Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2153 I’ll break all my waist for you

"Mortar! Russian mortar, stay down!!!"

The oncoming mortar shells exploded in all directions with a unique low whistling sound. Those experienced German veterans who had been bombed more than once and were lucky enough to survive knew it when they heard it. There is just one type of Soviet mortar with a very long whistling sound: the 120mm heavy mortar that is bound to do no good if it is targeted.

"Continue bombing! Use all the artillery shells and organize a counterattack immediately! The comrades of the Leader's Division have almost overwhelmed the Germans. We cannot let them fight alone. We must cooperate with the Leader's division's action plan to regain the position and defeat the Germans. Get out of position! Now is the perfect time!”

Although the 267th Infantry Division is poor and not a "son" unit, it still has some basic and decent firepower. For example, the 120mm heavy mortar, which is the standard regimental support firepower of the Soviet infantry regiment, is not so poor that it does not even have this thing.

The grenade charge fired by this heavy mortar is at the same level as the high-explosive grenade of the 122 tank gun. This is equivalent to the feeling of being constantly being bombarded by this thing placed on the top of your head. It's never going to be too good, at least not for the infantry.

The remaining artillery shells, which had been severely damaged in the continuous fierce battles and were almost exhausted, were required to be fired. In Colonel Malonovsky's view, now is the time for a decisive victory that is worthy of such a desperate gamble. If these few remaining artillery shells are not used now, then when will they be used?

It was miserable enough to be blown up by 122 tank grenades flying from behind from time to time, causing people to fall over and their bones to fly, but the hard work for the German infantry was "double", and now they had to bear an additional 120 mm The fierce bombardment of heavy mortars and the further the battle with the Soviet enemy goes on, the more you can feel the feeling of "exploding to the sky".

Those German infantrymen who were still alive after bathing in artillery fire had lost count of the number of rounds of artillery bombing they had received since they woke up today. In short, they were all numb from the explosion.

"Comrades, hold on to the steel guns! For Stalin, for the motherland! Attack! Ula!!!"

One wave comes after another, and tragic nightmares will always come one after another when you are most unlucky.

The roaring mortar barrage hadn't even stopped completely. The German infantrymen, who were hiding in the trenches for their lives, heard the roar and explosion of the shells from the distant contested position they had just lost. There is a sound even more terrifying than this shelling. It is the sound of hell that the Russian infantry intends to fight you for real and risk their lives to fight for the final decisive game.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot! The Russians are crazy, shoot them down!"


The German infantrymen who were lucky enough to survive immediately saw a vast sea of ​​Russian infantrymen, holding all kinds of weapons and shouting terrifying slogans towards them. Come on yourself.

Then the bombardment covered Yuwei, taking the risk of accidentally injuring his own people.

The last distance of the German infantry to escape from the suppression of artillery fire, that is, the charging distance of the Red Army, was still reduced to less than two hundred meters. The distance that can best take advantage of the MG42's hand length has been directly skipped.

The positions were built by themselves and the trenches were dug by themselves. The counterattack Red Army soldiers, who were far more familiar with the entire fortifications than the Germans, were not just chanting slogans and risking their lives in the "Long Live the Pig Charge", but were starting to fight against the Germans. After opening fire to block the attack, they jumped into the nearby bunkers and trenches as soon as possible, ended the rapid charge, and began the all-pervasive close combat style of pulling a net to clean up.

"The traffic trenches are full of Russians, they are coming! Stop them quickly, everyone guard their trenches!"

The advantages of the German machine guns that were clamoring about have been offset by more than half. You still have bullets in your hand and the machine gun can still fire, but you just can't find a target with more people and can't fire efficiently. You can only see one after another. The Russians, as low as moving graveyards, scurried about the trenches with their bodies lowered.

You may be able to kill one or two with a short shot, but the remaining Russians will immediately lower themselves lower, leaving you with no chance to get a shot.

It is really stupid to defend the enemy's counterattack on the enemy's position. The enemy who knows the structure and advantages and disadvantages of this position better than you will effectively use everything available to attack you, especially on the German side. On the premise that it does not have any advantage in troops and firepower, it seems even more stupid.

"Comrade Division Commander, the 267th Infantry Division is launching a counterattack. It seems they plan to retake the position! The remaining German infantry on the position can no longer hold their strength!"

"Very good, I can see it! The heavy tank crews continue to maintain fire suppression and focus their fire to attack any enemy armored vehicles! The medium-sized tanks cover the infantry fighting vehicles and go around them from both sides, and take down the Fascist infantry. Take off your waist!”

Everyone has two kidneys, one on each side of the lower abdomen.

Malashenko's meaning is also very simple, that is, the medium tanks cover the infantry fighting vehicles and divide the troops again, using the advantage of high-speed maneuverability to quickly reach the left and right wings of the German infantry position.

When the front of the German infantry defense line was rushed by the 267th Infantry Division, it was like giving him a knife on both sides. The medium tank and infantry fighting vehicle output direct firepower to cover the mechanized infantry who dismounted, and at the same time fiercely attacked the Germans. The left and right flanks of the infantry line.

As for the remaining German tanks and tank destroyers that still refused to surrender, Malashenko, who had already killed these bastards to a point where their numbers were far inferior to his own heavy tanks, was not worried and mobilized all the heavy tank firepower to continue the intensive bombardment. That’s it.

He blasted the remaining broken vehicles of these Germans until they couldn't spare any energy to take care of the intersecting columns on the flanks. He couldn't even take care of the heavy tank group that threatened them the most face to face. What else could he do to take care of it? The reason why the Clay Bodhisattva cannot save himself when crossing the river is that simple.

The many advantages of complete mechanization, integration of multiple arms, and diversification of technical equipment have greatly magnified the tactical flexibility of the leader division almost geometrically to a jaw-dropping degree, and even more so the brain circuits and reactions of the beaten German army. The speed has completely failed to keep up with the changes.

"Let's go, get out of the car! Quick, quick, quick! Beat those fascists to death!"

"Left wing, right wing, oh my God, there are Russians everywhere! They just appear out of the earth! We're all screwed!"

Once the infantry is finished, it seems unnecessary for the armored troops to continue to resist. No matter what, they will die. It is just a matter of whether they can set the time record of the fastest burping legend.

Of course, this also means that the battle commanded by Malashenko used the synthesis and cooperation of multiple arms and multi-technical equipment to intersperse and detour in front of the position at high speed and successfully ate up the entire first wave of the enemy's offensive troops.

After only twenty-eight minutes and thirty-two seconds, the last German armored soldier chose to get out of the car honestly and raised his hands to surrender. It was a successful conclusion that met expectations.

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