Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2066 Same Warsaw, different story

"Don't run around! Everyone should line up in line! Keep order! Come one by one. Arrogant queue jumping, grabbing and fighting are strictly prohibited. Violators will be disqualified and kicked out!"

It was also the same small square where people were shot at noon. After more than a dozen corpses lying on the street were cleaned up, there were still a lot of blood stains left on the ground. However, this cannot stop the compatriots who were shot by the thugs from coming here to lively and lively. The living are always more important than the dead.

As soon as the news that the Red Army was going to distribute supplies to everyone spread, the Poles in the entire Central Bridgehead area under Malashenko's rule were shocked. Few people could think of the Soviets who were coming over with roaring artillery, tanks and aircraft. , was so kind that he even distributed supplies to everyone after driving away the brutal Germans.

Many people originally held the idea that "as long as the Soviets are not as brutal as the Germans, they will win." But they never expected that such a good thing could happen. Now it is really pie in the sky.

Although Warsaw is the capital of Poland, you really can't imagine how rich this place is. If you compare this place with Paris, which was also under the rule of the German army, it is really a world between heaven and earth. They are thousands of miles apart in all aspects. One cannot generalize between the capital and the capital.

Long before the Red Army came to Warsaw, the Germans had implemented extremely strict material rationing controls on Warsaw.

Any public peddling or private reselling of daily necessities is strictly prohibited. As long as you are caught by the Gestapo, you will be thrown to be fed to German shepherds. Germans never mind giving extra meals to dogs.

All daily necessities in Warsaw were centralized and controlled by the German army. The reason why the Germans did this at first was quite simple. They reduced the risk of riots through the control of daily necessities such as rations, and divided areas into areas according to the minimum guarantee amount. The distributed rations can theoretically prevent a large number of people who do not belong to the area from gathering in the same area in a short period of time.

If there is a surge in the number of people in this area in a short period of time, the minimum daily rations will not be enough to eat, and various food-related problems in this area will surge and become more prominent. It will be easy for the Germans who have ruled and operated in Warsaw for many years to You can notice it.

What can a large number of people who do not belong to this area do when they gather together? At a time like this, even a fool knows that the Polish ghosts will definitely want to pull the tiger's flag and take advantage of the Russians to take advantage of the opportunity to rebel. The top German military leaders who rule Warsaw have already anticipated this and have taken such actions. Just in case something unexpected happens.

The Germans' early move was indeed effective. The Gestapo and city defense force spies, who were everywhere in the city like tree roots, discovered and cracked multiple gathering points for the Polish uprising, and arrested a lot of people. Within two days, the prison was overcrowded, and a lot of them had to be interrogated and shot before new ones could be locked up.

It is worth mentioning that many of the uprising assembly points that were seized and killed were exposed and destroyed because of food problems.

For example, members of the rebel army who went out hungry in the middle of the night to search for food and engage in private transactions received intelligence that "there was an abnormality in the ration situation in the area." Therefore, the Gestapo who were stationed in advance discovered and tracked them, and were robbed without any knowledge. The "Leading Party" led a large group of SS soldiers who were following behind them to the uprising station. In the end, everything happened, which was not uncommon during those crazy few days.

For the Germans, all signs show that as the Russians continue to advance and the army approaches Warsaw, the Poles in Warsaw are preparing for an organized large-scale armed uprising, and larger-scale measures must be taken. Action nip it in the bud.

This is what the Germans think and of course they plan to do.

But there are unforeseen circumstances. The Germans never expected that this group of Poles would decide to go head-on and start the rebellion in advance after their plan was exposed, a large number of people were captured, and a lot of uprising points were pulled out.

The "early uprising" of the Poles caught the German defense forces in Warsaw by surprise. They were really panicked at first, and the Polish rebels took advantage of them and suffered a lot of casualties.

However, because they had received a lot of key information in advance that the Poles were about to revolt, the always rigorous Germans did immediately make many deployment preparations, including many that were originally deployed behind the city of Warsaw. The original plan was to use them to fight against the Russians. A reserve field force was transferred to Warsaw to be ready to support and suppress the riots at any time.

Therefore, the Poles uprising in advance, even if they really caught the German city defense forces by surprise and gave me the advantage, this was only temporary, and they soon ran into the guns of the German reinforcements who rushed to help urgently.

The German second-line city defense troops stationed in Warsaw may indeed be weak and weak, but those German troops who rushed into the city from the west for reinforcements are different. These are well-organized and mostly fully manned. They were originally intended to fight with Russia. A front-line preparation field force that can fight against others.

It may be one thing to be unable to defeat the Russians and lose your temper on the battlefield, but it is a completely different thing to deal with these Polish ghosts who are rebelling in the city. Polish guy, that's easier than chopping melons and vegetables.

The "advantage is mine" that the Poles only maintained for a very short time immediately became "good times, only yesterday."

The fighting was fierce in the west and central areas of the city. The Polish rebels in Warsaw were forced to concentrate most of their forces in the key directions of the west, northwest, and southwest of the city, desperately trying to block the advancing offensive of the German troops. Although this action It didn't go smoothly, and I even lost from the beginning to the end.

However, this has also led to some derivative situations. For example, in the eastern area of ​​the city where fighting is relatively rare, ordinary Polish people living here even if they do not fight or fight with the Germans, they still live in the German army all day long. Under the high-pressure rule of martial law and blockade, people live in panic amidst the roar of guns and gunfire from far or near.

The Germans not only blocked the streets and urban areas and strictly prohibited anyone from wandering on the streets, but also stopped the distribution of daily supplies regardless of whether people were alive or dead. In short, it was like "What does the life and death of you Poles have to do with me?"

So this explains why, once the news spread that the Red Army was going to distribute living supplies to everyone, it caused such a sensation in the eastern bridgehead area under Malashenko's rule. Because food was extremely scarce for everyone, and many of them were so hungry that they were blind. Their homes had been without food for many days and they did not dare to go out for food for fear of being caught and killed by the Germans.

It’s just that Malashenko didn’t know that the Warsaw Uprising in this timeline that he had tampered with was so different from the original Warsaw Uprising in existing history.

Comrade Lao Ma was just amazed. The scene of Poles queuing up to receive food grains looked like the black uncles in Africa in later generations queuing up to receive humanitarian aid from the United Nations. The number of people was simply beyond imagination. "It shocked Lao Ma all year round," he said. "Scoring twice belongs to yes.

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