Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1902 Synthetic Assault (Part 2)

The fragmented flesh was annihilated and dissipated in the impact of the extremely spreading flames. The horrifying vibrations were transmitted through the ground under the feet to the trembling flesh. The remaining people who were still alive could not be said to be lucky at all.

The terrible nightmare is far more than that. Compared with the heavy tanks parked in front of the position, each of which serves as a fixed fire point, what frightens the surviving German troops on the position is those who have already raised their weapons and are fighting in front of them. Soviet soldiers.

"Suppressive fire! Machine guns, machine guns, drive them down quickly!"

"Grenade, do you still have grenades!? Who still has grenades!?"

"Too many Russians, they're everywhere!"

"Then fire everywhere!!!"

The German position, with a large gash torn across the entire front, was now in a mess. The German soldiers were so torn that they were unable to take care of each other and support each other. At this point, they were still resisting with difficulty and unwilling to give up.

But there are some things that won’t be a problem if you try your best or don’t want to give up, and you can develop in the ideal direction you place your hopes on.

The difference in firepower between the small weapons in their hands was already evident at this moment, and it was a world of difference. The German soldiers who tried their best to resist to the death tried their best, but they just jumped out of the trench and faced the enemy head-on with their bayonet-mounted rifles. But even though In this way, they are still retreating steadily, and they can't stop retreating at all.

The intensity of automatic firepower in the hands of the enemy has far exceeded imagination and even reached an incomprehensible level. Before today's battle, no German soldier still alive on the position had ever fought against such an enemy, or even heard of it. Said.

The Russians' new assault rifles, which are rumored to be rare, are now everywhere, and almost everyone has one.

The assault firepower that this new assault rifle can burst out is far superior to any small weapon in the hands of the German army, and cannot be compared with it at all.

The German soldiers held bolt-action rifles that fired one round after another, and at the huge risk of being beaten into sieves, they showed up and fired.

The extremely cruel Russians on the opposite side can immediately backhand a dense rain of bullets without any reason at all. The amount of ammunition projected several times, ten times or even dozens of times can be called the most vicious revenge.

Even if they were not killed on the spot by such a hail of bullets, the German soldiers who clutched their rifles as if grasping for life-saving straws would probably huddle in the trenches and be so frightened that they trembled.

The enemy on the opposite side does not feel like an enemy that one should face at his own level, let alone one that can be dealt with. The comparison of strength between the two sides simply does not exist in the same dimension, and the gap is so huge that it is indescribable.

What the German soldiers who were shocked by the overwhelming strength were thinking, or what they were afraid of, the Red Army soldiers who continued to penetrate and attack the position deeply did not care, let alone want to know.

"Quick! Keep up, don't fall behind! Move quickly!"

Armed with an AK with a glinting bayonet and a spear, and wearing a double-layered plate armor filled with lemon grenades, Alsim was leading his company to launch a fierce attack at this moment. It went smoothly, and there was no doubt that he was the one who took the lead among all the friendly companies that had already invaded the position.

Compared with the station raid that ended not long ago, the battle to attack the position in an open outdoor environment was completely different.

There will be no insidious Germans here who may pop out from dark corners at any time to shoot you, nor will there be German machine gunners occupying the commanding heights on the second floor to shoot at you wildly.

But don't think that the defeated remnants of the National Defense Forces in front of you, who have been beaten and bruised, are easy to deal with. Their fighting will is still tenacious enough to cause a lot of trouble to the leader division who has a huge advantage. Knowing that they are facing However, his opponent Alsim did not dare to take it lightly.

"Why don't you attack!? Are you hiding here waiting for the Germans to surrender? Where is your squad leader? Where is the squad leader!?"

Although he is taking the lead and leading the charge, it does not mean that Alsim, as the commander of the first company of the combat engineer battalion, really has to straighten his back and charge at everyone with the AK in his arms. Front. If this is really the case, it would not be called bravery, but it would be called irresponsible as a grassroots commander and combatant. He has no skills and is simply seeking death.

Alsim, who was immediately behind the first echelon and at the forefront of the second echelon, with the guard squad next to him, rushed to the corner of a trench but was forced to stop.

The few soldiers nestled in the corner of the trench in front of him were his soldiers. Alsim could confirm this at the first sight of these people. This feeling of familiarity was absolutely impossible to mistake.

But the problem is that these guys are sitting in the corner of the trench, standing still. They are not continuing to charge, and they haven't seen any substantive move to call for support. It's like they are just waiting here, waiting for the group on the opposite side to collapse. It was as if the Germans surrendered on their own initiative. This made Alsim, who hurriedly led his team there, a little annoyed in an instant, and the questions he asked were naturally not good-tempered.

"Front, Comrade Company Commander! Don't rush out! The Germans have deployed two anti-tank guns in the pit at the end of the trench in front, as well as machine gun auxiliary cover! The distance is too far and beyond the range of grenade attack. Use the iron fist to bombard the company with a chance to aim. None."

"It seems to be the core support point connecting all the surrounding trenches. The Germans have arranged very complete firepower in the pit. Our tanks cannot see the pit. The relative height is too low and it is a blind spot in the field of vision. Direct fire support cannot cover it!"


In just a few seconds, Alsim confirmed two things through his ears and eyes.

First, the deputy of the squad in front of him described the situation to himself as fast as a machine gun. Second, he confirmed with his own eyes where the squad leader he was clamoring for just now had gone. The head lying at his feet was gone. Half of the body is still warm.

The detailed situation in the pit ahead described by the squad deputy could not be clearly seen, but the intensive firepower fired from the pit was very close and visible to the naked eye.

Cracking, popping, popping——

The bright green tracer machine gun barrages that hit all over the face shattered the surrounding trench walls into pieces, and the splashes stung people's faces.

Alsim, who felt the intensive firepower when he got a little closer, quickly took the lead and shrank back. Getting closer and being killed by a stray bullet was not a glorious way for a hero to die.

Direct fire cannot cover it, which is the obvious reality that delays the attack before our eyes.

It is even more unrealistic to call on the soldiers to rush forward bravely. The words and instructions of Comrade Division Commander "Do not base victory on the corpses of comrades" have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In other words, you have to rely on your brain to win a big victory. It is not true. No one should die, but the sacrifice must be valuable and the death must not be in vain.

His eyes rolled in his sockets. Alsim, who had faced off against various opponents and had extensive experience in handling situations, had already figured out how to deal with them.

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