Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2093 Tightening the Noose (Part 2)

Fate played a big joke on Alsim. The armor-piercing bomb fired by the Germans did not explode!

After only penetrating the armor plate on one side of the vehicle, there was a huge metal collision sound on the inner wall of the armor plate on the side Alsim's back was against. It did not even penetrate the armor on both sides of the vehicle body at once. . 6̾̾

"Susuka! I'm scared to death. Did the fuse of the German's useless artillery shell fail? It didn't even explode???"

He originally thought that he would be killed by the powerful infantry tank explosion, and he would rise to the sky with his comrades around him. Alsim, who survived the disaster, was breathing heavily and was thankful, but at the same time, he couldn't help but wonder what caused this.

Time on the battlefield will not stop because of Alsim’s thoughts.

At the same time, after realizing that the side armor of the vehicle body was penetrated at the rear infantry compartment, but the shell did not explode and the two crew members in the fighting room were not injured, neither did the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle that had been beaten. Being frightened, like some Mizu armored soldiers, they abandoned the vehicle and fled after knowing that the armor was penetrated. Instead, they directly pulled the firing trigger based on the principle of "If you don't kill me, I will fucking kill you."

"Die! What a pig!!!"

Dong dong dong dong dong——

The fully loaded magazine that was stuffed into the magazine by the loader continued to feed and output, and one round after another, crimson 25mm full-caliber armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullets came out of the muzzle flames with a shrill roar, heading towards the gun. He rushed towards the German artillery car that had just fired a shot not far away.

The performance of the infantry fighting vehicle in the hands of the Russians on the opposite side was really unclear. The few SS soldiers in the vehicle who were busy reloading and taking aim were completely unaware of what kind of tragic end was coming towards them. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

The kinetic energy is much stronger than Deska's 25mm armor-piercing bullet, and it broke through the already fragile armor of 251 without any suspense.

The blazing warhead tore through the flesh with extremely strong residual kinetic energy. The armor-piercing projectiles that were blasted in one after another violently penetrated the armor fragments and poured into the flesh like countless hidden weapons hitting the pavement.

The flesh was no longer alive under the impact and tearing of the double kinetic energy. One second, it was still standing in human form, and the next second, the SS vehicle crew was beaten to pieces and cut into pieces. It was like a smashed watermelon on the spot. A spray of blood mist scattered all over the ground, and within just two seconds there was no longer a standing figure in the open car.

However, this is far from over.

I don’t know whether it was out of resentment or in order to completely kill the Germans and eliminate future troubles. Not only was the beaten BMP43 fiercely firing at the lone 251 gun truck, but the remaining two BMP43s were still strafing the infantry. The turret was turned around at some point, and the situation immediately turned into three 25mm cannons from three infantry fighting vehicles firing wildly at the 251 broken vehicle.

Three crimson tracer fire dragons concentrated their fire and fired a volley, immediately turning the entire 251 into a bright torch with sparks rising and crackling.

First the fuel caught fire, and then the ammunition exploded. How could the thin-skinned 251 withstand such a three-fold violent bombardment? After just one concentrated fire salvo, and each vehicle had just fired a box of shells, it was already in the ground. It was torn into pieces in a violent explosion.

"Sukka! This is too cruel, it's even harder than an anti-tank gun!"

There is a saying, on the premise that it can penetrate armor and have sufficient penetration depth, it is indeed more exciting for a machine gun to fire armor-piercing shells against armor targets than a single anti-tank gun firing one round at a time. The admiration given by Alsim, who witnessed with his own eyes how tragic the death of the German 251 was, was not an illusion, but that this was indeed the case.

From the moment the 251 was hit to the moment the entire vehicle was hit with sparks and exploded into a ball of flames, the whole process only took four or five seconds.

In other words, if they are targeted, the German crew will not even have a chance to abandon the vehicle and escape. Four or five seconds is not enough for the driver to get up from his seat and jump out of the car. He can dodge the dense armor-piercing projectiles. Even with strafing fire, there was no way he could avoid the explosion of the entire vehicle that followed closely behind.

First, he was beaten into a pile of minced meat like meat by a meat grinder, and then was blasted with powerful ammunition and directly cremated and grilled. Is this one-stop service of "Soviet Humane Destruction" a bit too "humane"?

Well, no matter what, it’s just fun to serve fascist bastards like this!

Alsim, who had already recovered from the brief shock, thought this way.

The destruction of the 251 gun carriage seemed to be just the beginning for this group of SS soldiers who were already crazy and stunned.

Just when Alsim picked up the AK in his hand and prepared to fight the fascists again, behind the SS lunatics and farther down the street, a dilapidated and abandoned cabin was struck by a huge crash. , was directly smashed into countless pieces, flying all over the sky, and then a scene that shocked all the SS soldiers who turned around subconsciously to pee appeared in front of them.

"Every vehicle crew concentrated their firepower! The vehicle-mounted machine guns were fired at me desperately! Kill all these **** bastards on the street without leaving a single one behind!"

There is only one Red Army heavy tank that is so huge that it can only be described as "a shocking visual impact": the No. 177 IS7 heavy tank prototype that is absolutely unique among the entire Soviet Army.

In addition to the unparalleled 130mm cannon, the IS7 has another biggest feature in terms of firepower output: it has many machine guns.

How many? There were machine guns all over him.

Even after Malashenko's suggestion, Shashmulin canceled the seemingly useful but in fact purely flashy rear-facing machine gun, this huge but not bulky super steel behemoth still has enough power. A total of 7 forward-facing machine guns can exert anti-infantry firepower.

There is a forward-facing 62mm machine gun on each side of the car body that uses remote control and is controlled by the new fire control handle that makes Iushkin extremely happy. It is also accompanied by a 5mm KPV heavy machine gun directly above the main gun. There are also 62mm DT light machine guns on the left and right sides of the breech. This, together with the body of the vehicle, gives a total of 5 forward-facing machine guns.

As for the remaining two, after the IS7's flashy "Teletubbies" machine gun tower design was canceled at the suggestion of Malashenko, Shashmulin used a more crude design regardless of the cost and directly installed it in double racks. On top of the already huge turret of the IS7, even the twin-mounted 5mm KPV heavy machine gun will not look obtrusive. Instead, it will look a bit slender.

It is worth mentioning that the KPV heavy machine gun is still an experimental weapon that has not yet been finalized and put into production. Currently, only some prototype guns have been trial-produced for testing. The ammunition is very crudely "used" and directly uses the 5X114mm bullet of the Simonov anti-tank rifle, without developing new bullets, so the power is absolutely damn powerful!

By coincidence, Shashmulin, who is rushing to build a new "super heavy tank", needs a powerful new heavy machine gun that can match the super body of the IS7. The Deshka used on the IS6 seems to be inferior to the IS7. It seemed a little "too powerful" and not suitable. The more powerful KPV in the trial production naturally entered Shashmulin's choice.

As for the problems you said that this thing lacks a suitable gun frame and the recoil is too large, which affects the continuous accuracy, that is not a problem when it comes to the IS7, which weighs 70 tons of full combat weight. No matter how strong the recoil is, how can it push the IS7 into the air? I'll be rigidly connected to the tank directly, wipe out the recoil for you, and shoot the German stick from the top of the twin mount's head!

What's even more coincidental is that Malashenko, as a future time traveler, is well aware of the famous name of KPV. As for Shashmulin's proposal to use the new KPV heavy machine gun, he naturally supported it with both hands and feet.

After two simple tests on the shooting range, which proved that there was no problem with the prototype gun installed on the tank, Malashenko directly took away the prototype vehicle, which was different from the existing Teletubbies IS7, and prepared Conduct actual combat testing.

But now, when the five forward-facing machine guns under the control of Iushkin were firing at full power, Malashenko, who saw that the defeat of the German army was determined, was also itchy, and he directly pushed away the gun above his head in order to It is convenient for crew members to manually control the roof-mounted machine gun, and the new turret top cover, which is very different from the existing historical IS7 turret top cover, leans out by itself.

Instead of appointing one of the loaders and deputy loaders who was supposed to be the shooter on the roof machine gun, the division commander and the commander of the vehicle personally took action and passed this "set" of twin-mounted KPVs that looked very damn violent. Holding the movable gun frame with his hand, he shook the gun directly. The two jet-black ultra-long barrels with a strong sense of conquest were already aimed at the collapsed SS German sticks on the trail and were about to spray.

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