Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2168 The roar of the giant beast (Part 1)

Chapter 2173 The roar of the giant beast (Part 1)

It is not difficult to break through the German positions. To be precise, in Malashenko's eyes, this can only be regarded as the first step. He has to make the German fat meat on the cutting board into a pot of delicious food. There will be follow-up Several processing steps are waiting to be carried out.

"The mechanized infantry gets on the vehicle, and each company gets on the vehicle! The deep clearance and occupation of the position are handed over to the follow-up troops. The vanguard group continues to break forward according to the predetermined plan and start taking action! Quick!"

To tear open the weakest links on the left and right wings of the German defense line was the first, and of course only the first, task of the leading division's sharp-sword vanguard troops.

The most difficult position and the most likely to encounter difficulties or even failure has been opened. There is only one thing that needs to be done in the end. Send a steady stream of more and more follow-up troops into the German wound, and then expand the wound. , advanced in depth until the red meat-piercing knife was inserted into the German's heart and stabbed him to death.

This is of course a very important combat mission, but it does not require the most elite and limited number of mechanized vanguard troops to complete it. The follow-up and the large reinforcements that rush up are the absolute main force to perform this mission. .

The 267th Infantry Division is a pure new infantry division. It does not have a single tank, not even trucks. It is relatively scarce. This not only affects the combat effectiveness, but also affects the marching speed of the troops. ɱBut at least there is no problem today, and it can even be said that it does not matter. The leadership division has a lot of "hitchhikers" of different sizes and types for the infantry soldiers to ride on.

"Comrades, for the motherland! Conquer the Fascist positions, hurrah!!!"



A certain instructor comrade who was charging with the team was already cheering to the surrounding soldiers before he even had time to jump out of the car.

Let’s talk about it. Holding the back of the head of an ISU-152A fighting room that reminds you of the huge size, holding the Tokarev TT33 high in the hand and calling for charge, at least this is a very visually impactful and shocking effect. It is indeed standing on the ground. It is incomparable, and of course it can make the soldiers burst out with courage and fighting spirit.

Countless Red Army soldiers armed with various weapons, accompanied by passionate slogans, jumped off the various armored combat vehicles of the leader division and began to launch the final charge towards the enemy positions that were close at hand, advancing one after another.

The German positions that had been completely destroyed by the first wave of vanguard troops were now unable to mobilize any effective firepower to defend against the attack. The few remaining German soldiers who were still alive could only watch helplessly as the vast ocean of enemies rushed in. position, but nothing meaningful can be done.

The current strength on hand has reached 80% of the full strength. Malashenko, who has abundant resources, will certainly not be stingy in providing abundant fire support to his comrades in the friendly forces.

In order to ensure an absolute victory against the German army, Malashenko not only used all the armor forces at hand and went all out without leaving any reserves, he even used the ISU152\\A as division and brigade artillery. They also adjusted up.

These armored behemoths have removed the turret, added a fully enclosed heavy armor battle room, and installed a 152 howitzer with a larger caliber and stronger firepower. They have real destructive power just like their shocking appearance.

The thickness of the main armor belt is not inferior to that of heavy tanks, and is even stronger than that of heavy tanks. It is an absolute wall of sighs that is enough to make all types of anti-armor weapons of the German army flinch. These mobile steel fortresses, heavily armored and carrying giant cannons on their shoulders, will be the 267th Infantry Division's most powerful weapon for siege and evacuation on the road to victory.

Chi da da da da da——

"Get down! Get down! The German's machine gun bunker, don't go any further, hide!!!"

Judging from the current situation after entering the position, the Germans are indeed not stupid pigs who care about eating but not fighting, at least not the group of Germans who are fighting in front of them.

In the midst of continuous strategic defeats and retreats, we had to start learning and mastering those defensive tactics that in the past, most people didn't even look at and looked down upon. It is even necessary to learn from the opponent, that is, the Soviet Red Army, and learn some successful defensive tactics and experiences to enhance defense.

Arrange hidden machine gun bunkers to block key traffic trenches in the position to implement fire blockade when necessary. Whether it is to delay the enemy's offensive to gain time, or to stop the decline and defend the remaining positions, it is very useful. Unexpected and sudden fire can cause unforeseen consequences to the enemy. There were small casualties, and this was one of the new skills that the Germans, who had never mastered this technique before, learned from constant beatings.

"Leave it to me, platoon leader! I will lead a charge to take down Fasis's bunker and ensure the mission is completed! Please cover me!"

The young squad leader shouted loudly to the platoon leader who was a few years older than him, asking for a fight. The platoon leader, who was bathed in the noise of gunfire and fire, did not nod in agreement as usual. Instead, he grabbed the squad leader's sleeve and motioned him to move back. Slightly, be careful of stray bullets, and speak at the same time.

"It won't be used this time! Stand back and let the big guys from the leadership division come! They're coming up!"

Before he finished speaking, the ground beneath his feet trembled and swayed. A thick layer of frozen floating soil and snow fell on the edge of the trench, shaking off into the trench with the tremor. This was only the heavy armor of the brigade. The movement can only occur when the vehicles are dispatched together and are close enough.

Only this time, the steel monsters that rushed forward were not the iconic heavy tank clusters of the leading division, but the ISU-152\\A self-propelled artillery with ferocious barrels raised high.

"Can you see it? The Germans' green tracer bullets, coming from the corner of the blind area of ​​vision at one o'clock, are strafing the trenches. That's our people!"

ISU152\\A has many advantages, but it is not perfect.

The sight field of this huge, fully enclosed heavy-armored self-propelled artillery is really not very good. To put it bluntly, it can only allow you to observe from inside the vehicle, and you can barely see which direction the vehicle is facing. If you drive, you won't flip the car into a ditch on the side of the road.

As the saying goes, dedication and reporting are often equal. If you want to get a better combat vision on the battlefield, the commander who is responsible for the entire vehicle's search for enemies must stick out the small half of his head above the nose bone from the outside of the vehicle. This was the case for the comrade commander who was holding the radio and reporting the enemy's coordinates to the gunner.

The commander's vision is not good, and the gunner's vision is also not good.

The gunner who did not have a rotatable turret could only swing the gunner's wide-angle periscope to search for the enemy first. After witnessing and confirming the location of the enemy target described by the commander, he began to shout in succession, acting as part of the commander's authority.

"I saw it, the German machine gun! Sasha, turn the car fifteen degrees to the right and stop. I'm going to send that Fascist to the sky!"

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