Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 212 Overheating

The entry of the independent 1st heavy tank breakthrough battalion led by Malashenko into the battle was enough to make the German army, which did not have suitable equipment on hand to pose an effective threat to them, despair. The 10th Infantry Division is like a bolt from the blue to the current German army.

The battle has reached this point, and the Soviet and German armies that are fighting each other are already inextricably linked. Unless one side admits defeat and retreats first, this cruel battle for position will be like a speeding battle. The meat grinder generally goes on forever.

Machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, pistols, grenades, bayonets, iron rods, even fists and teeth

The Soviet and German soldiers in this bloody purgatory refused to give in to each other. The soldiers who were completely red-eyed were trying their best to kill as many enemies as possible before they fell to save their lives and exchange for victory.

The corpses of fallen soldiers from the Soviet and German armies were piled up layer upon layer on top of each other on the broken position, and their teeth were intertwined.

The warm blood flowing out from the still-warm corpses soaked the entire earth into a scarlet color and was even close to saturation. One after another, blood puddles and small pits were like puddles that clear up after the rain, covering the entire battlefield. yes.

The hoarse soldiers stepped forward one after another, stepping over the blood puddle that symbolized the lost life and continued to poke the enemy's chest with the bayonets in their hands.

Such a terrifying and bloody purgatory-like scene, even Malashenko, who has been accustomed to seeing life and death, can't help but be stunned. The close-quarters fighting scene of tens of thousands of people fighting for a small position is definitely... Unimaginable.

The only way to crawl out alive from this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood is to eliminate the enemy, keep killing people, and kill until your opponent cannot hold on anymore and retreats first. Otherwise, there is no way you can leave alive.

The emergence of gunpowder weapons has already shattered the shitty chivalry together with the Gothic plate armor. In the cruel modern war, there is no fair duel and no benevolence. Try to kill all your enemies regardless of the consequences. That is the most critical factor related to victory.

He commanded his own vehicle and several battalion escort tanks to form a temporary tank position to provide direct fire support. Malashenko, who could no longer hear the low-decibel sounds clearly, could only hear the roar of the vehicle-mounted DT light machine gun. , the gunner Iushkin, whose ears are also not very good, and Malashenko even reached the point where they could only communicate with gestures and movements.

"No way, Comrade Commander! The machine gun is overheated and I can't continue firing!"

I couldn't hear clearly what Nikolai, the electromechanical engineer, who was sitting in the co-pilot position at the front of the car, was muttering. I could only see the anxious face of the other person, lying in front of his commander's periscope and constantly observing the surrounding enemy situation. Malashenko then bent down and poked his head towards the position of Nikolai in the chassis of the car.

"What did you say!? Repeat it! I can't hear you, louder!"

Nikolai, who had already polished off who knows which reel, was more severely hearing-impaired than Malashenko. Nikolai, who could barely hear what Malashenko was yelling at, then continued with an equally loud roar. Open your mouth.

"Comrade in the car! I say! The barrel of the machine gun is overheated! I can't continue to fire!"

After repeating it again at an extremely close distance, almost face to face, it was finally clear what Nikolai was shouting. Malashenko raised his head and looked in the direction of Nikolai's finger. The front end of the DT light machine gun, which was in charge of controlling the vehicle's heading, was emitting white smoke and turning slightly red. Under such circumstances, it was obviously impossible to continue firing.

In this kind of battle for positions at extremely close range, the importance of a tank-mounted machine gun is often more important than the role of a main gun that appears to be overly powerful and may injure friendly forces.

If the KV1 heavy tank, which plays the role of a mobile machine gun bunker, loses its machine gun fire suppression, the German soldiers who are less stressed and relaxed will surround them and throw all kinds of bottles and cans at them.

By that time, Malashenko, let alone supporting the friendly infantry, was good enough to be able to save himself when the Ni Bodhisattva was crossing the river and could not save himself.

As a traditional air-cooled machine gun, the Soviet 62mm vehicle-mounted DT light machine gun is an old-fashioned weapon with a relatively outdated design. The standard anti-infantry firepower light machine gun of this type of Soviet tank cannot be as convenient and fast as the German MG34 general-purpose machine gun. The long time it takes to replace the barrel of the gun and let the barrel that is overheated to the point of smoking cool down on its own is obviously unacceptable to Malashenko, who is currently in an anxious battle situation.

"Take it off! Quick! If the barrel is overheated, you won't need it anymore. Put Somi out of the machine gun hole and fire. Don't let those Germans have a chance to breathe!"

As early as the design of the KV1 heavy tank was finalized, Soviet tank designers, taking into account battlefield versatility and diversified uses, designed all three vehicle-mounted machine guns of the KV1 heavy tank to be detachable and directly used as handheld guns. The non-integrated mode of the light machine gun.

The original design consideration of this design was to allow the crew members to easily disassemble the vehicle-mounted machine gun and take it away after abandoning the vehicle, so as to provide sufficient self-defense firepower after getting off the vehicle.

However, the Soviet tank soldiers who were killed or injured after their armor was penetrated often had no chance and did not bother to disassemble these vehicle-mounted light machine guns and take them with them. The time-consuming disassembly work was often criticized by the Soviet tank soldiers. However, this A type of detachable and movable machine gun mount actually provided some DIY possibilities for the Soviet tank soldiers who were very imaginative.

Soviet tank soldiers who captured better weapons such as the German universal machine gun during the battle would sometimes remove the DT light machine gun from their vehicle to upgrade their firepower and replace it with a powerful German machine gun to enhance their combat effectiveness. Of course, If you can seize enough ammunition, you can spend it as much as you want.

Similarly, Malashenko, who overheated the machine gun during the battle and was unable to continue firing, could also order the machine gun to be removed and remove the Somi submachine gun, which was originally used for self-defense after the crew abandoned the vehicle, from the machine gun hole. Lean out and fire.

House seemingly endless rain.

Malashenko's front foot had just ordered Nikolai to remove the directional machine gun from the car body and replace it with Somi to fire. Iushkin, who was in the gunner's position and was responsible for controlling the main gun's coaxial machine gun for firing, also followed closely behind.

"Mine is no longer working, comrade commander. The coaxial machine gun is overheated and cannot continue to fire!"

After listening to Iushkin's report, Malashenko frowned instantly. The main gun coaxial machine gun was far more difficult to serve than the hull heading machine gun.

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