Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2199 Hey, here comes the tank~

Chapter 2204 Hey hey hey, the tanks are coming~

Alsim, who was sitting on the back of the turret of the T43 medium tank, was holding a battle zone map in his hand. The commander, who had his upper body stretched out of the turret and was also the platoon leader of the accompanying tank platoon, leaned over and tried to be as friendly as possible. Alsim was closer to facilitate communication. After understanding Alsim's meaning according to the map's instructions, he immediately replied.

"No problem, I will relay the order over the radio, but are we going to engage the enemy directly? Comrade Captain, we only have a medium tank platoon of three vehicles, plus a platoon of mechanized infantry and three vehicles. No, now It’s two infantry fighting vehicles, and the enemy is an armored corps. Should we adopt some more prudent tactics?”

The tank platoon leader who led the team to assist looked familiar to Alsim. They had smoked cigarettes and had a few drinks together before. He was a very down-to-earth person and he was definitely not a coward. What I can say is just thinking from a tactical perspective, giving Alsim some suggestions and brainstorming.

This guy, like many of the comrades who were newly added to the leadership division, is a veteran recruited from other friendly forces. He participated in the war as a member of the newly formed tank unit in early 1942 and has rich combat experience. Previously, he was the company commander of a Guards tank division. He was voluntarily demoted one level to become a platoon commander in a talented leader division. In terms of his fighting ability, he was definitely not worthy of mention.

Of course, Alsim also understood what the platoon leader wanted to express. Just a few vehicles and a platoon of infantry to head-on against the German armored army did sound a bit like seeking death, but the actual tactical deployment was not There are other arrangements, and it is by no means as simple as it seems.

"Let's first see how many Germans we encounter. Even if the Germans run away in large numbers, it shouldn't be a chaotic evacuation. At least their rear area is safe for the time being, and no fighting has broken out yet. In this case, the Germans should An advance reconnaissance team will be sent to investigate the situation. They are afraid of being blocked by a large force of the Red Army. This is bound to be the case, and they will definitely find ways to give early warning. "

"Our primary goal is to find and quickly kill at least one German reconnaissance team. We are not afraid that the Germans will receive early warning signals. What we want is that they can receive them. It doesn't matter if we send more troops to kill us, treat us as a large force. Even if they avoid the battle, it will delay their time.”

"Our troops are small and easy to maneuver. If the Germans send few people, we will continue to fight. If there are more people, we will withdraw in time. They can't catch up anyway."

"If you don't see the Germans coming, continue to push in the southwest direction, because then the Germans must have avoided the battle and bypassed them. We chased them until we entangled them, but we couldn't hold on to one point. We used sticky tactics, running and running. , Keep running back and forth, tormenting these fascists to death. If we can slow down their march, we will achieve our goal. This bunch of mules and horses will only be crushed by the leader's tracks. All we have to do is let them. Come to this moment as soon as possible.”

At least this comrade, the tank platoon leader, had never heard of the use of scout troops in this tactic. It was simply unheard of. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

But if you analyze it carefully, you will find that this is not impossible. On the contrary, the executability is quite high, and it can maximize the fully mechanized speed advantage of the pioneer reconnaissance unit of the Leader Division.

To put it simply, he just pretended to be cool and ran away. The German was slapped in the back and was too angry to catch up. This is the advantage of pure mechanization over mules and horses. After all, you, Santoku, have not even eliminated all the livestock and have very few cars, so what are you going to do with the purely mechanized leader who embodies the essence of the Red Army?

"I've never heard of this tactic. Is it unique to the leader?"

This was his first time serving as a scout, and of course it was also his first time partnering with Alsim. The tank platoon leader looked a little surprised and slightly surprised. Alsim, who was grinning, just put away the map and said casually.

"That's what I did when I was dealing with those Finnish ghosts, but at that time I was riding a sled and carrying a Mosin Nagant. Now I'm riding a tank and holding a Kalashnikov. The weapons have been upgraded, but the tactics are still the same. If applicable, you have to change your tactics when killing these fascist pigs.”

Just as Alsim expected, a hand-to-hand encounter soon came, and the opponent was indeed, as Alsim expected, a small German army that seemed to have just stopped to rest.

Those fascist servants were resting on the roadside. Some got out of the car to urinate, some were beating the car with tools, and some were smoking in twos and threes on the roadside like magic sticks. They were all visible through the telescope. It was clear that there must be something wrong with an important car, so I paused to see if it could be repaired quickly.

If it can be repaired well, the German will be back on the road soon. If it can't be repaired well, he will probably just throw the car on the road and leave it to the follow-up troops to recover it, if he really has the time. But in any case, it is certain that the German will not stay on this dirt road for too long, so the time left for Alsim is only now.

"Two half-tracks, three troop trucks, two three-wheelers, and at least 50 Kraut infantry. There are no tanks or self-propelled guns. Light motorized troops. There is a half-track with a body tube mounted on it. The artillery looks like a 50-meter cannon.”

"It's not too difficult to deal with. It can be done with one charge! I will lead the infantry fighting vehicle and your tanks will provide fire support. First knock out the leading vehicle and the rear vehicle and block the Germans on the road."

The tank platoon leader who personally got out of the car to conduct reconnaissance lay down in the grass with Alsim. The two Voldemort brothers each had a telescope, and they could clearly see every move of the Germans who were about 200 meters away but less than 300 meters away. It was Alsim, the highest-ranking military officer, who issued the combat order.

"No problem, but you have to be careful with the Iron Fist. I think there's a German guy carrying it on his back. Look, there's a German guy behind him when he's standing on the roadside peeing."

The BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle is not an absolute defense against the Iron Fist. The entire turret will be mercilessly penetrated by the Iron Fist at all 360 degrees. This is of course what Alsim understands.

"I know, if there is no problem, then start taking action, time waits for no one."


On the edge of the dirt road, two German infantrymen peeing side by side were chatting while "pressing their guns". The tall man still had a cigarette in his mouth and was obviously in a bad mood.

"Damn, not a single fart from those loudspeakers is true. The Russians were defeated the day before yesterday, the Russians were wiped out yesterday, and today we are escaping on our own land. They can't tell the truth. Shall we listen?”

"The truth will not be told to little soldiers like us. It is all known to the big shots. Who let us eat this bowl of rice? This is fate, Hans, you have to admit it."

As the little old man spoke, he shook the gun and put it back in his crotch. He was about to take the belt that hung hanging on his trouser legs and tie up his trousers, but he didn't expect that something happened suddenly at this moment.

The tearing sound of air and the loud explosion roared from behind, but he was so frightened that he fell into his own urine on the spot, and the even more soul-shattering roar followed quickly before he could react.

"Tanks! The Russian tanks are coming!!!"

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