Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2073 The Order Comes Again

According to what Comrade Political Commissar said, Malashenko can indeed use his eyes to read the map and explain it, and understand the most realistic current situation of the German army group in Poland. It is indeed necessary to withdraw, and if he does not withdraw, he will be sent to the guillotine. to the extent.

Judging from the map, all the heavy German army groups north of Warsaw from Bialystok to East Prussia have been wiped out.

What remained at the doorstep of East Prussia, the so-called "Land of German Dragons", were only the hundreds of thousands of troops and thousands of tanks that the Belarusian Third Front had fought their way over, and none of them were fully organized. The German army regiments can withstand this tyrannical force, and the Germans must prepare to fight to the death on their own land next.

In the direction of the central attack from Mazovia south to Warsaw, the German regiments originally entrenched in the suburbs of Warsaw have now been wiped out and completely crushed. The German regiments that were temporarily seconded from the Third Belarusian Front Army to the First Front Army The leader is the "culprit" that caused all this.

The complete clearing of the north and middle roads put the German army group, which was still fighting against the enemy and fighting to the death, in a very dangerous state on the south road.

Originally, the German army group on the south road was engaged in a fierce battle with the Soviet army group heading up from Sandomierzh.

Now that Warsaw has fallen, the North Road and the Center Road have fallen almost at the same time. This means that after the Soviet Army Group in the Center Road is freed up, it can immediately move south and cooperate with friendly forces to attack the remaining German Army Group on the South Road from north to south.

The German army group on the southern route did not fight well in the Battle of the Sandomierz Bulge. Konev commanded the extremely powerful 1st Ukrainian Front Army with millions of troops and rushed over like a mad bull. Rampant on the road, the German army invested a full 17 divisions on the southern front but still had little effect. It was impossible to stop the crazy Konev and his troops.

The battle here was so intense that the friendly forces in the north were suddenly wiped out without knowing what the hell was going on.

If I had to give a specific description, the emoticon that the German Army Group on the Southern Front wants to post the most right now is probably the "black question mark."

The German Army Group on the southern front, which was at risk of being attacked from both sides at any time, had no other choice. In the battle against its direct enemy, Konev's 1st Ukrainian Front, it had been unable to open up the situation, let alone win. The German army group on the southern front, which had no time to waste any longer, had no choice but to retreat, at least to a place where it could reorganize an effective frontal battlefield defense line before making plans.

At this point in the war, approximately 60% of the entire Polish territory, as seen from the map, has been liberated by the Red Army or is about to be liberated.

The largest remaining area occupied by the German army was the Lesser Poland Voivodeship in southern Poland.

As for the middle road, the German siege troops withdrawing westward from Warsaw can be regarded as a relatively large-scale heavy force group. Note that this is only a "comparison".

After the backbone of the Grossdeutschland Division was completely wiped out, the German center group, which was defeated so badly, had its back broken and was unable to survive. The possibility that the remaining soldiers would be able to withstand Luo's driver's onslaught was almost zero.

The Skeleton Division on the North Road was also beaten to the point of splitting their brains and suffering a lot of damage. After being hit on the top of their head by a wave of air raid ammunition from an entire aviation division, it is estimated that these bastards will need some time and more replenishment. Rejuvenate.

Not to mention that the other German troops in the north were also wiped out by Vatutin. What can a skeleton division with its dog's claws broken do?

If Malashenko is asked to make an action prediction, the next key strategic direction of the Red Army must be in southern Poland. The heavy German army group remaining in this damn place is the strongest and most capable in existence.

But, the Red Army's heavily-armed group in the south is also the strongest.

It was the 1st Ukrainian Front Army commanded by Konev, which had one million troops. It was a composite of two strategic heavy force groups, the 1st Ukrainian Front Army and the 2nd Ukrainian Front Army during the Battle of Cherkasy. Except for the leader division that Vatutin wants to leave, there are no other units missing. It is the most powerful front-level unit in the entire Soviet Army at the moment.

Therefore, Malashenko is not worried about any problems in the battle on the south road. Konev has millions of troops and the same level of technical weapons and heavy equipment in his hands. Even if he does not talk about tactics and only uses strength to fight, he can It is nothing more than a matter of time before the Germans are tamped alive into a pulp.

So here’s the question. The German troops on the northern and central routes have been beaten to the point of being sparse and helpless. Konev on the southern route is so strong that he doesn’t need help from others. In which direction will we be sent to fight next? Could it be that he returned to the old army to continue looking for Vatutin, and then prepared to violently bombard East Prussia?

Well, this sounds like a good job, I like doing it! Just thinking about kicking a German guy's ass to pieces in his proud hometown is very exciting.

"I still hope that we can return to the old army as soon as possible. I've had enough of this miserable place. I feel like I'm more like a county magistrate working for a Polish guy than a division commander. I spend all day thinking about how to deal with these Polish guys. I don’t like dealing with refugees. Kicking down the door of East Prussia is what I want. This is what a leader should do.”

There is no need to hide anything hypocritically in front of the political commissar comrades. Malashenko said what he had to say. He bluntly expressed that he wanted to return to the old troops of the Belarusian Third Front, wanted to continue to work under Vatutin, and was ready to violently attack East Prussia. A blast of work.

Of course Comrade Political Commissar could have guessed what Malashenko would say. He was the person who knew Malashenko best in the entire leadership division. But just when Comrade Political Commissar was about to reply to Malashenko, a communications staff officer who quickly ran out of the communications room on the side interrupted the rhythm.

"Comrade division commander, comrade political commissar, we are calling from the front army headquarters."


Malashenko did not step forward to pick it up because Comrade Political Commissar was closer. The communications staff officer understood the meaning from his eyes and immediately handed the telegram to Comrade Political Commissar.

"What? Is there something urgent at the front army headquarters?"

Before Malashenko, who wanted to come over and take a look, could stand still, Comrade Political Commissar's preemptive words blurted out.

"The order has been issued, but it's probably not what you thought. We have to continue south instead of going back to the old army."

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