Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2057 Night Storm (Part 1)

There is actually another reason why the Germans are brought closer to fight: the range of assault rifles is not as far as that of traditional bolt-action rifles. The effective range of powerful rifle bullets and full-power rifle bullets is really incomparable.

If the firefight distance is extended beyond the range of the assault rifle, the automatic firepower advantage that Malashenko relies on will not be able to be used. He can only rely on the remaining semi-automatic rifles and machine guns to kill the Germans. Such a result Obviously this is not what Malashenko wants.

As long as the distance between the Germans is close enough, not only can they deal a heavy blow to the Germans in the first wave of fire, but they can also ensure that the Germans have no way to escape later and will be stuck by the automatic firepower at a very close distance. The kind that can't be run away.

Everything was planned, and now is the time for Malashenko's plan to be implemented.

The Red Army soldiers who were hiding in ambush and staying in various fortification bunkers at the bridgehead, wearing Wehrmacht uniforms and holding German-style weapons, all grabbed their weapons almost as soon as the cannon fired, and together they Heavy fire.

The lowest-grade ones are all G43 semi-automatic rifles. The final result is that they don't even carry a bolt-action rifle. The fierce firepower hitting them all over the face is like a downpour, blowing sideways.

The unlucky German soldiers who had just encountered a sudden change could not withstand such fierce firepower. They were instantly swept away by the crazy rain of small-arms bullets. After turning over a large piece, the entire marching team was like a piece of cheese that had been gnawed by a mouse, with a large piece missing.

"Enemy attack! Enemy encounter!"

"Damn it! Where are the enemy troops?"

"Over there! You idiot! The enemy is on the other side of the bridgehead!"

"Hey! Don't fire, we are on our own"


Before a stupid and hopeless German soldier could even finish his words, a bullet that flew from nowhere instantly pierced his eyebrows, with the remaining kinetic energy of the projectile still strong. Jets shot out from behind the helmet, and the whole head instantly exploded into a bloody mess.

Even if he was hit by a full-power bullet from a semi-automatic rifle while wearing a helmet, the end result would still not be much better. He would die on the spot without even having a chance to finish his sentence.

"There's something wrong with these German guys! They actually think we are our own people."

"Let them continue to be stupid, the more stupid the better! Accept the warm greetings of communism, fascist bastards!"

They were accustomed to fighting hard battles with the elite front-line German troops day and night. Now they suddenly encountered the difficult and difficult second-line defending German troops. The soldiers of the leadership division were really not used to it.

Even though the state and state of mind of the two warring parties at this moment are truly two levels of ice and fire, this does not affect the fact that this battle has been one-sided since the beginning, and it will continue to advance towards the state it should be in.

The massacred German troops had already thrown themselves into the streets, leaving corpses strewn across the field and rivers of blood flowing. However, there were very few counterattack firepower that could be organized immediately.

The sudden fire attack completely disrupted any rhythm and status of the reinforcements of the German troops. Just as Malashenko had previously expected, a group of second-line garrison troops with poor technical and tactical levels were unprepared. After being suddenly attacked violently, it can quickly switch to combat status, launch an effective counterattack, and stabilize its position in a short period of time.

You can't say this is impossible at all, but considering the current Eastern Front battlefield in 1944, it is more realistic and more likely that you would expect the Germans to triple their King Tiger production tomorrow.

However, if those German soldiers who were killed and howling like ghosts and wolves lay scattered on the ground thought that this was the end of their most terrifying nightmare, then I'm sorry, but they were really wrong.

After the appetizers are served, let the guests eat first, and the next main course must be prepared quickly. Don’t let the guests pause. Only by paying attention to continuous enjoyment can the service be considered adequate. Our Comrade Ma is in his command car now. , getting ready to call the German guy for the next meal delivery.

"Bring people across the bridge immediately! Lavry! Send the infantry fighting vehicles over in the first wave. We urgently need to suppress the firepower of a large number of infantry. The Germans don't have much armor. Just kill their infantry and we'll be done!"

After the last synthetic reform and the battle against the Grossdeutschland II, many of the new main equipment of the Leader Division have undergone high-intensity actual combat tests, and a large number of items that have been confirmed to be quite useful have been refined from them. , including a new infantry fighting vehicle officially named "BMP-43".

As Malashenko said, although this thing has almost no anti-armor firepower, if you let it hit an unprotected soft target, that is, the German infantry, this thing can chop down a street for you on the spot.

In the last battle against the Grossdeutschland II, when the German positions rebounded, the German artillery and tank fire were destroyed or suppressed.

Without natural enemies, the BMP-43 was like a herd of sheep chasing the German infantry and killing them everywhere. Some daring Germans who are not afraid of death even think that this thing is as easy to bully as a medium tank, and try to come up with an iron fist and touch it at close range to hit it.

But except for a small number of German anti-tank fighters who were not discovered and targeted, their heads were snatched away by the Red Army soldiers who followed closely around the infantry fighting vehicles, and they were beaten into a hornet's nest with random gunfire.

The vast majority of the remaining German infantrymen, who carried iron fists, had reduced mobility, and had quite obvious targets, were all beaten to pieces by the 25mm rapid-fire cannon with extremely strong suppression and sustained firepower, and almost no reload time. .

Ah, no, the description of the sieve is not accurate. To be precise, it should be torn into parts by a mixed bullet chain of 25mm armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullets, fragmentation high-explosive bombs, and instantaneous incendiary indicator bombs.

There is a saying, if you are unfortunately hit by this thing, you can't expect to survive. Being able to leave a whole body is considered a blessing that you have accumulated good deeds in your previous life.

Therefore, in terms of the suppression and lethality of infantry, the BMP43 is indeed far superior to any current main armored vehicle on the front line of the Red Army. That terrifying 25mm cannon is the death combine harvester for German soldiers.

At present, under Malashenko's orders, the follow-up main force has been prepared as planned, and the team is on standby at a suitable position very close to the bridgehead and where the enemy will not notice it from a long distance away. Lavrinenko immediately sent out all the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles filled with large numbers of infantry.

"Up, up, up! Rush across the bridge and support Comrade Division Commander and the others! Ula!!!"

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