Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2059 Fight? Beat the ass!

A short and rapid battle ended, just as Malashenko expected, the German reinforcements of a small battalion were really not that difficult to deal with.

On the premise that only a small part of the main force of the leader's division crossed the bridge and came to reinforce the front line, they were completely surrounded and annihilated in the shortest possible time, and the remaining troops surrendered.

"The German guy is getting more and more helpless. He used to be able to hold on for half an hour, but now he can't take it anymore after only ten minutes. Then he surrenders like the French guy. This is too boring. Every time That’s right.”

Needless to say, there is only one person who can say such heartless words, and it is naturally Iushkin.

Early in the morning when the sky was bright, Malashenko, who had hardly slept a wink all night and had been busy all night, was sitting on the sandbags in the machine gun bunker beside the bridgehead, eating breakfast. Comrade Comrade Political Commissar sent someone to bring him breakfast. Comrade Ma's favorite milk oatmeal porridge, with freshly baked soft bread and pork sausage.

Being able to have such a high-quality breakfast on the war front is simply a luxury. Malashenko, who had been busy all night without a wink, sat on a sandbag in a machine gun bunker, holding a lunch box in one hand and holding bread and sausages in the other. What he was eating was called a With relish.

Even though there are piles of German corpses not far away that have been pushed to the roadside temporarily and have no time to be cleaned, they still can't stop Comrade Ma from enjoying delicious food, a bite of bread, sausage and a mouthful of milk and oatmeal porridge. Call it a fragrance.

“Tsk tsk, it’s not greasy or greasy, it tastes really good~”


Seeing that what Malashenko said was completely irrelevant and he seemed to have no intention of replying to him, he put him next to Malashenko. Iushkin, who was smoking a cigarette in a Slavic squatting position in the machine gun fortification, was also a little embarrassed.

"What are we going to do today? Continue to attack the city and clear out the Germans?"

Guessing that by changing the topic, I could have a few words with Comrade Commander, Iushkin, who always had a lot to talk about and liked to talk to someone when he had nothing to do, spoke again.

"Hit? Beat me!"

"Yesterday we fought all day during the day. I almost went crazy from morning to night, just to kill those bastards of the Grossdeutschland Division as soon as possible to save time. As a result, we still couldn't stop in the middle of the night, and we had to kill this place in the middle of the Vistula River. Take down the bridge."

"The whole division has barely had any rest until now. The number of people who could sleep for more than three hours last night is probably not even in one battalion. They are either on standby or on the frontline. With everything like this, why are we still fighting today? Treat people like machines. The tank still needs maintenance for a few hours. I still can't figure it out. Are you taking stimulants or is there something wrong with you? Why are you acting like a Slavic superman? I didn't see you and asked if you can take a rest today.

As Malashenko said, during the 24 consecutive hours from yesterday morning to this morning, the leader did not stop and take a good rest at all. Either he is fighting Degun or on the road to fight Degun. If this continues, even a man made of iron will not be able to bear it.

In any case, after completing the crucial task of capturing the Central Bridge on the Vistula River, the leading division, which had been fighting intensely for a day and night without a good rest, really needed even a small amount of time to take a breather. His tone softened.

Capturing the Central Bridge on the Vistula River overnight was just the beginning. Although the bridge-capturing operation in a disguised raid was quite successful, the tasks that needed to be completed by the leading division could not be better said to have just begun.

According to the previous orders received from superiors, after seizing control of the Central Bridge on the Vistula River, the leading division needed to immediately cross the bridge and enter the city to achieve dual political and military purposes.

Malashenko knew the significance of this matter, so after the operation was successful, he issued an order overnight for the large troops to start crossing the bridge and entering the city. As for whether the follow-up will be an assault into the city of Warsaw, or a simple visit here for a formality, Malashenko does not yet know, and will only know when further follow-up orders from his superiors are in place.

Even if we look at the entire Soviet Red Army ground forces, the unique Leaders Division is definitely the one with the largest total strength and scale among the units at the same organizational level.

When the main force of such a large synthetic group force crosses the bridge, the movement will naturally be huge, and it will only take a little more time.

Therefore, even from midnight to now, the main force of the leader division is still crossing the bridge.

The troops currently crossing the bridge are part of the 2nd Heavy Combined Brigade commanded by Varosha. One after another, the fully armed IS6 heavy tanks, with the muzzles of their huge guns raised high, slowly drove down the bridge. The vehicles were full of people. Speed ​​up the efficiency of crossing the bridge and directly take advantage of the infantry soldiers.

Followed closely by more self-propelled artillery, jeeps, trucks, and even the Laoganma half-track armored vehicles that the Americans had supported earlier. The entire march across the bridge spread from the west side of the bridgehead to the east side, and at a glance There is no end as far as the eye can see, which shows how many troops there are.

An interesting thing is that it is now a rare thing for a large group of infantry to cross the bridge.

For the leader division that has basically completed the fully mechanized adaptation, it is very easy for every soldier to have a car. Even if there is no special infantry vehicle to pull you up, no matter how hard it is, you can be left outside the tank and follow a car.

Riding on a vehicle is much faster than walking on two legs, which is very helpful for speeding up the efficiency of the division's main force to cross the bridge. The order "try not to walk if you can get on the vehicle" was also personally issued by Malashenko .

Now, after finishing breakfast, wiping his mouth, and just lighting a cigarette for himself, Comrade Lao Ma, who was sitting there "racing for the gods", was reviewing his subordinates' simple actions of crossing the bridge. He looked very domineering. , a heavy-duty combined force of various arms with great visual impact. Isn’t this the so-called romance of men?

"Damn, this time travel is not in vain. No matter how bad I am, I will still be a big shot in history! Even in the 21st century, those people in Moscow will have to build a monument for me. The credit is so big , Why doesn’t he do it for me? It doesn’t make sense, right?”

Comrade Lao Ma was feeling smug and content with himself, completely unaware that someone was approaching behind him.

"Comrade Commando Captain, does your breakfast taste good?"


The moment he heard this, Malashenko's whole body felt as if his feet were numb from stepping on an electric wire, and he subconsciously turned his head with a cigarette in his mouth. At this moment, he saw a "face" The "kind" old acquaintance was standing behind him and looking at me with a smile. His "kind-hearted" expression was so frightening that Comrade Ma was scared to shit on the spot.

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