Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1964 The Legend of Speed

The rocket assault tank thing is over here, Malashenko will complete the things that Kotin needs his help to complete. After that, the rest is all up to Kogin himself, and judging from the current situation, there shouldn't be much of a problem. Malashenko feels that this matter is basically reliable.

"I hope it can be used sooner. We really can't afford to delay it. The battle in the future will only become more and more difficult."

After looking at the infantry fighting vehicles, and then solving the problem of how to deal with the body and chassis of those IS2 heavy tanks for Kojing, Kojing's related matters here are basically over.

If there is nothing else going on, it stands to reason that Malashenko should set off and return to the front line, preparing to lead the newly upgraded leadership division to deal with the next battle.

However, so far, it seems that there is one more thing that must be done by Malashenko himself. The 260 project testing work at the Kirov factory in Leningrad, which Shashmulin personally presides over, still needs to be completed. Comrade Lao Ma, let's go and see for ourselves.

There is no way, this 260 engineering vehicle can be said to be of great importance.

Not to mention how much combat power it can bring to the army in the future, it depends on the output after it is actually finalized and put into production.

The only thing that is certain is that Malashenko will definitely use this thing to replace the IS4 heavy tank that has been criticized for a long time and has mediocre performance, and become his new generation vehicle.

This is not to say that the IS4 heavy tank is not good and Malashenko looks down upon it.

But for the Stalin Guards 1st Tank Division, which is all equipped with IS6 heavy tanks as its main force, the low mobility caused by the IS4's 60-ton weight is really a headache.

It is true that the IS4 is not slow compared to ordinary heavy tanks. For example, the mobility of the IS4 is much stronger than the shabby German King Tiger. But the important thing is that IS4 has a "relative mobility disadvantage" to IS6. It will not be able to keep up with the pace of the high-speed attack and will seriously fall behind.

The troops under his command were advancing wildly and rushing forward, but Malashenko's command vehicle was still far behind. It was just like an old ox trying to pull a broken vehicle, trying to climb to the front line of the conflict as quickly as possible. , convenient for command.

However, things like the speed of a car do not depend on people's subjective will. No matter how anxious you are, the IS4 will still run at the same speed without any change. Even if it cannot keep up with the large army, it will still be the same. Can't keep up with the big army.

Things like this have happened more than once on the battlefield, and on several occasions it has directly affected Malashenko's control of the troops and combat command. To be more serious, this is an unresolved problem, and it can even be said to be a Hidden danger.

If there are problems, they must be solved. Problems are always accumulating and become big problems. When they are too big to be eliminated, you will have to find a solution. By then, it will be too late.

It seems very unnecessary to replace the command vehicle with IS6. It is really a reversal. Malashenko has always bet on the next generation of updated heavy tanks. It is believed that it will have a better integration of the three elements of speed, firepower and mobility than the IS4, and it will be perfect. This ideal model that Malashenko has high hopes for is the 260 project under the leadership of Shashmulin.

Others may not know it, but it is impossible for Malashenko not to know that the final derivative of Project 260, that is, the thing that was given the name "IS-7", has such outrageous speed and maneuverability .

If the IS6 is a medium tank among heavy tanks, then the IS7 is undoubtedly a light tank among heavy tanks.

In the existing history, in order to ensure that this 70-ton Soviet super steel behemoth has sufficient mobility, Shashmulin led the design team to consider a variety of design options and different styles of engines, and finally selected The Soviet Red Navy M-50F3V12-cylinder 1250 horsepower diesel engine is used as the core heart driving the huge body of the IS7 heavy tank.

Just like the previous generations of Red Army heavy tanks that existed in the past, the heart of the IS7 is not a newly designed thing.

In order to ensure that the new equipment is mature and reliable and can form a stable and efficient combat effectiveness as soon as possible after it is put into production, the heart of the IS7 is still directly "used" from existing shelf products, just pull it on and use it.

In the Soviet Red Navy, the heart of the IS7 was originally used on torpedo boats. Its maximum horsepower output of up to 1,250 hp is enough for a torpedo boat to carry heavy torpedoes and speed rapidly on the sea. Even when used on the 70-ton IS7, the power-to-weight ratio is still as high as 85.

What is the concept of a power-to-weight ratio of 85?

This means that the power-to-weight ratio of the IS7 not only beats all the heavy tanks of World War II, including any of the Red Army's own Stalin series heavy tanks, but it can also beat some of the embarrassing and lax third-generation tanks of the 21st century. The power-to-weight ratio of the main battle tank also explodes.

Well, that’s right, I’m talking about the provocateur 2 who leads the country. The power-to-weight ratio of the precious black tea is the real "men are silent and women are in tears". The mobility is undoubtedly "the shame of the Wuchang and the worst in NATO". Even IS7, the "grandfather" who preceded it by half a century, is It can be easily destroyed.

Once the IS7 was obtained, Malashenko even had to specifically order his command vehicle to run slower so that the IS6 heavy tanks in the subsequent large forces could keep up and not fall behind.

As long as Shashmulin's design plan does not deviate much from the existing history and remains basically unchanged, then this situation is bound to happen, and it is not nonsense.

As for Shashmulin's personal ability, Malashenko has absolute confidence.

After knowing and being in contact with this guy for so long, Malashenko has indeed discovered that this assistant of Kojin is an outstanding chief engineer who dares to innovate boldly, has all kinds of unconstrained design ideas, and dares to practice.

Malashenko has already thought about it. As long as the results of this trip to Leningrad are satisfactory and the factory test of Project 260 can come to a successful conclusion, then he must take it away and perform surgery with those German sticks. Let's try it out to see if it works.

"I hope everything goes well. I'm really fed up with IS4 being like a tortoise."

As agreed before, Malashenko and Shashmulin took a direct flight to Leningrad the next day, and flew away to the horizon as Kotin saw him off at the airport.

If not for the lack of time, Malashenko would actually like to take a trip to Morozov's side to see if there is anything he can do to help. After all, the subsequent batch improvements of medium tanks are quite impressive. important.

But things have priorities and priorities. Solving the IS7 problem quickly is Malashenko’s top priority. Comrade Lao Ma, who has never been so excited, can't wait to see this unprecedented super heavy tank.

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