Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1856 An unexpected gain

The messenger who hurried into the house to report the news looked like a new recruit, and his childish look had obviously not been completely tempered by the fire of war. I guess he is another unlucky guy who was bullied by veterans to do errands. This kind of thing is very common in any army, and it will be the same in the future.

But the messenger who loudly reported the emergency situation as soon as he entered the door was a little embarrassed now. Looking at the two comrades, the regiment commander, who were talking with the division commander, they all focused their eyes on themselves. This feeling of tension and confusion All of a sudden, I started to take measures accompanied by shortness of breath, and I even forgot what the purpose of my trip was.

"If you have something to say, just say it! There's nothing that Comrade Commander has no right to know. Say it quickly!"

Varosha, who saw the nervousness on the recruit's face, quickly reminded him, don't let me poop under the eyes of comrade division commander, I can't afford to embarrass this man!

Fortunately, the recruits who can join Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division must at least be the elite and outstanding recruits. A pure rookie without a few brushes cannot join this unit.

The rookie, whose emergency response was acceptable according to the standards of a new recruit, quickly returned to his normal state, remembered the mission he had undertaken during this trip, and immediately reported to the two bosses in front of him.

"Comrade division commander, comrade regiment commander, we found a large amount of German heavy equipment in the No. 3 warehouse of the station freight yard. They were all brand-new tanks! There are no traces of use at all. Even the paint is brand new without any scratches. That kind of mark!”


tank! ? Or a large number of brand new and unused ones? !

After hearing this, Varosha turned around and looked at Malashenko subconsciously with a confused look on his face, only to find that the comrade's expression at this moment was also slightly surprised, with a look that he couldn't understand, and then he Get a head start on others before you do.

"What model is it? How much is the approximate quantity? Have you counted it?"

We have basically seen strong winds and waves, especially Malashenko, who has just completely captured a battalion of Grizzly Bears, and his immunity is still good. A bunch of brand-new German tanks of unknown numbers and unknown models have been captured, and they still can’t excite us. Comrade Teacher, I have too much inner turmoil.

Faced with the inquiry from Comrade Division Commander, the orderly soldier, who responded quickly, hurriedly answered.

"Panther, all Panthers! The Kraut's Panzer V!"

"I haven't had time to count the detailed quantities yet, but the entire warehouse is packed into three rows! There must be at least thirty vehicles!"


Good guy, thirty cars! All in leopard style! ?

After hearing this, even an absolute boss like Malashenko, who claims to have seen all kinds of storms, was shocked.

The matter of thirty Panthers is not a small matter. An ordinary Wehrmacht armored division may not be able to get so many Panthers in its entire division. It has to rely on those shabby No. 4 or even No. 3 to make up the number. Even if it is an elite Wehrmacht armored division, All are quite good configurations.

Wait, why do you want to think of the National Defense Forces? Is there something wrong?

Malashenko, who narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly thought that these Black Panthers were most likely not the property of the National Defense Forces, but the bastards of the Skeleton Division.

Didn’t Comrade Political Commissar say that before departure? The Skeleton Division guys came to the station to receive equipment supplies. Malashenko almost forgot about it, but just remembered it.

Since the Skeleton Division has been upgraded to an armored division, and is still an elite member of the Waffen SS who enjoys priority for supply, it shouldn't be too much for these bastards to come to the station to pick up a batch of newly shipped Black Panthers, right? Um?

Just why, the Skeleton Division, these bastards who don't know when to grease the soles of their feet, why don't they find a way to take these important Panther tanks away before leaving? Even for SS elites like the Totenkopf who can get supplies through the back door, the importance of more than thirty Panthers cannot be ignored.

It was lost and captured by the enemy without even being used. This is really a big disaster. Needless to say, the commander of his skeleton division is really so confident that he can bear this big pot? You know, this is enough to alarm Hitler.

Malashenko, who had gone through the whole thing in his head and thought about it indirectly, still frowned, but he did not intend to continue to dwell on the matter and spoke immediately.

"Lead the way, I'll go over and take a look. Varosha, you stay here and continue to be responsible for handling the baby's affairs. Once you are ready, send someone to notify me, and we will set off immediately!"

"Yes! Comrade Commander, don't worry and leave it to me!"

After arranging the task, he said goodbye to Varosha. Following the lead of the messenger, and protected by several guards sent by Varosha, Malashenko arrived not too far away not long after. Above the platform cargo yard.

It was only after he actually arrived at the scene and saw it with his own eyes that Malashenko was surprised to find that the densely arranged formation of these big iron lumps left by the Germans was far more spectacular than he had expected.

The so-called warehouse in the mouth of the messenger cannot actually be said to be a warehouse. Rather than being a warehouse, it is better to say that it is a covered and wallless goods accumulation storage point in the inner part of the freight yard.

Judging from the size and area of ​​these greenhouses, Malashenko estimates that they were originally used for the station to transport heavy machinery and equipment and a large amount of industrial raw materials, and for temporary storage.

After all, there is an industrial area not far from the station, which is directly connected to the station by rails. I heard that before the war, it was a small industrial area that manufactured machine tools and tractor parts. It was also surrounded by housing areas and supporting living areas for workers and their families. After all, Lin Lin finally came up with more than 10,000 people and nearly 20,000 people. The people living here live like a small industrial town.

With such a large railway station with relatively complete and complete infrastructure and even a large scale, it is not surprising to be honest, it is even very normal. After all, the main task of this station is to serve the industrial area. It is obviously impossible to build a larger goods yard and a larger storage shed.

At this moment, the German tanks stored in these greenhouses in three rows are indeed, as the order soldier said, the No. 5 Panther tank, but the details are slightly different. at.

For example, these Panther tanks are all the latest sub-models of the Panther series, not the old Leopard D, Leopard A, Leopard G or Leopard F. It is the latest model and the one that is most praised by German armored troops on the front lines. It can completely destroy the T34, forcefully beat the T43, and compete with the IS2. The only one that will be beaten by the IS6 and the more powerful but smaller IS4 is the Black Panther 2.


Malashenko, who had no expression on his face and couldn't tell what he was thinking specifically, walked among the three rows of Black Panther 2s parked neatly, even the camouflage cloth covering them had just been removed, and he couldn't help but start to think about what was coming next. I am worried about what to do with these "iron treasures".

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