When he first saw the real form of the Graben wolf, Malashenko actually thought about sending someone up to drive away the Polish ghost who was operating blindly, and quickly ensure the safety of the scene to eliminate the potential crisis.

But the next second he had such an idea, Malashenko immediately realized that doing so might be more risky.

In the official historical records, Malashenko clearly remembers the Warsaw Uprising, which was a historical event, and the Graben Wolf appeared. And after being captured by the Polish ghost, he manipulated and played with it blindly, and finally blew it up on the spot. After a loud bang, countless Polish ghosts who were watching the fun rose to the sky, and half of it was flattened. There was a rain of blood on the street and in the sky.

The impact and influence this incident had on the Polish ghosts was so great and impressive that when the Polish ghosts remade their own history and made movies about the Warsaw Uprising many years later, they did not forget to include this bloody lesson. It was specially added. As to whether it was to warn future generations or to accuse the Germans of atrocities and ask for more compensation, it can only be said that benevolent people have different views on benevolence and wisdom.

And at that moment, Malashenko saw with his own eyes a Polish guy sitting on the Graben Wolf, playing with this thing with the same lens as in the movie, he said without bragging, Comrade Ma is indeed He is the kind of person who is timid and gives up on the spot.

The scene in front of him was really perfect and matched the movie scene in his memory. Malashenko was really afraid of these deadly Polish enemies.

Send people up to drive away the Polish ghosts and eliminate the security threat on the spot?

Yes, in principle it is possible to do this, and it is feasible to a certain extent.

But how do you ensure that the Polish ghosts will not get into a dispute with the Red Army and think that the Red Army is coming to snatch their "great booty", so they will become even more anxious to drive this thing away without leaving it to the Red Army?

As for using a faster hand speed and continuing to operate blindly, the possibility of the final consequences will skyrocket. This is something that anyone with a brain can understand at a moment's notice.

As I have emphasized many times before, Comrade Ma is a person who particularly dislikes and is quite taboo about putting his destiny in the hands of others. It is enough to have such a bad feeling once. Malashenko does not want to have a second time. , I never want to think that I have to control my own destiny, instead of saying that those Polish ghosts can push me to the bottom with just a few random clicks.

After weighing the pros and cons after a moment's thought, Malashenko decided on the spot to take his people and retreat, instead of sending people up to play a car-stealing adventure game with the Polish ghost in a way that was prone to misunderstanding and more risky. .

Facts have proved that Malashenko’s on-the-spot decision was correct. Let’s not talk about the final result if he sends people to fight with the Polish ghost guy to grab the car. At least the solution Malashenko chose to lead the people to withdraw immediately is The final result was that the vast majority of comrades were safe and sound, and that both myself and the political commissar survived with all their parts intact, and that was enough.

But really speaking, Malashenko and most of the other comrades escaped and survived with their lives. The most worthy of gratitude is the IS6 heavy tank that led the way.

Which gadget in a front-line combat unit is most resistant to explosions and chemical energy shocks?

In the era of World War II, you could answer the only answer without even thinking about it: heavy tanks.

This kind of frontline heavy armored combat unit, which is heavily armored and whose main job is to attack cities and fortresses, has the most powerful protective capabilities in the thousands of years of land warfare history of mankind. Ordinary bullets and small artillery shells are simply ineffective against this thick-skinned thing. Even a large amount of chemical energy blast impact must be close enough to really hurt this steel monster.

In addition, Malashenko's IS6 is a bit unusual. The steel plate-coated rubber-type sandwich modular composite armor attached to it is designed to withstand the enemy's increasingly powerful chemical anti-tank weapons.

In terms of killing methods, there is no essential difference between Graben Wolf and Panzerfaust or tank killers. To trace the origin, they are chemical energy shocks that use charge blasting as the killing method. They are completely different from the kinetic energy shocks of armor-piercing projectiles and belong to different categories. Two major categories.

It's just that the Graben Wolf doesn't do any restraint, and it can impact chemical energy at 360 degrees in all directions without any blind spots. The Iron Fist is different from the Tank Killer. It is a chemical energy impact from a shaped charge that has been directionally restrained by a medical mask.

However, for composite armor designed to resist chemical energy killing, there is no essential difference between these two different impact methods. As long as it is chemical energy killing, then the composite armor can be effective.

The difference is that if the direct-contact shaped charge chemical energy impact is powerful enough, it will punch a hole in the tank armor and destroy the interior, while the non-dead-angle explosive chemical energy impact, if powerful enough, can be strong enough to penetrate twenty meters away. Destroy tank armor

Then there's nothing wrong with the tank, just come over and look for parts all over the place afterwards.

Generally speaking, fortunately, the base armor of the IS6 itself is hard enough, coupled with the external defense kit-style composite armor protection, it was able to block this round of explosion impact at a distance of more than 40 meters.

Even if the external composite armor is completely destroyed and thrown away, it is still worth it. At least it uses its huge front projection area to withstand direct impact on all light and unarmored vehicles in the rear, which is enough.

Looking at the IS6 heavy tank in front of me, which had made great achievements but was now completely disfigured, with both tracks broken off from the front end of the body, and the ears that were shocked were bleeding, and the eyes looked like they were dumbfounded. The crew members had just climbed out of the vehicle and were sitting on the edge of the tank, receiving emergency examination and treatment from the medics.

Malashenko, who was still feeling quite unhappy, turned around and saw that the Graben Wolf had been parked not far away and a group of Polish ghosts were watching and joining in the fun. Now there was only one huge car left. There was no human figure outside the huge pit, and not a single trace of human hair on the Polish ghost could be seen. After a cool breeze blew, only flying dust remained in the air, making the scene extremely desolate.

"This car is useless. Find someone to contact the follow-up friendly forces to come and deal with it. We don't have time to waste here. The convoy will turn around and go out from the next street. There is such a big hole in front, and this road cannot be walked. Act immediately!"

The huge heavy aviation bomb-level crater left by the Grabenwolf explosion made it impossible for Malashenko's convoy to continue to move forward on the same path. Now it has no choice but to change its route.

After busy commanding and finishing some trivial matters, he watched the soldiers load the wounded and the bodies of their fallen comrades into the vehicle and take them away together. Seeing that the matter was done, Malashenko was about to get in the car and set off, but suddenly he saw that his commanding GAZ small Jeep had already plunged into the street shop in an awkward manner, and only one person was left. The deformed butt of the car is still exposed.

Malashenko, who had no car to ride in, had no other choice but to look at each other and smile helplessly with his political commissar comrades, barely easing the atmosphere. Then he found a nearby troop transport truck and climbed aboard. The soldiers stayed together and improvised in a large compartment.

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