Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2014 After Death

"It's useless, General. I can't help it anymore. Stop calling people over and save those who can be saved. I don't have a few minutes left to live."

Soldiers, especially veterans who have been in battle for a long time, have basically seen all kinds of scenes of life and death, and people dying at the last minute.

This was true of the Chief of Staff, and certainly Manteuffel.

So not only did the chief of staff realize that he was dying, but the feeling of his life force draining away so quickly and having to struggle to even speak was indeed too familiar. It's just that this deja vu used to be viewed from the perspective of a bystander and happened to others.

When it's my turn now, I can only say that this feeling of my body cooling down rapidly, my eyelids getting heavier, and even speaking becoming more and more difficult to the naked eye, is really despairing.

Manteuffel, who was supporting the chief of staff, whose entire right hand was soaked in blood, saw this scene and knew that this man would probably not be saved. Even if medical soldiers arrived immediately, it would be difficult to change the outcome. What's more, after being bombed by the Russians, who knows how many meters the nearest living medical soldier is to the forward command post.

"We have no hope of winning, General. I know I know these are depressing words, but you have to understand that this battle, the entire war, our motherland, and the head of state are all going to fail."

"I beg you to live. Only living can create and change the future. Dead people like me can't do anything. Don't regret it until you are like me. You must live! Live until the end of the war! No matter where you use it This is the only way to be intentional."

Before he could finish his words, the chief of staff was already dead as his wounds turned from blood gushing like a fountain to blood dripping.

Losing too much blood and dying on the battlefield is considered a relatively merciful way to die. Although this will make people slowly feel the gradually cold despair before death, at least there is still one or two minutes to explain the last words. This is It's something that most of the unlucky guys who were blasted to pieces by a cannon long for.

The chief of staff, who didn't even wait for the medics to come until he died, was just gone. Manteuffel, who said nothing and had a face as black as the bottom of a pot, put down the body in his arms and just raised his head and walked along the half-exploded ruins. Looking out at the scene.

On the position, the Soviet mechanized cluster that broke through the artillery barrage blockade seemed to have already entered.

The front-line German troops, which were blasted away by more than two thousand Katyusha rockets in ten seconds, had no chance of resisting this group of armored behemoths that emerged from the artillery fire.

The Soviet army did not simply invest in armored troops without infantry, just like the scene seen through the telescope not long ago.

Those Soviet armored vehicles that looked like "small-headed versions of T43 medium tanks" and I don't know what they were. After arriving at the position, they spit out tons of Russian infantry one after another. The scene of releasing the infantry was simply like It's as amazing as a beast defecating.

Protected by fully enclosed armor and using the high mobility of this medium-tank armored vehicle, these Soviet infantrymen, accompanied by their own armored units, safely crossed the artillery blockade, have now become those on the battlefield. The life harvester of the German infantry who survived the hell bombardment.

Manteuffel, who regained his binoculars, could see that those Soviet infantry were not ordinary Soviet infantry, but each of them held in their hands almost all of them holding the rumored STG44, which was similar to its own STG44, but its actual performance was probably still unclear. The new Russian gun is better than anything else.

It seemed that these assault soldiers who rushed to the front were all wearing steel plate body armor for protection.

Manteuffel saw through the telescope that a Soviet assaulter holding a new assault rifle was shot by a German submachine gunner from a distance of tens of meters.

But he just rolled and fell into the trench at his feet, and then stood up again in less than three seconds. The German submachine gunner who thought he had killed the enemy and diverted his attention was completely unexpected. In this case, a short shot will open the opponent's head.

What's even more outrageous is that a German rifleman holding a bayonet 98K took the opportunity to rush up from the dead end of the trench and wanted to kill him, but he never thought that this experienced Soviet assaulter would turn sideways and step back slightly. Flash, the bayonet that was originally aimed at the neck and thrust out with force had no time to adjust and pierced directly into the chest plate of the Soviet assaulter.

Manteuffel couldn't hear any sound from that far away, but he guessed it was a sharp and crisp sound caused by the collision and friction of metal.

The Soviet assaulter, who was not injured at all when the blow was ineffective, did not give the enemy a chance to withdraw his bayonet and stab him a second time.

When he let go of the grip of the rifle and stepped back, his right hand was already reaching for the holster on his waist.

When the bayonet hit the breastplate and the blow was ineffective, the Soviet assaulter had already pulled out the Tokarev pistol he carried with him from the holster. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and pointed it in front of him, thinking about closing the gun and making amends. The knife of the German rifleman was a shot.

After a ball of blood mist immediately burst out from his back, the last thing Manteuffel saw was the figure of his own rifleman falling on his back, and the Soviet assaulter who had killed two people in a row without breathing and bent down to pick up his weapon. action.

"What kind of Russians are these? Who are they? Stalin's personal guards???"

It's just that the armored troops are difficult to deal with and their firepower is extremely fierce. This at most shows that these Russians are well-equipped and are an elite armored division supported by sophisticated equipment.

But you are so good at artillery and tanks, why the hell are you so good at infantry?

Manteuffel has read the reports and memories of the Stalingrad battle written by the surviving German soldiers. He feels that the vicious Soviet plate armored commandos described in those reports are already quite powerful, but now they are quite weak. I felt like "Why are these people in front of me more powerful than in the Stalingrad report?" The feeling in my heart was indescribably oppressive and uncomfortable.

Regardless of whether Manteuffel is willing to admit it or not, the one-sided battle situation is one-sided and continues to intensify, and it will not change due to his personal subjective will.

Seeing that the infantry had penetrated deep into the German position, Malashenko, who began to advance deeper, was not idle. He grabbed the transmitter at hand and just spoke loudly.

"Follow up all vehicle crews! Cover fire, be careful of friendly fire!"

Behind a large group of elite infantrymen who were clearing the way in front of them and penetrated all directions, followed closely by a large group of all kinds of iron bastards of the same size.

Heavy tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and even the second wave of follow-up attack troops prepared by Malashenko also rushed forward.

T43 medium tanks loaded with external infantry joined the battle. All kinds of direct-aimed artillery fire and heavy machine gun barrages were flying in all directions. Even the ISU152 self-propelled artillery with its big mouth, which looked like it could eat people in the eyes of the frightened Germans, They were all pushed forward as well.

There are bastards crawling all over the subway, and their firepower is so strong that as soon as you show your head, you are guaranteed to be rewarded with a grenade with a minimum caliber of 85 mm.

This is the most real situation faced by the remaining German infantry on the position.

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