."


Wait, is something wrong?


Look again, and see clearly the face of the person who borrowed the fire without having time to react subconsciously, my dear, something is really fucking wrong, Suka!

"Thank you. You two can continue to stand guard. I will come over and see how the situation is with the prisoners of war. Don't just smoke, remember to stay vigilant! Do you understand?"

Who would have thought that the person who suddenly jumped out of the darkness to borrow fire would be a comrade?

But now the reality of Malashenko standing in front of him with a cigarette in his hand cannot be denied. The two brothers, who were still discussing "shared small warehouse", were really frightened for a moment. Who would have thought that Comrade Teacher could be so elusive? This is absolutely terrible!

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