Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1968 The Ultimate King (Part 2)

Malashenko rolled his eyes as he went through various matters in his mind. In fact, as long as the matter of cost control is not too outrageous, Malashenko believes that it is within the operable range.

As long as the performance of the IS7 really has this value, then Malashenko vows that even if he talks a lot and builds a few more relationships, he can bring Vatutin, Zhukov, and even his old benefactor Rokossovsky, whom he has not seen for a long time, Contact everyone there, use all the connections, and try your best to beg for permission to approve the mass production of Project 260.

And now, Malashenko knows that Shashmulin definitely regards himself as an important military reviewer. He must first leave a good impression on the prototype here, and then he can talk about more things and greater development in the future. space.

Otherwise, in fact, from the perspective of simply introducing the car, Shashmulin does not need to "vacculate" himself. He first explains the issues related to cost control. In this way, it is even more necessary for Malashenko to give Shashmulin takes some needed confidence.

After all, no one in this timeline knows "Project 260" and "IS7" better than Malashenko, not even her creator Shashmulin. Malashenko knows better than anyone else what an epoch-making military-industrial masterpiece this is, understands its true value better, and knows better how to save her fate that has been frozen in the dust in existing history.

"I know what you are saying, Shashmulin. I have a good idea of ​​the trade-off between cost and performance."

"So, let her appear in front of us in the most perfect posture. Then, I will not refuse what I have to do. After all, I have done some things for her, and things in the future will be like me in the past. As you did when working with Ke Jing, you know this.”

Malashenko tried his best to use the most appropriate words he could think of to appease Shashmulin's uneasy mood. Until now, this outstanding commander is worried that the masterpiece he devoted his efforts will end up in the misery of being relegated to the cold palace. Destiny, Malashenko can clearly feel this.

And after Malashenko said such words, Shashmulin's next expression was obviously uplifting, as if he was a fledgling artist who was hungry for recognition and took his hard work with him. A masterpiece that has won the praise of a top international treasure connoisseur. This is crucial to his future and today's masterpieces.

"Thank you, Comrade General. Regardless of whether she can win the future, I am extremely grateful for your recognition of her, me, and our entire team of comrades today. I will never forget it, and I will never forget it until I die. meeting.

Not only Shashmulin, Malashenko found that as Shashmulin said these words, even the old mechanics, technicians, engineers, and designers who were following him and surrounding him for accompanying inspections , all looked at him with gratitude and eagerness.

For these military workers who are willing to selflessly serve the country and have been fighting on the smoke-free front for a long time, there is a "hero" like Malashenko who is widely recognized, has brilliant military exploits, and whose reputation spreads throughout the motherland. "General" recognized their work so well, was willing to make such guarantees about their future, and do so many things that they could have done without meddling.

It is not an exaggeration to express their feelings at this moment with gratitude and gratitude. Malashenko, who breathed a sigh of relief, can also understand what this feels like. No patriot wants to have such great efforts for their motherland only to end up in vain. They desperately want their works to be recognized as much as they love their motherland deeply.

"Go on, Comrade Shashmulin, I still have many unknowns about this excellent masterpiece that I need to unravel one by one."

Malashenko took the initiative to indicate that he could continue, and Shashmulin responded without any hesitation.

"As you wish, Comrade General."

Shashmulin, who led Malashenko and was accompanied by a group of design team members to the rear of the car, reached out and patted the tail cover of the huge power cabin and then spoke.

"Initially we considered various solutions, such as arranging two diesel engines in parallel to give the heavy and huge tank enough power output, and using electric transmission to improve the operating efficiency of the power system. The surrendered German doctor made a complete contribution His knowledge gave our design team a lot of inspiration. In theory, electric transmission is indeed a great design.”

"We built a power experiment platform for bench testing to simulate the tank maneuvering at extreme speeds to see whether the improved electric transmission system is reliable."

"The result was not good. When the two engines were running at full speed until the 13th minute, the cables in the closed box of the simulated power cabin on the bench caught fire. Fortunately, we were prepared and extinguished the flames in time."

"It was later found that insufficient cooling caused the electric wire system to overheat and catch fire. The improved design was effective but still not enough. The two enhanced large fans simulating tank radiators were still not good enough. We must have stronger cooling system support. But we At present, there are no existing shelf products that meet the needs, and special research and development is too time-consuming and expensive. No matter what, the conditions are not allowed. "

After saying this, Shashmulin paused, as if he was slightly regretful, but he quickly passed it by and continued to speak to Malashenko with a smile.

"Fortunately, our Red Navy comrades were willing to help, and we obtained a powerful V-shaped 12-cylinder diesel engine, which was originally used on torpedo boats."

"Based on it and slightly improved the adaptation, we got a new engine that can be just right inserted into the tank's power compartment. It is adapted and improved based on existing shelf products, so there is no problem with reliability. The gearbox and transmission system have also chosen a relatively conservative and prudent route, drawing heavily on the successful experience of the IS6 and making adaptive designs in order to be reliable enough after the various subsystems are integrated.”

"So this is still a very traditional power system. It is indeed a pity that the revolutionary new power system is not made reliable enough. But there are also advantages. For example, it has an absolutely reliable power system and is powerful enough, with a maximum horsepower of 1,250 horses. The output will give her unimaginable mobility, surpassing any known heavy tank. Please believe in this, Comrade General."

After learning that the power system configuration of the IS7 is not much different from that in the existing history, it is just that the "wonderful research and development process" is slightly different and more interesting, Malashenko smiled calmly at Shashmulin He quickly gave his attitude.

"Of course, I would like to believe that her maneuverability is absolutely unmatched, at least I personally believe this."

??This is the "Ultimate German Nightmare" that you have been waiting for for a long time. Corgi has fulfilled its promise. If you want to watch IS7, you must arrange it. Brothers, give it a thumbs up.



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