Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1966 The Strongest in the World

Malashin fantasized about what it would be like when he first saw this kind of super tank that he had always dreamed of.

surprise? Or would it be a big surprise? Or is it both?

Maybe, anyway, even Malashenko himself was not sure about it before this, until the fateful moment finally arrived.

"I have imagined countless times how shocked this big guy would be to me. I thought I was ready for this moment, but in fact I was not."

Looking at the super tank in front of him, which is far larger than the IS6 and even difficult to compare with the IS4, he feels that his eyeballs are filled with this huge and cold steel body. Malashenko continues to slow down. Open your mouth.

"You've created something that will scare the hell out of any villain who comes against you, Shashmulin, congratulations."

Being able to receive such recognition and praise from Malashenko is certainly the most gratifying and proud thing for Shashmulin, who has devoted countless efforts to the 260 Project.

After all, in the entire Soviet Union, if Malashenko said that he was second in commanding heavy tank operations, then no one would dare to admit that he was first. The high-level generals and marshals may be superior in strategic command attainments, but if the scope is narrowed to the combat command of heavy tanks, then Malashenko is indeed the number one expert, no doubt.

Therefore, to be highly recognized and praised by Malashenko, for a new heavy tank that is still in the prototype stage and has not been put into large-scale mass production, it can almost be said that it is on the way to mass production after the project is reviewed. final tickets.

Shashmulin, who was in high spirits by Malashenko's praise and was equally proud of his hard work, began to introduce it.

"In fact, it's more than that, Comrade General. Judging from all the information we have so far, she can even be said to be one of the most powerful heavy tanks in the world. The Yankees and the British. The tank technology and design are laughable. The Germans were killed by us on the battlefield and ran away without their armor. I can’t think of anyone else who can compare with it.”

"The strongest in the world", this is the most important word in Shashmulin's words, and it is also a fact that Malashenko agrees with.

Malashenko knows very well that in the existing history, the IS7, which will not be born until a few years later, is the strongest tank of the same period in the world.

If you make a simple comparison, it will be easier to understand the power of IS7.

When the Soviets created the IS7, the Yankees were still playing with Walker Mad Dogs and M46s. The British were a little stronger and had already started working on the early Centurion series. As for the French, it was even worse. The batch of Panthers received from the German armory after the end of World War II have not yet been retired and are still being used.

All the above-mentioned broken cars and the IS7 can be thrown into the garbage dump. The IS7 in this timeline was born so many years early. In the years of World War II, it would have been difficult to paint the car to make it "invincible". Written up.

If the performance and various parameters of the IS7 prototype in front of you are the same as those in history, then Malashenko can guarantee that the strong quality advantage brought by the IS7 will be beneficial to any tank of the German army. It's overwhelming.

Whether it is existing or expected to be born in the future.

Until the German Third Reich building collapsed, the German engineers with some serious brain problems could not build anything stronger than the IS7. This can be seen from the drawings after Germany's defeat in the existing history. As for the rat's useless thing, it cannot be compared with the IS7, it is far behind.

However, one thing deserves a little attention, which is whether the IS7 in this current timeline will be slightly different from the existing history.

This is not only caused by the premature birth of IS7, but also by some novel advanced theories and designs that Malashenko has proposed. I wonder whether it will have an impact on the 260 project that Shashmulin launched early. This is the current situation that Malashenko What the institute cares about most.

"What about the armor design of this vehicle? Is it an old-fashioned conservative design, or have you integrated the latest technology into it?"

If you are interested, just ask directly. Malashenko has no interest in being the Riddler by beating around the bush with Shashmulin.

Shashmulin, who had probably guessed that Malashenko would definitely ask about the specific performance, was already prepared. After hearing this, he just smiled and stepped forward with confidence, coming to the Arrow Cluster prototype car that he had worked on. He moved up to the front of the car, stretched out his hand and patted the cold and thick armor, and said at the same time.

"You probably want to ask about composite armor technology, I guess so."

"It is reasonable for you to think so. In fact, as the latest generation of heavy tanks, she has reason to use our best current technology, as long as it is reliable."

"The actual combat situations and reports your troops fed back from the front line played a big role in my subsequent design. It was indeed a relatively conservative design of pure homogeneous steel armor at the beginning. But when Comrade Kojing put those battlefield reports and design information After it was sent to me, I realized that this simple and reliable yet effective armor design configuration needed to be integrated into our latest design.”

"So, as you would expect, she does adopt our latest armor technology, which is composite armor. Like the new batch of IS6 heavy tanks, the entire front front armor of this 260 Project prototype is also The same armor configuration is adopted, with a rubber sandwich sandwiched between two layers of homogeneous steel armor.”

"When relying on the equivalent protective armor brought by the excellent inclination design to resist any currently known enemy kinetic energy armor-piercing projectiles, it can also well resist the enemy's chemical energy armor-piercing weapons."

"Our design concept is to make Project 260 immune to all enemy anti-armor weapons. It is truly full-frontal immunity with no blind spots. This means that it not only has to withstand the German Chang 88, but also the German Chang 88. The 128 of ZHUXIEHU can also withstand currently known and expected chemical energy penetration weapons. This is the result of rigorous design demonstration and live-fire testing with full-scale armor model targets.”

Sure enough, Shashmulin lived up to Malashenko's expectations. The composite armor solution that had been verified on the IS6 and proved to be an extremely effective battlefield protection enhancement design was also naturally used in the prototype of Project 260. On the body.

After all, a simple rubber interlayer does not cost much, and the overall production cost is not much higher. Especially compared to the "elite heavy tank" positioning that Project 260 was originally designed to target, it is definitely quite cost-effective to create a composite armor that is a little more troublesome and requires one more process, but has a greatly improved protective performance.

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