Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2178 I have equipment, but I can’t use it

Chapter 2183 I have equipment, but I can’t use it

The further reply telegram from the front army headquarters came quickly, and just as Malashenko expected, Vatutin did give Malashenko a more proactive order in tactics.

March to the rear of the enemy's 41st Armored Corps on the southern front, use the established protrusion as the starting point for the attack, and penetrate the enemy's depth in a roundabout way. The goal is to cut off the retreat of the enemy's 41st Armored Corps to form an encirclement situation, and then eat up this part of the Prussian Eastern Front. The enemy's main armored group on the battlefield.

Of course, such a large combat task as consuming an entire German armored force that still has combat effectiveness cannot be accomplished solely by the leader division.

In addition to the friendly force of the 267th Infantry Division, which will serve as an infantry supplement and continue to be assigned to Malashenko's command and the leadership division's combat organization for unified command operations, Vatutin is also actively coordinating the main frontal forces.

Prepare to exploit the weak points in the enemy's defense line found in this evening's exploratory attack, gather offensive energy overnight, and prepare for a larger offensive, hoping to directly penetrate and tear open the enemy's 41st Armored Corps' southern defense in tomorrow's battle. Cooperating with the roundabout insertion of the leader's division to complete the encirclement operation further to the southern defense line, it can be said to be a two-pronged left and right outflanking roundabout.

From this point alone, it can actually be seen that Vatutin is determined to win the remaining units of the 41st Armored Corps. After all, after Malashenko removed a strengthened main armored division, the strength of the 41st Armored Corps has been severely weakened, at least the mobile armored force has been greatly damaged and the offensive energy has been greatly reduced.

This also means that when the 41st Armored Corps attempts a possible breakout operation, it will cause much less trouble to the Red Army, and the possibility of a successful breakout is also much lower. Coupled with the protrusion and ready-made attack springboard created by Malashenko, this can be said to be a god-given opportunity to engage in an encirclement and annihilation war.

If Vatutin fails to take any action in the face of this situation, just lets the Germans run away, and misses such a good opportunity to kill the enemy's effective forces and reduce his troop strength, then this is really not the person Malashenko has always been familiar with. Vatutin.

After all, Comrade Laowa, who was a staff officer, has always been second to none in his keen grasp of fighter aircraft. Even Malashenko, who has worked with many big bosses, has to admit this.

"It's still the same as before. It only gave us the general direction of the operation. The specific tactical arrangement and deployment were drawn up by our division. The authority was very liberal. This time, we can be free to do something bigger. "

Vatutin trusts Malashenko and believes that Malashenko has the ability to formulate the most suitable combat plan based on actual battlefield conditions, which is far better than the front army headquarters issuing orders from a distance and remotely commanding detailed deployments.

And Malashenko has never let Vatutin down. On the premise of following the general combat direction and completing the combat orders issued by the front army headquarters with quality and quantity, Malashenko can always make some extraordinary moves according to local conditions. The expected results of beautiful battles always surprise Vatutin every time the battle situation is reported, and sometimes it even helps Vatutin open a better situation and reduce the pressure on the battlefield.

This level of good cooperation and tacit understanding between superiors and subordinates is really rare. This is why Malashenko always said, "We are the best friends to pee in the same pot as Vatutin." Just talking about this tacit understanding and the extremely high degree of freedom on the battlefield, it was not something that could be enjoyed when working under certain people.

Similarly, since we are starting from the current protrusion and continuing to attack the enemy in depth, more follow-up troops will be invested in the current direction where Malashenko is located tomorrow. The leader division is only responsible for acting as a sharp knife and opening up attack channels. The follow-up work of filling the encirclement with troops can be left to the friendly forces.

This also means that Malashenko can always twist the troops into a rope and fight with a fist, without being forced to disperse the troops and stretch the line, thereby reducing the power of the assault.

Vatutin has tried his best to set up the stage for Malashenko as well as possible. Such a good space for performance is not something that can be encountered, it is really rare.

As for whether it is necessary to fight back to eliminate the main force of the 41st Armored Corps after arriving at the predetermined target point, cutting off the enemy's retreat, and waiting for the friendly forces to arrive and complete the encirclement, this is something that Vatutin did not explicitly mention, and of course it was not Mara. Shenke immediately had to figure out a specific reason for the result.

It is obviously more important to get the things in front of you done first, and you have to eat your meals one bite at a time.

"Although the troops are basically here, including the newly added technical equipment and some supplementary troops dispatched, our current military strength is also stronger on the basis of restoration to integrity. After all, the 267th Infantry Division has joined, The situation is much better.”

"But those new equipment, I mean TOS-1 and the newly arrived IS7, both of which are very important heavy assault equipment, but we currently do not have time to wait until they form reliable combat effectiveness. What good things do you have? The solution? I want to make this equipment actually work as soon as possible.”

Even in 1944, when the strategic situation was completely reversed, Malashenko and the leadership division, who seemed to have everything, still had to face the most troublesome and difficult opponent from the past to this day: time.

In the past, there were problems such as fighting fires everywhere on the battlefield, huge losses, and insufficient time for troop replenishment. Now with the reversal of the strategic situation, the above problems basically no longer exist, but we are faced with new troubles: the running-in training of new equipment and the formation of combat effectiveness. the time required.

Both TOS-1 and IS7 are very strong, at least in terms of design functions and paper performance. Once put into the battlefield, they will definitely produce very brilliant and eye-catching results. But the problem is that no one knows how to use these two gadgets at the moment, which means literally "no one knows how to use them."

At best, TOS-1 can barely be driven. After all, it is a modified chassis of IS2, but it is hard to say whether the combat vehicle crew members can master it. The entire combat module of that thing is newly designed, and no one dares to take pictures. The chest said that you can get it in one go. When you play a tank game and unlock a new car, you have to first find out the feel and test drive performance, not to mention this is a real battlefield.

As for the IS7, it is even more troublesome. The complexity of this thing is completely unmatched by any previous generation of Stalin tanks.

As the most luxurious, top-of-the-line, most powerful and outstanding model in the entire Stalin tank series, the IS7 is completely new from the driving system to the power system, from the firepower system to the ammunition loading system.

Although it is true that most of the equipment itself uses existing shelf products that are mature and reliable, the problem is that the tank soldiers of the Leader Division have never been exposed to these things before. There is really no difference between the existing shelf products and new products. A meaning.

Even if it is an "absolute ace" like Malashenko's crew, after Malashenko brought the IS7 prototype back from Leningrad, he spent half a month practicing and tinkering with it before entering the Polish battlefield. After I went to the battlefield, I finally managed to hold on to the chain, and gradually found the feeling and used it more smoothly.

Nowadays, there are no more experienced crews who have no time to train and have never driven IS7. The only crew that can really play IS7 is Malashenko, the division commander. He belongs to the category of "My character is a blast at level 50." The best epic equipment that can only be used at level 80 can't be used now. You have to upgrade it first and practice it. All you can do is look at it and covet it." Malashenko couldn't help but feel uncomfortable looking at his treasure but not being able to use it.

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