Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2175 Reading the newspaper during meal

Chapter 2180 Reading the newspaper during meal

Today's dinner was a bit not to the appetite of Comrade Commander, but the soldiers liked it very much. They wolfed down the food and exclaimed how delicious it was. It was actually Malashenko who was holding the freshly brought hot meal in his hand. Some of their eyelids twitched because they were really envious of the comrades around them who had such a good appetite for this stuff.

As for why, the reason is very simple: it’s just too damn boring!

Even with the memory of his previous life in Russia and the fact that it has been more than three years since he traveled to this world, Malashenko is still not used to this familiar food called "Salo".

This kind of thing is made of raw fat pork with a content of about 70 to 80% or even higher, and is directly pickled without cooking. Not to mention eating, it is just displayed in front of your eyes and put in front of your nose. When he smells this, Malashenko will frown and think that this thing is really stronger than raw caviar. How can this thing be eaten so deliciously and swallowed?

"Damn it, I've had enough of Maozi's weird pig food! I want to eat iron pot stew, noodles with oil, mutton dip, and hot pot! This stupid batch of fat is really disgusting to look at."

In his heart, he was shouting wildly about those super delicacies of your turtle family that can defeat the invincible opponents in the world. The scene of the helpless Malashenko holding the food in his hand and leaving it here in a daze, but it happened to be aroused at the right time. The attention of Lavrinenko who was sitting on the floor eating.

"Why are you stunned? You don't seem to be interested anymore. Didn't you love eating this the most when we were at school? Every time you try to snatch it from me, I'm so hungry that I lose weight. "


Although Malashenko wanted to say, "That's not me, you've found the wrong person," he could only think about it.

It is true that I have no appetite, but it is also true that I am hungry.

Looking at Lavrinenko's big mouthful of fat lard hanging there, Malashenko just sighed and then put the bread in his left hand and the bacon in his right hand, chewing the bread and eating as much as he wanted. To counteract the greasy taste, take a few bites and then drink the bean and vegetable porridge cooked in the lunch box.

All I can say is that this meal is indeed better than the hard days of starvation in Leningrad.

Well, people are always happy when they are satisfied, right? Thinking about the hard days in the past, you will find that the so-called suffering before you is not unacceptable. The same is true for eating.

"I've been looking for you two for a while, why are you sitting outside eating?"

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who was holding something under his arm and carrying a lunch box in his only arm, walked up to Malashenko and Lavrinenko, who were sitting on a picnic in the cold weather. It just turned into a dinner party for three people.

"Seeing that there were a lot of people in the camp, people were busy working, eating, and doing other things. I wanted to go out and eat in peace and quiet. Unfortunately, there was no German corpse to rest on my butt, so I had to find a German man's excrement spoon to sit on. ,A little disappointed."

He turned around and took a look under Malashenko's butt, and found that the comrade, the division commander, had actually picked up a German helmet, and sat down flatly under his butt, which looked quite comfortable. Then he looked at Lavrinenko on the other side. Found the same thing.

"You two are pretty good at finding something to sit on. I'd better get used to squatting."

As soon as the lunch box in his hand was put down, the political commissar did not start eating directly. Instead, he first picked up the thing he had just put under his arm and waved to Malashenko.

"What is this? Newspaper?"

Knowing that Comrade Political Commissar's action was a signal for him to continue, Malashenko put the bread and fat on hand into the lunch box on the ground, took the rolled-up newspaper and started reading.

"I found it while rummaging around in the German headquarters. A whole week's worth of German newspapers, the date is quite new. If you can understand German, you don't need me to translate it for you. There is something you are interested in, take a look. Bar."


Malashenko, who did not speak a word, just lowered his head and read the newspaper. He turned over page after page, and he was reading with some enthusiasm, and even attracted Lavrinenko's head.

"What's written on it? I see you are so focused on it."

"It's okay. If you can't read the words, you should be able to read the photos, right? Here, take a look at this, and this and this."

Malashenko, who was holding the newspaper in his hand, used his other hand to gesture like this to Lavrinenko several times. Lavrinenko, who stretched his neck forward, took a closer look, and the tone that followed was completely different. Something is wrong.

"Why are these all our division's cars? This photo is, this photo is, and this photo, this one and this one, and there are Germans next to them. Where did you get so many?"

Newspapers from the time of World War II could only publish black and white photos, but the resolution was quite good. With the advancement of photography technology, people's expressions could be seen clearly. Of course, there is no problem in seeing the details on tanks. .

There was only one reason that made Lavrinenko cry out in surprise: this newspaper, which was some kind of bullshit, used several pages to publish at least thirty black and white photos, large and small.

It's not that these photos are all crowded together, but there are a whole pile of newspapers from a week's worth of newspapers that the political commissar said. It can be said that there are such photos everywhere, in almost every newspaper.

The contents of the photos are also very simple. Although the details are different, the subject is the same: either the IS6 heavy tank was abandoned and abandoned on the roadside, or the IS6 heavy tank was captured by the Germans, and a few Nazis stood there and stood together with smiles on their faces. Watching the camera happily, or the IS6 was destroyed and burning, and later you can even find the remains of the IS6 that was burned into an empty shell.

As for why it can be seen that the IS6 in these photos belongs to the Leader Division, the reason is also very simple: many of the photos, which were obviously taken at a specially chosen angle, have the Guards logo and the Leader Division on the turret. The bear's head of the division's emblem chews up the iron cross mark.

This was originally a unique painting for Malashenko's division commander's command vehicle. Later, many lower-level commanders and even soldiers, perhaps because they thought it looked good-looking or domineering, also began to follow suit with custom painting based on camouflage. DIY.

Although Malashenko saw it, he did not stop it, because there was nothing to stop it. Even if it did not violate combat doctrine, it was not inappropriate. So just do whatever the soldiers like, and it would just boost morale. ,Why not do it?

Therefore, vehicles with both the Guards emblem and the Leader Division emblem on the turret are not just Malashenko’s command vehicle, but are found on many IS6s.

Of course, this more intuitively reflects that this car is the leader's car. Then you can naturally guess why the Germans found an angle to take pictures of these two iconic turret logo marks. Newspaper The text of the report attached above is indeed as expected.

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