Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 202 Join Scarlet

Facing the question from Zhukov, Malashenko, who couldn't conceal his excitement, finally raised his head and spoke after calming down for a while.

"Although those German air attacks were fierce, the losses of the troops were still within an acceptable range."

"Although traditional high-explosive aerial bombs have a large charge and are very powerful, their ability to destroy heavy armored units is still relatively limited, at least much more limited than their ability to destroy infantry. Many tanks are only lifted by the explosion shock wave. It was just turned over. With a little repair, it should be able to continue fighting. The number of completely destroyed tanks was only about one-third of the vanguard. "

Zhukov, who grasped the key points of the problem, obviously cared more about other details than the detailed losses mentioned by Malashenko.

"The vanguard? You mean that the troops that encountered the air attack on the dock were not all the troops, is that right?"

After being asked such a rhetorical question, he suddenly remembered that Zhukov did not know his plan to cross the lake in batches. Malashenko, scratching the back of his head with a little embarrassment, then told the whole story of his plan.

It took only two or three minutes to listen to Malashenko's narration, and Zhukov, who understood the whole incident, nodded slowly.

"That's fine. Even if it's just luck, it does avoid greater losses. It's a very wise plan, Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko."

After understanding the damage caused by the air attack on the dock and coming to an end, Zhukov, who did not have much time to waste, further shifted the focus of the problem to the war zone map hanging on the wall in front of him.

"Look here, Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko."

Following the direction of Zhukov's finger, he could see the war zone map hanging on the wall in front of Malashenko. Even if he only looked at it with his eyes, he could feel the interlacing of teeth on the front line that almost knocked out the dog's brain. The posture of the two armies.

“Looks like there’s another job coming.”

Just as Malashenko secretly thought bad after seeing the map of the war zone, Zhukov, who had already arranged Malashenko's tasks in place, blurted out immediately.

"We have just received a battle report from the front line. Two well-established German infantry divisions are launching a fierce attack in the direction of Schlusselburg with the cooperation of an armored force with a strength of at least brigade. There are also a large number of aircraft in the sky. Bomb support at any time.”

"The 21st Infantry Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' Border Defense withstood the main force of the German attacking force in the Schlusselburg defense zone. Although the position is still in our hands for the time being, it will certainly not be able to hold on for long under this dual disadvantage of military strength and technical equipment. , it will only be a matter of time before the defense line falls without support.”

"Once the 21st Border Defense Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is repulsed and lost, the German army will be able to reach the Neva River and build a bridgehead and break into the main city of Leningrad. We cannot let this happen! Comrade Malashenko."

At this point, Zhukov, whose eyebrows almost formed a line, turned around quietly, and quickly issued an order to Malashenko with a resolute and convincing look on his face.

"Your mission is very clear, Comrade Malashenko. Lead your troops to support the 21st Border Defense Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stationed in the Schlusselburg area. Your first task is to withstand the German armored offensive and not allow their tanks to penetrate it. Our defense."

"The 10th Infantry Division of the reserve has set off ahead of you to support the 21st Border Defense Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After your independent first heavy tank breakthrough battalion is in place, your coordinated force composed of two infantry divisions and a heavy tank battalion will The German forces facing the enemy immediately launched a counterattack to repel the German attack battle group and neutralize its threat to the Neva River. "

After finishing the sentence, he fell silent. It was obvious that Zhukov, who was staring at Malashenko with questioning eyes, was waiting for the answer he expected.

Using an independent heavy tank battalion to fight against a complete armored brigade of the German army with air support was not an easy task even for Malashenko, who traveled from later generations.

No matter how advanced the theory and tactics of armored warfare brought from later generations can change the disadvantages in strength and numbers, this has nothing to do with the outstanding personal ability of a field commander. It is entirely due to the pure strength gap like a lion fighting a rabbit. .

While thinking calmly, he could always feel the questioning eyes of the Red Army God of War next to him. Adhering to the supreme truth that whether it is a blessing or a curse, it cannot be avoided. After taking a deep breath, Malashenko, who had almost completely disregarded life and death, followed. Turning around, he gave Zhukov a solemn but Yi Shuihan-like military salute in front of him, who was waiting for his answer.

"If I cannot bring you news of victory, it means that the Germans have stepped over my body and the remains of the tank. For Malashenko, there is only one between victory and sacrifice, and there is no other. Maybe, either my blood is flowing on the land of Schlusselburg or the bodies of those German fascists are buried!”

Although Zhukov, who had already had a preliminary understanding of Malashenko, had already roughly guessed the definite answer he would give, when Malashenko blurted out these words that tied his life and fortune to the outcome of the battle. Afterwards, the Red Army God of War, who had grown up from the days of Tsarist Russian cavalry to this day, was still inevitably moved by it.

"Your family is still waiting for your triumphant return. Please be sure to bring victory to the motherland and the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko."

"We will fulfill our mission, Comrade Commander!"

After leaving the Leningrad Front Army Headquarters, Malashenko was pressed for time and did not even have time to pick up his new lieutenant colonel uniform. He wore a black leather tank cap on his head and a fireproof combat uniform. Rashenko only has one firm obsession in his heart right now.

Kill all the Germans in the direction of Schlusselburg and clear an unobstructed passage for your own way of survival.

"Either you die or I die. If you block my way of survival, I will fucking sacrifice you to heaven!"

The cold flame burning in my heart, which was more like ruthless anger than anger, returned to the messy dock. Deputy battalion commander Lavrinenko, who had led the second batch of follow-up troops and had completed the task of crossing the lake, was directing the rescue work. Seeing Malashenko hurrying towards his location, Lavrinenko immediately jumped up and hurried forward to meet him.

"Good news, Malashenko. Your battalion command vehicle has just been pulled out of the pit. Karamov checked that there are no major problems except that the transmission mechanism and the guide wheel on the right front side of the vehicle body fell off. He is leading people Emergency repairs will be carried out, and it should be back to combat status in no time.”

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