Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2007 Emergency

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

Although the feeling in his heart was a mixture of five flavors and mixed feelings, no matter what, someone came to save him. Only then did Manteuffel feel that his tense nerves and hanging heart were finally temporarily relieved. Let it go.

The Skeleton Division is not an ordinary unit. It is one of the most elite SS units. It has all the combat capabilities and equipment it needs and is not bad at all.

I heard that these guys were beaten up by the Russians on the Eastern Front a while ago, and they were severely beaten while they were resting in a relatively safe place and waiting to replenish their equipment. Not to mention that the battle was not won, and even the equipment that had just been warmed up was lost.

That was a whole battalion of brand-new Panther IIs. They fell into the hands of the Russians without firing a single bullet. Not only did they lose themselves, but they also helped the enemy along the way. The losses were not small.

That is to say, Manteuffel, who had just heard that the Grossdeutsch Division was being fucked, was in a bad mood and had no intention of doing so. He didn't know how to laugh at Manteuffel's stupid pig-like operation of the Skeleton Division. Losing big teeth.

What’s interesting is who made the Skeleton Division so miserable and ran away without even taking the equipment. Which group of Soviet soldiers did it? I don’t know if the Germans really don’t have this information, or if they deliberately don’t let too many people know about it. All in all, Manteuffel didn’t find out the results, let alone the people around him and his friends and comrades who were also in high-level positions. We talked about it.

Of course, there is no need to delve too deeply into such an unimportant matter. There is really no need to inquire in such detail.

Manteuffel didn't take this matter to heart, and now he can't even remember it.

But there was one more thing that Manteuffel didn't know yet, and that was that he didn't know the designation number of the Soviet army that beat him so hard that he almost doubted his life.

He was beaten so hard that he almost lost his life, so he didn't even bother to grab his tongue and ask for his unit number.

The intelligence support message sent by superiors was also confused about the sudden appearance of a powerful Soviet army group. It is said that the 1st Belarusian Front Army facing the enemy does not have such a group of troops. It is most likely that they were transferred from other front armies or the Soviet strategic reserves in the rear. In short, it cannot be confirmed and it is not clear yet. After all, everything is possible. It was too sudden.

After all, human brainpower is limited, and no matter how good a person is, it is impossible to consider everything in such a short period of time. At least Manteuffel is not so good at it, and of course he does not have that much time to think about it. Every aspect has been considered thoroughly and comprehensively.

"Call back the Skeleton Division! We have suffered heavy losses, but we can still persevere! In my name, I ask them to come to the rescue as soon as possible. The life and death of the Grossdeutschland Division depends on this, so please do your best!"

A simple call back shouldn't be so troublesome, but Manteuffel was indeed a little scared.

He was afraid that the Skeleton Masters and the others would play a trick of "double-handedness" and send out a telegram to shout the slogan loudly. In fact, the people under his command were not working hard at all, and the work was not productive.

When the Grossdeutschland Division was completely wiped out, the Skeleton Division, which was still half-way through, could logically say: "Oh, it's not that we didn't want to save our brothers. I didn't expect you to die so quickly. I really don't blame my brothers." And so on. Then he turned around and headed back home, going back and forth wherever he went.

Can you say that the Skeleton Division did not send troops to rescue?

They were rescued. The entire division was mobilized and a telegram was sent to inform them. Now that things are like this, what do you want me to do with the Skeleton Division? Can you give King Tiger wings and fly there?

No matter how angry the National Defense Force is, they will have nothing to do with the Skeleton Division. This is one of the highest levels of disgusting people.

Knowing that he had offended others, Manteuffel was afraid that such a situation would happen, so he said a few more words in the telegram, first lowering his posture as much as possible, and begging grandpa to sue grandma.

I just had to put it clearly in the telegram: "It's all my brother's fault. If you don't remember the faults of villains, just brush off what I said before." The big shot's face and reserve are the only reasons The reason why Manteuffel didn't do this.

As for what happened after the Skeleton Master arrived, Manteuffel also thought about it.

Just take a look at the urinary attitude of the Grand German Division at the moment, and then look at the ruthlessness of the guy on the other side.

I really can’t even think about winning the battle or anything like that! We have to put aside the matter of repelling the enemy and talk about it later.

The first priority is to run away quickly!

As long as the Skeleton Division could catch the Russians off guard and temporarily distract them, Manteuffel asked himself that he would have the opportunity to command at least part of the Grossdeutschland Division and withdraw first.

Even if the losses were heavy, at least they had avoided being completely wiped out again. With some additional troops and equipment, it would still be the Grossdeutschland Division, and it would not be so shameful that it would be called the "Granddeutschland Division III", assuming that there would really be a third generation.

No matter how you think about it, this is the only hope at the moment. Success or failure, life or death, as Manteuffel said in the telegram, all depends on the Skeleton Master.

The telegram recording the complete content according to Manteuffel's request was quickly sent out and flew far away in the form of radio waves, flying towards the Skeleton Division who was rushing south to rescue people.

Seeing that Manteuffel had seen hope, he was no longer stubborn and did not need anyone to take him out. He actively chose to follow the advice of the chief of staff and retreated with the command team to the safer second line of defense to continue commanding. .

At the same time, they also used all the remaining technical equipment in their hands to strengthen the defense. They took advantage of the last opportunity before the Soviet army could attack and deployed it in place. No matter how hard they fought, they had to be nailed to the second and final line of defense. The Skeleton Division arrived and made final preparations.

The fall of the first line of defense was only a matter of time. Without the help of large-scale reinforcements to block the interception, the Grossdeutschland Division would never be able to escape alone, especially in the face of such an enemy with an outrageous degree of mechanization. Even more so Don't even think about it.

"I hope we can defend until they arrive. It is really difficult to deal with such a group of extremely ferocious enemies."

Malashenko, who was busy commanding his troops to rush left and right to eliminate the remaining enemies on the first line of defense of the Germans who had already invaded, was soaring with adrenaline. He didn't know that the commander of the Grossdeutschland Division opposite was thinking blindly. Of course I'm not interested in knowing what he was mumbling about.

Just when Malashenko was about to give the order to drive, move the tank forward, drive to the front of the captured position, and use 130 guns to aim at the Germans who still dared to resist, and violently blasted in, a familiar voice came from the radio. The call instantly drew his attention.

"Comrade Division Commander, there is an emergency! You'd better find a relatively safe place to listen to what I have to say, and let Kurbalov take command. You get out of the battle first!"

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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