Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2061 The all-powerful boss

Chapter 2061 Kill one to serve as a warning to others

"Huh? Did the Polish ghost hit someone?"

It seems that it sounds a bit unexpected, but Malashenko's accident does not seem to be that "serious", as if it is "can be unexpected but not necessary."

"You don't look surprised?"

There is no need to hide in front of your brothers, just say what you have to say. Lavrinenko was like this in the past, and it is naturally the same today.

Lavrinenko was indeed right. Malashenko was really not overly surprised by this, let alone surprised. As for the reason, it is quite simple.

When it comes to the ability to commit suicide, the Polish ghost is absolutely invincible across the entire European continent.

Not to mention the European War period a hundred years ago, let alone the current World War II period.

Even in the 21st century, the Polish ghost's innate passive skills of seeking death will still remain unchanged, and the level of seeking death has reached a certain level.

Repeatedly jumped on ***’s face, invited the Emperor of Sichuan to send imperial troops to deter Maozi, and when he had nothing to do, he also liked to provoke both sides of the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline project, and he did not forget to put a lump on the German face: It's not very harmful but it's very insulting.

As for any country on the European continent that has a good reputation and a certain reputation, Dabobo can basically offend you numerous times, and none more so than the Europa version of Kazuo. This is the real current situation of Dabobo in the 21st century.

Even after 70 or 80 years, they have not changed their ways. As a future traveler, Malashenko naturally knows what kind of shit the current Polish ghosts are: If these people don't commit suicide for a day, they are really powerful. I can't drink Da Li - I feel uncomfortable all over.

As for how to deal with Lavrinenko's question, Malashenko thinks this problem is very simple.

"Inform the troops at the front and authorize the use of lethal force. Next time something like this happens, the commander will decide whether it is necessary to open fire. It's okay to kill one or two Polish ghosts, but don't tell me that you were killed by Polish ghosts. He was beaten on the ground, and what he was holding was a real guy, not a fire stick. I can’t afford to humiliate this person! If someone is shameless, let’s help them.”

Sure enough, just as Lavrinenko expected, Malashenko, who had a bad temper on the battlefield and never wanted to suffer losses, did this not only to the Germans, but also to the Polish ghosts.

But it's normal to think about it. Last night, before we had to fight the Germans in the bridge-capture operation, we had to fight the Polish ghosts who came over to do bad things, resulting in dozens of casualties.

If you want to say that Malashenko can be angry with the Polish guy under such circumstances, that would be outrageous.

I came to your door and told you that your house will be temporarily requisitioned. Please let your family stay at the homes of relatives or friends and neighbors for a few days. In Malashenko's opinion, this is enough to give face to those Polish ghosts. . If it were the Germans who came here, they would just kick in the door, punch and kick the house, and if you disobey, you would be punished. This is absolutely the case.

To be honest, at some points, Malashenko even felt that he, a serious future person, was a little too civilized.

To deal with those shameless people, being civilized and reasonable will not work. The Germans will use brutal and bloody methods to deal with these Polish ghosts. There must be some reasons for this.

Last night it was the resistance organization of the Polish ghosts, and today it was the civilians of the Polish ghosts in the city during the day.

Two suicide attempts, one after the other, with very short intervals of time, had basically worn away Malashenko's patience.

The Red Army has guns in its hands, and you dare to curse and beat people. What if you don't have guns in your hands or you are forced by military orders not to use guns? Do you still have to fuck up your nose and face, and go to the house to uncover the tiles to rebel against me? Is it okay to kill a few Red Army soldiers to show off at the street entrance?

The more he thought about it, the more he sneered. Malashenko no longer planned to save any face. It is true that face can be given by others, but after it is given, you have to hold it yourself and not lose it.

The Polish ghost guy not only lost the face he gave to the past, but also threw him to the ground hard and then stepped on him with two feet, spitting.

If you don't take yourself seriously, then you can't expect others to take you seriously, that's it.

"Have you investigated the matter clearly? It was the Polish ghost who took the initiative to beat us. Is that okay?"

It's not that he doesn't trust Lavrinenko, it's just that Malashenko wants to confirm it one last time as a basis for his next orders.

Obviously, when it comes to reporting to Malashenko, Lavrinenko must have investigated clearly and established evidence before he dared to speak out. If the dignified colonel and deputy division commander were all talking nonsense, If it were the Eight Ways, what kind of dignity would it be? Of course it's the same this time.

"The investigation is clear, and the facts are conclusive. The Polish guy who beat me also admitted it, and he even spat at me when he was taken away. His attitude was so bad. I heard from locals in the surrounding streets that the family consisted of two people. My son and a pair of brothers volunteered to work as dogs for the SS bastards, but they were blown up by our plane yesterday and their bodies were not found. This is probably the reason.”

"What else? There must be more than one family that beats people, right?"

Malashenko continued to ask, and Lavrinenko, who nodded, also spoke in response.

"The reasons are basically the same. Either I work as a dog for the Fascists or I have extreme hatred for the Soviets. I think we are more ferocious and cruel beasts than the Fascists. If we weren't so extreme, we wouldn't dare to beat people or have physical conflicts with us." , those who were caught are absolute thorns, and we haven’t had time to decide how to deal with them.”

When Lavrinenko said this, he was obviously seeking Malashenko's opinions and corresponding orders, so that Malashenko could make a decision.

Malashenko, who could hear the meaning, didn't say any more nonsense. He raised his hand and glanced at the time on the watch. His eyes rolled around in his eye sockets. This was the order that had been placed on his lips. Then he blurted out.

"Kill one to serve as a warning to others. If this kind of incident gets off to a bad start, then there will be an endless supply of scumbags who dare to attack our Red Army in the future and they will learn from the same example. It is useless for you to reason with these scoundrels."

"Just do a brief interrogation and find out the biggest problems, those who beat people with their own hands, and the masterminds of the plan. At 12 o'clock at noon, we will take them to a small square on the outskirts of the city and shoot them all! Arrange enough for the scene. Guard the troops and allow civilians from surrounding neighborhoods to visit. I want these Polish ghosts who feel they have a tough neck to know what the consequences will be if they go against the Red Army. "

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