Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2116 The Final Moment

Although it was short-lived, it was probably the most comfortable sleep I had had in recent months. However, the sleep time was a little short and I didn’t sleep well. This was probably the only regret Malashenko felt after waking up. The place. Google search reading

"Uh, what time is it? Huh?"

The sleepy-eyed Malashenko was half-sitting on the bed, preparing to grab his clothes and get up. The orderly who was responsible for waking up the division commander hurriedly handed over his coat and said at the same time.

"At half past five in the morning, Comrade Commander, you told me to wake you up at this time."

"Well it's time to get up."

Malashenko, muttering in his mouth, took the clothes and put them on in batches. He kicked off the long riding boots beside the bed and buttoned them, and then spoke again.

"Where are Comrade Political Commissar and the others? Any news?"

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander. Comrade Political Commissar asked me to tell you that he is waiting for you at the agreed place and has already gone ahead. Comrade Deputy Division Commander is also with him."

"Well, it looks like it's as promised."

The simple dressing up was quickly completed. Malashenko, who briefly combed his hair in front of the mirror, buttoned up his hat, and then he left the office and walked downstairs. As soon as he left the door of the building, he saw already Varosha has been waiting for a long time.

"How's the situation? Are you all ready?"

Malashenko asked as soon as he left the door of the building, and Varosha, who was already ready to answer, hurriedly followed.

"Get ready, Comrade Division Commander, everything is as per your instructions. Comrade Political Commissar and Comrade Deputy Division Commander have already arrived and are waiting for you to come over now, and then everything can start as planned."

"very good."

After hearing this answer, Malashenko was obviously very satisfied with it. As the maker and initiator of the entire plan, Malashenko was very happy to see that his plan was implemented step by step according to the due steps, and everything was under control. The feeling in it is of course quite good.

The convoy arranged by Varosha was already waiting here. Malashenko got into the jeep after not taking two steps forward, and together with Varosha, escorted by the convoy soldiers, they drove quickly towards the destination not far away. go.

Even though he had received an order from Vatutin and was about to lead his team to return to his old army to rebuild, there was still one thing Malashenko had to do before that, which he had to do personally, and he could only wait until it was done. After completing this promised matter, Malashenko could leave without any regrets.

The time to complete the last thing before departure is the last night before dawn, today.

The destination of the convoy was an open space in Camp No. 3. This was a meeting place where prisoners were previously used for running training or to receive speeches and instructions from Nazi leaders. In short, it was a quite large area. space.

In the past, the situation here was always surrounded by SS guards with live ammunition, and in the middle of the playground stood a group of hungry and cold prisoners, many of whom could not even stand firmly. There is a arrogant Nazi leader standing there lecturing and showing off. This is basically the scene every time there is a large gathering here.

But today, right now, the situation in this place is completely turned upside down.

Standing in the center of the playground were a group of SS prisoners of war who had been unarmed and restrained. Standing around the playground were fully armed Red Army soldiers belonging to the leader's division. The fully loaded steel gun is already in his hand, and his eyes are like hooks, ready to kill any Fascist bastard who dares to act recklessly at any time, if they are really brave.

"Is that all? Is it all here?"

Malashenko, who got off the car, saw the situation on the playground and asked again, but Varosha who was on the side obviously knew what the division commander meant.

"A total of four hundred and seventy-eight, Comrade Division Commander, all the SS scum that surrendered and were captured by us in the 1, 2, and 3 Battalions are here. Except for the bastards on the list you gave me. This is where all the remaining SS scum are, except for being held in solitary confinement and scheduled to be sent home for trial according to your orders.”

"Well, that's good, that's good."

Malashenko did not intend to kill all the scum that should have been cut to pieces in one go. There were actually many big fish among the captured SS prisoners, such as some with "doctor" and "doctor" hanging on their heads. For these scum, it would be too easy for him to be shot and killed by a man with the title of "Doctor". Taking him back to the country for the final trial is the best solution.

However, this is only limited to those "devil-level scum" who have committed heinous crimes and are full of evil. For the ordinary jail guards and perverted murderers with cats and dogs, Malashenko does not think that these disgusting guys can be caught in large numbers. There is no value in being transported thousands of miles back to the country for trial. Even if this kind of scum is engaged in massacre, it is just a tool used to do dirty work.

What's more, the leading division that is eager to leave cannot take so many prisoners of war on the road, so it is not difficult to guess the only option left. Sending these scum, whose hands are stained with the blood of countless innocent victims, to where they should go is the only option left for Malashenko, and of course it is also the promise Malashenko has made earlier. , now it’s just time to cash in.

However, Malashenko, who needed to give this moment greater significance, did not intend to let his elite warriors who had experienced hundreds of battles serve as executors.

Even if the soldiers are very happy to give these fascist scum a ride in the end, Malashenko obviously has a better plan: to let those who have been oppressed and even almost die tragically at the hands of these fascist scum People come to personally avenge their friends, relatives, comrades-in-arms, and all the suffering they have suffered since they have struggled to survive until today.

For example, those rescued prisoners of war held by the Red Army had long hated the fascist thugs with gnashing of teeth. The captured soldiers wanted to eat these fascist scum alive, but they had always been looking forward to one day killing these bastards who were worse than pigs and dogs. After suffering so much suffering and oppression, who wouldn't want revenge?

As the "savior", "liberator" and "real hero" of Auschwitz, Malashenko did not care what the prisoners of different identities called him and regarded him, and decided to give these captured comrades who had strong wishes a An opportunity, an opportunity to complete revenge and kill the enemy with your own hands.

And not only is it given the opportunity, but it is also necessary to make it all happen in a perfect way, and it is even carefully prepared for this. You can tell just by looking at the details of the costumes and dressing up.

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