Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2064 Do you think this is ironic?

"But if I say, these Polish ghosts totally deserved it, they betrayed their liberator, my opinion is that simple.

"As for who is justice between us and them? I don't think there is any complete justice in these right and wrong, Comrade Commander. Justice is the prerogative of the victor. If we lose the war, all justice will be rewritten as evil. , The loser has no right to talk about justice.”

"We did not massacre for the sake of massacre. The situation at that time was out of necessity. Who allowed those Polish ghosts to come by such a coincidence? If we don't kill them, our own lives will be in danger and we will be treated as Germans. This is more like Isn't it better to fight back in self-defense than to kill and bury the Poles in a pit all day long, and then kill and fill up another pit? Those scum of the SS are murderous no matter where they go? Crazy, I bet it's the same in this land."


Indeed, as Malashenko thought, the simple and uncultured Alsim would not be able to say any great truths, let alone use any gorgeous rhetoric to cover up everything. He was a man who could only say what he wanted and speak his mind freely.

However, sometimes it is these simple and unpretentious truths that can best illustrate the truth. Such answers indeed gave Malashenko some derivative thoughts and insights.

"You are right. There is no absolute justice in this world. Perhaps this itself is a false proposition based on the unpredictable results in the future."

"But even so, there is something we can do to make this justice as complete as possible. Our descendants will one day thank and praise what we have done today. No matter what others, even other friendly forces, do, at least we, at least As a leader, we should make our actions worthy of our ideals. This is what we should do.”

Don't do evil because it's small, don't do good because it's small.

Some basic principles that even children understand are more meaningful in perspective.

Malashenko, who once again strengthened his self-will under Alsim's answer, narrowed his eyes slightly and watched what was happening in the small square not far away. The soldiers responsible for the execution had already held the ceremony after the brief reading of the public trial. He picked up the steel gun in his hand.

"Ready! Load the bullets!"

Wow – Wow –

The sound of raising a gun was heard all at once. The sound of the SVT40 semi-automatic rifle being cocked and loaded echoed in the sky above the square. A whole row of black muzzles were pointed at the target.


Bang bang bang bang——

After the sound of a whole platoon of gunshots that were connected together and it was almost impossible to distinguish the individual gunshots, those Poles who were ashen-faced or were so frightened that they were delirious, regretful and even crying for their mothers, were already tearing apart with full-power rifle bullets. Under the strong kinetic energy of splitting flesh and blood, they all threw themselves on the street and fell to the ground, turning into hot corpses covered with blood.

The prisoners who were executed were not the focus. The focus was the reaction of the Poles who surrounded the small square. This is what Malashenko cared about.

There is no anger, no sadness, and no shouting and crying.

Seeing the death of their compatriots on the spot, with blood splattered everywhere, the Polish people who came to watch seemed to be looking at everyday things. The numbness on their faces was that Malashenko had expected it, and even felt a little a little bit. With fear.

Malashenko expected that the onlookers in Warsaw might react like this, but he did not expect it to be so quiet, without even a single movement. Malashenko originally thought it would at least create some ripples, like a drop of water falling into a pond, but now it seems more like a drop of water falling into the Pacific Ocean, without even a tiny splash.

"It seems the situation is more serious than you expected. The results of your test are now available, right?"


The person who quietly came to speak was Political Commissar Petrov. It was obvious that he knew what Malashenko's purpose was in paying attention to all this, and he also expected that such a result was beyond Malashenko's expectation. Judging by his expression Just know.

"Compared to what the Germans did here, we are probably too merciful. These Poles have their insensitivity written on their faces. Just imagine how often something like this must happen for a group of ordinary people to become like this? We still underestimated the ferocity of the Germans here. "

The political commissar who heard this smiled, a smile without any emotion, as if he was laughing at everything that had just happened here and the insensitivity.

"I sent people down to understand some of the situation and what the Germans would have done if they encountered such a thing before. I not only interrogated prisoners of war, but also learned from some local people who were friendly to us. What do you think the result was?"

Malashenko did not speak, but quietly watched the soldiers who had just completed the execution not far away and were preparing to withdraw. Malashenko knew what Comrade Comrade Political Commissar would say next.

"The SS would arrest the entire family of a Polish person who dared to do such a thing. Depending on the severity of the crime, sometimes even all the neighbors in the entire street would be caught. That is, a small street would be emptied overnight. Without any knowledge, It is also a capital crime to retaliate, even if it is possible to know and not to report.”

"The end result is death, without exception. The difference is whether they are hanged or shot to death. Sometimes they are buried alive, or tied up and doused with gasoline and burned alive. People in their teens, teens, and decades are all Treat everyone equally, those fascist lunatics never make any distinction in this matter.”

"This would explain why the result was like this. The Germans also asked these Poles to see it with their own eyes."

"Compared to what those bipedal fascist beasts are doing, this is really just a small scene. I bet some people among them will even be happy about it. At least the Red Army will not sit down with all the people in the whole street. They don't have to worry about their neighbors being suddenly taken away and executed because of something they did seven or eight doors away one night. At least this is the case. A good thing.”

"Do you think it's ironic that shock is regarded as a good thing? Comrade Commander."


There was no ridicule in Comrade Political Commissar's words, he was simply describing what was happening before him and the real story. Malashenko, whose mood and expression was quite complex, didn't know what to say for a moment, and he underestimated the mourning people. It's really not a good feeling to be a conscientious fascist scumbag.

"Then let's get on with it. We have completed the first step of what we need to do. Now we are going to prepare for the second step. After the big stick has been swung, it is time to let these Poles taste the sweetness and let them know that the Red Army is better than the Fascists. It’s better, and you can still see the hope of life.”

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