Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2084 Death Factory (4)

Claude Escoffier, this is the real name of the black dog.

However, there are almost no times when he can be called by this name. This black-skinned dog likes to hear the prisoners of war under his charge call him by the honorific title. He can understand Russian and of course he can speak it, but most of the time he doesn't. He loves to speak Russian. This bastard is a hair-washing extremist. He deeply despises those lowly and inferior people, and is even less willing to speak their language.

The reason why I know Russian is entirely due to work needs, so I can barely learn it as a last resort. Therefore, since he could understand and speak Russian, he usually asked the Red Army prisoners of war under his supervision to call him "sir" directly in Russian.

As for the German he spoke, it was transcribed into Russian by a translator who could strictly speaking be regarded as "superfluous" and then told to the following Red Army prisoners of war to repeat it again.

This may seem like an unbelievable, unnecessary act of taking off your pants and farting, but Claude himself thinks it is meaningful. How can a superior pure Aryan speak the language of inferior people every day? ? This is a loss of status and dignity. It is quite necessary to have an interpreter.

Another reality is that if the Red Army prisoners below call them by their first names, they will be regarded as very disrespectful by him, and they will be brutally beaten or even directly tortured to death.

And privately, how could the Red Army prisoners of war, who had hated this bastard so much, be willing to call this guy by his name? It would have been better to call him a black dog instead of "that bastard".

So when the translator translated Claude's lecture into Russian and repeated it again, no one of the Red Army prisoners of war present bought his account, and they all ignored the black dog's words. They looked down upon this bastard. One or two of them kept their mouths closed and did not respond. They were just in a state of being angry and dare not speak, and they did not show anger.

But Claude was not angry when he saw this scene. As a manager, of course he knew what the Red Army prisoners of war in front of him were thinking, or at least he could roughly guess it.

However, Claude regarded it as a very interesting game and did not feel that it would make him gnash his teeth or become angry. The more these Red Army prisoners of war hated him, the more he felt a pathological sense of achievement, as if the higher the hatred value, the more effective his work was, at least that's what Claude himself thought.

"As a reward for your hard work last week, I am happy to inform you that this week you will be transferred to a relatively relaxed job, and you will wear cotton-padded clothes that will be distributed to you as soon as possible. Everyone will be able to To feel the warmth of Germany in this cold winter, you have to be grateful to the head of state, just like me!”

The interpreter wearing glasses on the side repeated the words truthfully, and Claude, who understood Russian, nodded with satisfaction, obviously thinking that the translation was accurate.

The Red Army prisoners of war were quite dumbfounded after hearing this. Look at me and I look at you. They don't seem to believe that what this evil SS leader said can be true. He is so murderous* **When did the black dog become so kind? This must not be a good thing.

That is to say, when a group of Red Army prisoners of war felt that something was fishy and there was fraud in it, as if to confirm this guess, the words Claude blurted out immediately were full of ominous atmosphere.

"But there is a prerequisite for this!"


Everyone, including Roskov, trembled on the spot when they heard this. Everyone knew that when this black dog spoke in this tone, nothing good would often happen, and what happened next would soon be... Proof.

"Some of you are dishonest and stole food from the kitchen! We all know that this will be severely punished, and this is necessary. So, I hope someone can come forward and report this dirty thing. Who is the thief? Those who report it will be rewarded.”


No one immediately stood up to answer the black dog's question, but they set off quite a storm in their hearts.

Everyone still remembers the delicious late-night snack we had last night. Has anyone forgotten that it was little Ivan who brought it back to share with everyone?

However, there seems to be some discrepancy in how we obtain food?

Is it a reward or stolen?

It's not that everyone doesn't trust their comrades, it's just that if little Ivan really lies about this matter, it will lead to disaster and burn everyone like wildfire.

Everyone knows how harshly the Germans will treat prisoners or prisoners who steal things, especially food. The best result is to give them a good time or die on the spot, but to suffer all kinds of torture is worse than death. normalized situation.

Could it be that in order to make everyone feel at ease, little Ivan felt that his cooking was perfect and that the Germans would not be able to catch him, so he said last night that the stolen things were a reward from the Germans?

There is no way to ask little Ivan for questioning in this situation. The black dog is staring right in front of you. He can even hear the sound of your fart clearly. This bastard’s ears are particularly good. I've never heard of an errand.

So what is the truth?

This can only allow everyone present who cannot communicate with others to think for themselves, draw a conclusion that they think should be the truth, and finally use this to convince themselves that this is true.

Blocking the channels of communication will breed suspicion and mistrust. Claude, who is well versed in human weaknesses, certainly knows this, or in other words, this is the effect she wants. The casual expressions on the faces of those prisoners of war were enough to determine the outcome. All that was needed now was to add fuel to the fire and take another step forward.

"If the criminal is not proven, then everyone will be punished. There will be no more cotton-padded clothes, and they will continue to do the most tiring work. Everyone will do it. Do I need to add anything more?"


No one among the Red Army prisoners of war who were divided into two teams in the cold wind still took the initiative to speak, but the many subtle changes in their trembling expressions did not escape Claude's eyes.

He enjoys playing with people's hearts to create doubt and distrust, always has, and betrayal is the result he wants to gain most in this game. This is exactly what he is looking forward to.

But just when Claude was smiling sinisterly, thinking about how to make this game more interesting, a short and thin figure stepped forward, which slightly disrupted his plan.

"No need to ask anymore, I did it."

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