Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2165 He is a capable person

Chapter 2170 He is a capable person

After leaving the field hospital, he went straight back to the division headquarters. Malashenko had no extra time to wander around. Comrade division commanders had to have some time to do their own jobs. They said they were just hand-off bosses, but you can't really do anything. Don't care at all. Google search reading

Also taking advantage of the time when Malashenko led the team to win a battle at the front, Commissar Petrov had already led the forward division and more reinforcements from the leadership division to join Kulbalov. The brigade headquarters and division headquarters were combined to establish a large forward command post.

It seems quite dangerous, but Malashenko and his political commissar comrades have experienced many more dangerous situations than this, and have survived without exception. It's not that dangerous, at least for the leader.

"I thought you would wait for the Germans to retreat before leading the team here, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

As soon as Malashenko entered the door, he saw Comrade Political Commissar discussing the war situation and exchanging opinions with Varosha, so he simply went straight to the two of them and greeted them as they walked.

Seeing that the division commander was in place, the two men also temporarily stopped talking, and it was the political commissar who was the first to respond.

"Time waits for no one. There is no time to put the division headquarters so far away. There is a new mission.

"new task?"

As he walked and talked, he put the tank cap in his hand on the table beside him. Curious about what the new mission was, Malashenko guessed, could it be to launch a counterattack against the Germans now? Given that they had just won a great victory, this possibility seemed to be the only one that made sense, and Comrade Political Commissar's subsequent words confirmed Malashenko's guess.

"Well, the new order has just been conveyed by the front army headquarters. I was planning to send someone to find you. It just so happens that you are here and it will save some trouble. Let's take a look at this first."

As usual, while Malashenko reached out to receive the telegram, the political commissar was also conducting a detailed briefing on the battle situation, so that the division commander could understand the overall battle situation more quickly, accurately and in detail.

"Not only did our division fight brilliantly, but other friendly forces in several key directions also reported one after another that the German attack was weaker and lacked stamina than expected. The aviation force was poorly prepared, and the artillery firepower was far inferior to ours. Our opponents were suppressed by our artillery after only two or three rounds of artillery fire. The German attack waves without effective fire support were quickly disintegrated. This is the current overall battlefield situation. "

While looking at the telegram in his hand and listening to the explanation of the political commissar, Malashenko just spoke with a smile on his face, as if he was discussing what to eat for dinner tonight. 6̳̳

"That's right. These German fascists can't make any big waves at this time."

Even though the situation was expected, there was no need to discuss it too much. Comrade Political Commissar changed the subject and quickly changed the topic to the positive.

"The overall battle situation is very favorable to us, so the front army headquarters decided to use half a day today to try to launch a local counterattack."

"The tactical goal is very simple. It does not require how many enemies to annihilate or how far to push the enemy back. It only needs to drive the enemy out of the existing starting position and offensive position. The purpose is to disrupt the Germans' strategic deployment. After suffering a defeat, Don’t give them a chance to breathe and prepare for tomorrow’s strategic attack.”

"It needs to be noted that only some troops in the main direction have received this order. The remaining troops are responsible for covering the flanks and being on standby for reinforcements. This may also be a test to test the enemy's fighting will and determination. If the Germans really have to fight against every inch of territory, If they want to fight, then they will have to put in their reserves today and use up all the remaining spare forces, if they really have them."

Malashenko, who had finished reading the telegram, handed it back to the political commissar for safekeeping. While looking at the boundary line of the enemy's and our situation outlined on the war zone map hanging in front of him, as well as the red arrows representing the multi-pronged attack of the Red Army's White Army, and the blue defensive line that represents the desperate resistance of German sticks.

Combined with the battle briefing from the political commissar and the text listed in the telegram, Malashenko, who basically understood everything that needed to be clarified, spoke immediately.

"That means we are going to have an appetizer now, and the real main meal will have to wait until tomorrow?"

Comrade Political Commissar nodded and spoke in response.

"It can be said that our division is also one of the units named to launch a local tactical counterattack. In addition, the command of the 267th Infantry Division has been assigned to your command. Comrade Commander, you have singled out this unit to cooperate with our actions and make up for it. The infantry force can also be regarded as reinforcements allocated to our division. "

Although the 267th Infantry Division has average equipment and mediocre combat effectiveness, it is undeniable that at least this new field division has a pretty good spirit, high morale, and a firm will to fight. This is better than high-level equipment and Rich combat experience is even more valuable.

After several fierce battles are fought over time and some advanced equipment is equipped, Malashenko believes that this will definitely be another Guards Infantry Division capable of fighting well. The 267th Infantry Division has proven itself in the grueling battle for position just now. Malashenko believes that this unit has this potential, they just need some time to prove themselves.

After all, advanced equipment can be supplemented, rich combat experience can be continuously tempered, but only the mental outlook, high morale, and firm will to fight of a unit are the most important things.

This is not something that can be obtained directly and easily, nor can it be obtained by superior leaders holding a few mobilization meetings and talking empty words. This is the priority for becoming an elite. No matter where we go in the world, whether the capitalist army or the communist army, they cannot escape from this battlefield truth.

"This is a good thing. I heard that the political commissar of the 267th Infantry Division is a capable person. I have also met several division-level commanders of their division, and I was not particularly surprised. On the contrary, the political commissar comrade who I did not meet was among the soldiers. They have a very high reputation among us, and I heard many injured soldiers say this when I went to the hospital for inspections.”

The implication of Malashenko's words is very simple: the level of the division commander is average, and the chief of staff and deputy division commander are both obviously lacking and not good enough.

In this way, there seems to be only one reason why the 267th Infantry Division can become an elite prototype, the political commissar in charge of political work and ideological work of the army. This is also one of the most valuable "intelligence" Malashenko received from the soldiers of the 267th Infantry Division.

After all, only by knowing your teammates better can you cooperate better in combat. Just like before you lead someone to play in ranked games, you'd better find out whether he is a cheat.

But there was only one thing that Malashenko didn't expect. Commissar Petrov's next words could actually bring him more cognitive expansion, which was that he had high praise for the man whom Malashenko had spoken highly of. The mysterious political commissar comrade.

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