Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2108 A Game (Part 1)

Nights in Auschwitz were no different from anywhere else, at least to Malashenko.

The silent night outside the window has no longer the hustle and bustle of war during the day with the loud sounds of guns and gunfire. Only the biting cold wind in winter is still blowing by, blowing the not-so-tightly closed windows and there is still a slight chill. It blew in and hit Malashenko's face, who was standing by the window sill, and felt a slight chill.

It can help people stay calm in this warm spring-like room with a roaring fire in the fireplace, always reminding Malashenko that the dark and icy cold night is not yet completely over.

"Varosa has a chance. He can come up with so many tricks in half a day. Now everything will be fine! I want to see how some 21st century garbage scum can reverse the case for the Nazi fascists. I want to kill these people." The bastard will be nailed to the pillar of shame of mankind forever. Humans will never even think of emigrating to outer space!”

The surprise interrogation organized and arranged by Varosha personally achieved great results. All kinds of hard and soft methods, coercion and intimidation were all put in place. The result was that this group of fascist scum who really wanted to cherish the dog's life, knew that they knew Everything was revealed in detail, including how many pairs of pants he had changed in the past year.

It's just that the Red Army isn't interested in that.

Standing by the window sill and looking through the report that Varosha had just sent, Malashenko was naturally very satisfied with the answer sheet handed over by his capable general.

These testimonies and the physical evidence that have been seized can basically be matched. With the evidence of the murder weapon, there are corresponding confessions of the murderer, and there are also supporting documents of the massacre that can support the two. Three things When strung together, there is a complete chain of evidence. Even if some garbage scum in the future has a hundred mouths, they will not be able to overturn the verdict of these convicted fascists.

"Now that everything is alive, it's time to dispose of the rubbish that has no use value. Let's see how I can carry out justice tomorrow morning."

With a grin on his face and muttering, Malashenko closed the document and report and threw it on the desk nearby, but this did not mean that Malashenko could rest and have nothing to do next.

In fact, Malashenko is waiting for someone. If you fight too many wars, you will always feel tired and boring. Malashenko is waiting for someone who can play games and have fun with him. And Varosha has been ordered to bring the person here in person, and they should be there soon.


"Comrade Commander, are you there?"

Malashenko, who had just put the documents back on the table, could not sit down before there was a sudden knock on the door of the closed office. With a smile on his face, Malashenko knew that the person he wanted was probably already there. Delivered.

"Please come in."


The door made of solid wood was gently opened, and what appeared in front of Malashenko were two figures, one tall and one low, one male and one female.

The familiar one was naturally Varosha who knocked on the door and asked questions, while the unfamiliar woman was the first time Malashenko had met, and she was also the person Malashenko asked for tonight.

"Have you searched me? Have you done everything that needs to be done?"

Before Varosha opened his mouth to report, Malashenko asked questions first, and naturally received an affirmative answer from Varosha, who knew the details of the entire matter.

"As you ordered, Comrade Commander, everything has been completed."

"That's good. At least she's wearing the right clothes, so it's interesting."

Varosha didn't quite understand what Comrade Senior Commander meant, but he also believed that Comrade Senior Commander, whom he had always respected, would not call this stinky bitch to do anything shameful. Most likely, there was some arrangement that he didn't know about, maybe an interrogation or face-to-face questioning, but what Malashenko said next really caught Varosha off guard.

"Wait for me outside, Varosha, just leave her alone with me, and close the door tightly. Before I told you to come in, no one is allowed to come in, no matter what you hear or what happens. Listen. understand?"


Varosha blinked twice and couldn't believe his ears. What did Comrade Commander mean by his words? Is there something wrong with my ears? ? ?

Before Varosha, who looked confused and shocked, could say anything, Malashenko, who had no time to wait, spoke again.

"Is there anything you need me to repeat? I've made my orders very clear, Varosha."


He looked at the serious face of his comrade, and then at the bitch next to him who was only as tall as his shoulders, less than 1.7 meters at most. Valo no longer knew what to say. Now that Shadu has reached this position, he can only perform the bounden duty of a soldier: act according to orders, and carry out the orders of the division commander without any compromise as always.

"Be careful, Comrade Commander. If you need anything, just call me and I will wait in the corridor with others."


There was another sound of the door opening and closing, but this time it was the sound of the door closing again.

Finally got the "two-person world" he wanted, and Malashenko could also start the game he had planned in advance. The regular uniform of a tank soldier major general without a big-brimmed hat is still as brand-new and straight as during the day, paired with this With a height of 1.93 meters that is much higher than that of ordinary people, he looks like a male model on a clothes rack. There is no doubt that it is the best medicine to stimulate female hormones.

"Miss Vera Isabella, the highest officer in charge of all the female prisoners in Camp No. 3, I have to say that this SS uniform suits you quite well. I think I have to say that you have a proud figure. A man’s identity.”

While muttering, he picked up the two wine glasses on the table, picked up the wine bottle and filled it half full.

The readily available bottle of French brandy placed next to the cup was also a ready-made product seized from local sources. There is no shortage of such hedonistic luxuries in this hellish place like Auschwitz, but the owner who enjoys them has changed to the top commander of the Soviet army who now occupies this place: Malashenko.

He placed a wine glass in his hand and brought another wine glass to the woman in SS uniform. Malashenko, who was watching with a condescending smile, continued to speak.

"I am Malashenko, Dimitri Drukovich Malashenko, the Soviet man who terrifies you German fascists and all the lackeys who follow you."

"Don't be so formal. I sent my most capable subordinate to invite you here just to spend a wonderful night for both of us. Now it's just you and me here. I think you will reciprocate this at this moment. Agree, don’t you?”

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