Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1957 New Hard Goods

"The IS6 that was given to the British and Americans, was it the first batch or the second batch? Can you tell me this?"

There are not many things that can make Malashenko care about, and the IS6 heavy tank used as a barter for the British and the Americans must be one of them.

To put it bluntly, what Malashenko is worried about is whether the British and Americans get the early batch of IS6, or the second batch of IS6 that is currently upgraded and overhauled.

Although there are only two adjacent batches one behind the other, the actual gap between the two batches is huge.

The armor protection upgrade of the second batch of IS6 is earth-shaking. The ground-breaking addition of the rubber interlayer opened the door to composite armor, and the introduction of the concepts of modular additional armor and detachable defense upgrade kits is even more high-end. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the standard configuration of the third generation main battle tank in the future in the 21st century. Nowadays, it is more than half a century ahead.

There is nothing high-end about the technology itself. What is high-end is this concept and this idea of ​​wearing new designs.

Malashenko knew that this new gadget, which was used on a large scale in actual combat, could not be kept secret for long. Even the British and Americans might have known a little bit of the rumored news by now. It may also be that valuable new information about the Soviet army was obtained from the Germans' intelligence network, which was full of loopholes and was like a sieve.

But knowing that such a thing exists is completely different from having the physical object in your hands.

If possible, Malashenko still hopes that the British and Americans will waste more time on their own messing around when they have no clue and can only catch wind and shadow. This will help the Red Army consolidate its existing lead, and its side will have the upper hand in the future Cold War.

If the British and Americans get the physical object, Malashenko knows that this thing, which is actually extremely simple in nature, will definitely be cracked, digested and absorbed by the Allies in an instant, and logically applied to their own tank design. above.

Regardless of whether the trouble is big or small, Malashenko, considering the camp he is in, ultimately does not want such a thing to happen so early, or the sooner the better, and it can be delayed as long as possible.

But Kojin's answer did not disappoint Malashenko, and he quickly spoke again with a confident look.

"Of course it's the first batch, and it's an extremely early prototype with flaws in the first batch. It can even be said that handing over the first batch to them is pretty good."

"Look at all the crap those British and American guys designed? Huh? The coffins of the seven brothers, and the black tea truck that can squeeze the train crew to death? Oh, who knows those British and American idiots? Are the things in their heads filled with things they pulled out?

"I can guarantee that just a batch of very early-stage IS6 is enough to open their eyes. When these guys go back, they should be surprised and say thank God, oh no, thank Comrade Stalin for being kind to them, otherwise where would they find it? Such a good tank, right?"


Damn it! A batch of very early-stage defective IS6s, fooled the British and Americans? This, how does this work? This is a god-level fraud.

Malashenko, who was surprised in his heart, thought about it, but he also felt that what Kogin said was right. For the British and Americans who really didn't have that kind of tank technology, the level of shock after the IS6 got into their hands was probably... No less than a "thing from heaven".

I guess those British and American designers were amazed that heavy tanks could be designed like this. This was no joke.

Because even if we include those experimental heavy tanks that Britain and the United States have tinkered with in history, whether they have prototypes or are still on drawings, they are all superior in terms of battlefield practicality and comprehensive combat power. The fate of being beaten by IS6 has nothing to do with the fact that the three elements of firepower, protection, and maneuverability of IS6 are close to perfect balance.

If such an excellent heavy tank fell into the hands of the Allied thugs, wouldn't it be a "shocking artifact"? Even though this is just an excellent heavy tank that is not advanced at all and is purely created by strong integrated design capabilities, it still does not prevent the Allied forces who do not understand the whole tank from being shocked.

"Yes, you are right. A batch of extremely early prototypes is indeed considered a supreme treasure to the Allied Forces."

He echoed Ke Jing's words and continued to walk forward. However, not long after they walked out, Ke Jing, who had already arrived at the first destination, raised his hand and pointed at something on the production line, turning towards Malashenko spoke again with Malashenko beside him.

"Look, it's her."

"When you left last time, you told me that this thing should be called an infantry fighting vehicle. I think this is a good name and fits its design positioning very well."

"The body and chassis are still the same as you saw last time. The basic configuration of the T43 has been slightly modified. The appearance remains the same but the power compartment is moved forward longitudinally. The space left is left for the driver to drive. The infantry can start from I have taken all the design suggestions you made into consideration for the up and down access to the rear of the vehicle, but the biggest change is the new turret, which I didn’t see when you came last time.”

Following Kogin's introduction, Malashenko could see parked on a production line assembly station not far away a "primitive infantry fighting vehicle" like the one he saw when he came last time. It's a "hobby" that Ke Jing created out of his own interests in his spare time and with a group of people at hand.

With the guidance and suggestions put forward by Malashenko, the current version after modification is closer to a real infantry fighting vehicle than the last time we saw it.

The turret that Kogin emphasized has not yet completed the final hoisting. Instead, it is hoisted by the pulley hinge on the top of the workshop and suspended in mid-air directly above the turret seat ring.

Malashenko, who stood directly below and took a closer look, roughly saw the situation clearly. What Kotin installed in the turret was not a single large-caliber artillery, but a small-caliber, high-caliber automatic cannon. There is also a coaxial machine gun rigidly connected next to the mechanism.

This main gun looks very much like a certain small-caliber anti-aircraft gun. It is a ready-made product that is used directly instead of a newly developed one. Malashenko even roughly guessed the model based on his own experience.

"72K anti-aircraft gun? Is this the thing?"

Kogin, who was standing next to Malashenko, smiled when he heard this. There was no need to say more about whether Malashenko's guess was right or wrong just by looking at his expression.

"You are very knowledgeable. The main gun is a 72K 25mm anti-aircraft gun that was moved over. I slightly improved the breech mechanism so that it can be installed on the car. It takes almost no effort. Next to it is the DT coaxial machine gun. I am an old friend. I don’t need to introduce it anymore. It certainly can’t compete with tanks in terms of firepower, but it’s still no problem to attack infantry and cover your own infantry. What do you think of this configuration?”

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