Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1959 Let’s do this for now

In the end, under Malashenko's suggestion, Comrade Kotin switched to this ammunition rack, which occupies much less space, has good firepower sustainability and can continuously suppress, and can exert good ballistics with its high-caliber main gun barrel. A small-caliber rapid-fire anti-aircraft gun with guaranteed performance and accuracy is used as the main gun. ReadМ

In fact, you have to say whether it is right to do this and whether the performance on the battlefield is satisfactory. To be honest, Kogin himself has no idea. He chose to do this purely out of trust in Malashenko.

But when it comes to Comrade Ma, it's a completely different mental picture.

This 25mm caliber 72K anti-aircraft gun transplant can actually be regarded as a sub-model of the BMP series of infantry fighting vehicles, that is, the "youth version" of the 30mm rapid-fire main gun of BMP2.

Yes, it is true that it is not as good as the 30mm gun of BMP2 in terms of accuracy, rate of fire, firepower persistence, etc., but now is not the future war of the BMP2 era, right?

As far as the current World War II is concerned, if you let a valuable infantry fighting vehicle with medium-tank level protection and a 25mm cannon and a 62mm coaxial machine gun ride on your face, you will be in trouble. If you are only a few meters away, you are shooting wildly and shooting non-stop. All the bunkers you rely on to survive, such as brick and earth walls, are of no use and cannot save you. So as an infantryman, are you afraid?

Malashenko can assure you that in terms of actual lethality and psychological shock, this thing definitely scares the German infantry even more than the Stalin heavy tank.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't have anti-tank capabilities. It's not necessary at all. The combat positioning of this thing is very clear: it is responsible for sending infantry quickly and safely into the line of fire, and then accompanying the infantry to attack, targeting medium and low hard protection targets and unprotected soft targets, providing direct combat for the infantry. It is a frontline armored combat vehicle that aims at continuous suppressive fire support and assists in attacking difficult situations, and can share a lot of pressure on tanks.

As for the German tanks and fortifications, which are hard-to-gnaw turtle shells, there is no need for you to put a 25mm cannon there to scratch the surface. Come on, bring out the 122mm heirloom from our Red Army heavy tank unit. If you can't kill it with one shot, use the 152. There will always be a gun that suits you.

The biggest advantage of the mechanized combined force of various arms is that the enemy will never fight against a single piece of technical equipment or a single armored vehicle.

The Leader Division has a variety of specialized armored combat vehicles that have mutual strengths and complement each other. Each of them has a clear positioning and division of labor. It is not just one or two types of vehicles that can be used everywhere. "In actual combat, it is extremely easy for opponents to find weaknesses and target them. The reason is that simple. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

While chatting with Kogin, Malashenko also thought about many of the above things in his mind. He opened his legs, held the modified T43 body chassis, and came to the suspended turret suspended in mid-air by the pulley hinge. Directly below, he raised his head and looked towards the inside of the turret.

Malashenko could see the detailed appearance of the breech block and the ammunition supply structure of this thing. He could even clearly see the DT coaxial machine gun rigidly connected to the breech block.

Malashenko, who seemed to have discovered some valuable information, did not stop there and then took another step forward. He grabbed the side armor of the T43 with his hands, stepped on the road wheel with his feet and kicked up, directly. We came to the top of the car body and next to the turret seat. And then in a "Slavic squat" posture, which is perfect with just a pair of Adidas, he looked inside along the turret seat with its mouth wide open.

"How did you design the ammunition supply system for the main gun?"

Malashenko had a vague premonition in his heart, guessing that the real situation might be as bad as he guessed, and Kogin's answer that followed was indeed as expected.

"The ammunition supply structure? How else can it be designed? It must be the same as before."


Malashenko was speechless and secretly said "Sure enough" in his heart. Looking at Malashenko's expression, Kogin seemed a little uncomfortable. He thought Malashenko hadn't understood yet, so he simply continued to speak. Go down.

"What I mean is that the ammunition supply mode of this gun is still the same as that of the anti-aircraft gun. The interface can accommodate two sets of magazines. One group continuously feeds ammunition and keeps firing, and the other group is ready to top at any time to ensure continuous firepower. During this period, the vehicle is loading part-time. The commander can pick up the magazine and prepare to load it. When he gets the magazine in hand, the second set of magazines in the interface has been mechanically pressed in. After loading and firing, no manual operation is required. The second set of magazines is free. Just put the new reloading magazine into it, so that you can maintain uninterrupted firepower. "

"This is originally a good ammunition supply design used on this gun. The frontline air defense troops have always received very good feedback. It also saves the loading manpower of the gun crew, and the firepower continuity is no problem. I think this does not need to be improved, or Do you have any other better suggestions? You can give them to me. It hasn’t been finalized yet, so we can try it out.”

One thing is true. The ammunition supply mechanism of the 72K anti-aircraft gun is indeed well designed, and the firepower sustainability is very good. At least it is better than the actual combat performance of a batch of nine in "Men's Anti-Aircraft Gun" by Little Devil. The Type 6 25mm triple cannon is too powerful.

The firepower sustainability of that thing is really rubbish. It's not much better than the German guy's Sanqi handheld machine. It's really a fly and a bug and a team of Axis friends.

However, this is not what Malashenko means. What Malashenko really wants is a chain-type ammunition supply like the BMP2, which directly eliminates the troublesome reloading process. A chain of ammunition does not need to be loaded. I jerked off to the end in one breath and ejaculated completely.

In the ammunition supply mode like 72K, the continuity of firepower is guaranteed, but it is troublesome.

The commander directs the crew and has to work part-time as a loader to constantly carry magazines. The more intense the battle and the more focused command is required, the more ammunition must be constantly transported and loaded crazily to ensure uninterrupted firepower.

To put it more down-to-earth, this feeling goes back to the T3476 era, which reminds Malashenko that he also worked as a vehicle commander and part-time gunner. Although the tank has now become a part-time loader for the commander, it is still not much better without being able to concentrate. Compared with the T3476 back then, it was still a slog.

I wanted to ask Ke Jing to redesign the bar, but then I thought about it and wanted to do a chain feed bar. Then I would have to start a new sub-project, including drawing, trial production and testing, and then go back and continue to improve the deficiencies or even Knock down the design and start over, then test the final form and put it into production.

Malashenko gets a headache when he thinks about the troublesome process of designing this new equipment. It really wastes time.

Some use is better than none. Even if you still have some shortcomings, you can use it first and let Kejing slowly improve the design in subsequent batches. Taking it step by step seems to be the best solution at present.

"Then, let's do this for now."

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