Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1825 Good News and Bad News

Once again, Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division was divided into two groups and set off on the road.

Political Commissar Petrov, together with Lavrinenko, set off on the Northern Expedition with Kulbalov's regiment as the main force.

On the way to the south, Malashenko personally led most of the main forces of the division, including most of the troops of the second and third tank regiments, and most of the division's infantry units.

Although the mission goal is very clear, the breakthrough will inevitably be blocked by the Skeleton Division. It is enough to snatch back a train full of treasures of the motherland recorded in the intelligence. It seems to be a battle with a single mission and easy success, but Malashenko, who knows very clearly in his heart how much resistance this battle will encounter, understands that everything will never be as easy and peaceful as it seems. Simple.

"We can't use artillery support or air raid support to get the treasure back from under the noses of the bastards like the Skeleton Division. We can only rush in."

Half of his body was hanging outside the turret, chatting wordlessly with Malashenko. Iushkin's expression at this moment was as grim as if he had eaten shit.

"I have never taken on such a difficult task, really never."

"I said, how do you plan to fight this battle? This is clearly like catching mice in a china shop. You can't touch or touch them. If anything goes wrong, we will all become sinners of the motherland. Those crazy SS men will definitely take advantage of this. They knew that we were trying to avoid the enemy, and they must have deliberately caused more trouble for us than they imagined.”

What Iushkin said is indeed very reasonable. How could Malashenko not know that this is indeed the case?

But there are some things that you still can't change the reality even if you know it well. Retrieving the treasure is a death order that cannot be doubted. It is imperative to break through the obstruction of the bastards like the Skeleton Master. This is a road you know you may hit. The blood is flowing but I still have to take the road, I have no choice.

Therefore, regarding the truth spoken by Iushkin, even Malashenko, who many comrades considered to be the "omnipotent" type, could only sigh and speak slowly in the end.

"We have no other choice. We must fight this battle, and we must fight it well."

"It is true that we cannot use large-caliber artillery to directly fire at the train, nor can we use artillery groups to cover the station. We will not do stupid things like destroying our own treasures, but this does not mean that we cannot use any heavy firepower."

"Our advantage is that the Germans do not know we are coming. The actions of the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division are absolutely sudden, and we must take advantage of this.

"After the operation begins, the first round of assault will strive to severely damage the main force of the Skeleton Division and solve the problem as quickly as possible. The Skeleton Division will not crowd all the troops into the station and wait. In fact, according to what we have received in advance According to the information, due to the heavy and complicated work of loading and unloading treasures in the station, the unloading of supplies for the Skeleton Division has also been affected. "

"Everything has a priority. Seizing the time to steal the treasure is obviously a higher priority for the Germans. So the current state of the Skeleton Division is waiting outside the station to unload the truck. These bastards are queuing up, and it is not their turn yet. Swarm up to get supplies and equipment.”

"This situation brings two pieces of news, one good and one bad."

"First of all, this situation will inevitably cause the bastards of the Skeleton Division to stay near the station. They will not be able to use the station before the train that steals the treasures leaves. The unloading of supplies and new equipment will be at the back, so these watchdogs will Stay near the station until the treasure-stealing train leaves and drives away. We can't expect the enemy to leave early after collecting the supplies and then surprise the train station. This is unrealistic and this is bad news."

"The good news is that the station is very busy. The main force of the Skeleton Division will not swarm into the station to do their work. They will definitely stay outside the station. This is how we can use the first wave of assaults to cause heavy damage to them. This is a great opportunity. The only time artillery support can be used is at this time, so we must seize it and make good use of it.”

"After this, if everything goes well, the bastards of the Skeleton Division will be eliminated by us as the main force to support the peripheral defense, or they will be separated by us, unable to look at each other from head to tail, and surrounded."

"No matter how you say it, this will only bring about one final result: the remaining Skeleton Division soldiers can only withdraw into the station and rely on the bunker to make a final desperate resistance. This is also the most difficult operation and must bear heavy or even heavy casualties. At that time, it will be Varosha's turn. Our tanks will not be of much use. A heavy tank rushing into the station is no better than a mad bull rushing into a china shop. "

It was obvious that Malashenko and Iushkin were not the only ones chatting. Varosha, who was leaning against the back of the turret and sitting on the engine cover as the car moved forward, heard his comrade division commander calling his name and immediately jumped up. With a refreshed expression, he took the initiative to speak up and join the conversation.

"No problem, leave the battle inside the station to me, comrade division commander."

"In this operation, I brought the most powerful first and second battalions, as well as the combat engineer battalion. Our infantry is enough to cope with this high-intensity battle. Basically, all the infantry weapons that can be brought are brought. We also used some of the German tank-killer bazookas we had captured earlier.”

"Coupled with our own infantry firepower, we have enough power to deal with this station attack. No matter what kind of bunker the Germans are hiding behind to survive, we will even take the bunkers to send these bastards to the sky. Let these ignorant idiots know what it means to be an elite street fighter who fought bloody battles in Stalingrad!"

The Combat Engineer Battalion is the most powerful unit under Varosha, and it is also one of the most senior units in terms of soldiers and grassroots commanders and combatants.

Most of the veterans in the battalion had participated in the Battle of Stalingrad and returned alive. When it came to close-quarters hand-to-hand combat in the construction zone, no one was more proficient or known as an expert than them.

It is true that the Skeleton Division is an elite field force, but when it comes to close-quarters hand-to-hand combat in the construction area, he is not even qualified to show off in front of his combat engineer battalion. Varosha is very aware of this and is particularly convinced of this.

The strong confidence shown on his face was quickly recognized by Comrade Lao Ma, who was standing with his upper body half hanging outside the turret.

"Making good use of the advantages of the combat engineer battalion will be the key to victory in the final stage of our operation. I have said everything that should be emphasized and said. Once inside the station, we must not give the enemy a chance to breathe, and we must not rule out The Germans may jump over the wall and bomb the train, so they must seize control of the train as quickly as possible.”

"As long as I gain control of the train, Varosha, I will personally lead all the tanks I can mobilize to crash into the station and rush in to provide support for you. There is no need to keep the SS garbage without the protective umbrella of the precious train, use maximum firepower output. It will be our only mission to get these bastards back into their mother's womb."

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