Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2100 Piling up like a mountain

"What the hell is this place? Two big chimneys??? Are the Germans doing thermal power generation here? This place is worthy of building a special thermal power plant???"

Iushkin didn't know what the building with two large chimneys in front of him was for, but Malashenko could still remember it with the help of his future memory.

Camp No. 3 is not as big as Camp No. 1 and No. 2. The people who stay here are mainly engaged in some labor work and produce various light industrial products. The "extermination camp" where large-scale massacres are concentrated is also in Camp No. 2. Not here.

However, Camp No. 3 still has all the "functional facilities" that it should have.

The "local characteristics" of the hellish place Auschwitz, the gas chambers and the crematoria, and the hellish place Camp No. 3 also have all of them. Those who are deemed to be unable to continue working and have no use value will be thrown into the gas chamber and forced to end their lives. The death process will be observed and recorded, and various data parameters will be recorded, which can be regarded as draining out the last remaining use value.

The next step will naturally be to transport it to the crematorium and burn it, completely destroying the evidence that the persecuted person once lived in this world, leaving no trace.

Therefore, the two large chimneys that surprised Iushkin were actually not "thermal power plants" at all, but things used to burn corpses and spray out corpse smoke and corpse oil.

Malashenko, who was fully aware of this, said nothing, and just motioned for Iushkin to follow his footsteps and just go forward.

"Hello, sir!"

"Comrade Commander."

"Hello, Comrade Commander!"

As soon as Malashenko led the people through the door, he saw a group of Red Army soldiers who were dealing with matters here, playing with a pile of corpses lying on the ground.

What’s strange is how disorganized these corpses are. There are some wearing prison uniforms and some wearing SS uniforms, but without exception, they are all dead bodies. They are piled up on the ground like some kind of apocalyptic scene. , at least there must be hundreds of them.

The soldiers greeted the comrades who came to inspect the place and stopped what they were doing. Malashenko, who was quite curious about this, looked at the pile of corpses and asked questions.

"What's going on? Why are the corpses of prisoners and SS soldiers piled up together? Who killed them?"

The person responsible for leading the team to take care of the affairs here was a lieutenant platoon leader. Seeing Malashenko asking questions, he took the initiative to stand up and answer the comrade of the division commander.

"Comrade Division Commander, we had the corpses of these prisoners here as soon as we came here. They were piled up in a hill here, but they are not completely stiff yet. They must have died not long ago.

"As for the corpses of these SS soldiers, they were either those who not only refused to surrender but dared to shoot at us and were directly shot to death. Or they were those who refused to surrender and turned their backs to us and were killed while trying to escape. Those who are still alive The SS gangsters have been captured and taken into custody, only a dozen in number.”

"I and the soldiers were inspecting these corpses to see if we could find any valuable information or things inside. In order to facilitate processing, we dragged the SS corpses and piled them together. After the examination, they were directly thrown to death. There happens to be a corpse cremator in this place, so I think it will be convenient to burn them together, so I don’t have to dig a hole to bury them.”

The platoon leader's answer was clean and matter-of-fact. Malashenko, who looked at the pile of corpses as high as a hill in front of him, nodded to show his approval.

But even so, Malashenko still has a question in his mind that has not yet been answered. Why were the prisoner corpses that accounted for the vast majority of the corpses in the pile were killed?

Was it an organized massacre that was planned and prepared?

It is true that this possibility cannot be ruled out, but what Malashenko is thinking about is another possibility: for some reasons and some emergencies, the Germans suddenly decided to kill people and silence them.

This is not a groundless conjecture, but a guess made by Malashenko based on some actual situations that can withstand scrutiny.

A sudden large-scale massacre would inevitably require the urgent deployment of a large number of additional manpower. Malashenko always felt that this was likely to be inseparable from the fact that the number of SS troops in the concentration camp was so large that it was obviously abnormal.

And judging from the pile of corpses in front of them, it didn't look like a massacre that was organized, planned, and scheduled in advance.

Otherwise, who would have put so many piles of corpses here before the stove was even on fire and cold, so many that they were piled up into a hill.

It’s not like we’re engaging in some evil ritual. We have to build a mountain of corpses first and dance to the gods. It’s obvious that there is a problem with the procedures for burning corpses to eliminate traces. There is an obvious disconnect between the two processes from killing people to burning corpses. This is very much like a temporary ritual. The intention to commit massacre was reflected in the situation of being in a hurry due to lack of preparation and disorganizing the process.

If it was really a spur-of-the-moment decision to commit mass murder, it would be easy to understand why there would be so many SS soldiers in the concentration camp.

If a mass extermination of the whole camp is suddenly carried out, who can guarantee that there will not be a large-scale riot? Furthermore, if so many people were suddenly killed, more SS bastards would be needed to do the job of executioners, right? Didn't it happen that a large number of SS lackeys poured into the concentration camp in the blink of an eye, and they happened to be beaten by the leader division commanded by Malashenko when they broke in?

As for why the Germans suddenly carried out a massacre on the spur of the moment, this involves the issue of the SS bastards who wanted to destroy the evidence and run away quickly.

Before leaving, you must get rid of as many "witnesses" as possible. The dead are the best at keeping secrets and will never speak, so heinous crimes can be better hidden. But the reality is that before we could "start work", the leader suddenly knocked on the door and forcibly interrupted it. From top to bottom, not a single Fascist lackey could escape.

Looking at the obviously unnatural pile of corpses and the cold crematorium without fire, Malashenko felt more and more that this was probably the real situation. As for whether it is true and the specific details, we can find out by prying something useful out of the mouths of those captured SS scum. This matter can be left to do later.

Malashenko was looking at the mountains of corpses in front of him and thinking about something, but Iushkin on the side was interested in the extra-large crematorium.

The size of this crematorium is as large as seven or eight Stalin heavy tanks stacked next to each other. Iushkin has never seen such a large crematorium, and even the corpses were thrown in and burned. The furnace door is enough for a normal adult man to walk in with his head held high and his chest held high without any restraint. You can get an idea of ​​this astonishing level just from the astonished expression on Iushkin's face.

"I think I have to go in and take a look. I brought my camera. Maybe I can take some evidence photos to keep."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Malashenko could answer another sentence, Iushkin took the camera bag hanging on his hip into his hand and already got into the furnace. check it out.

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