Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2206 The Dead and Death

Chapter 2211 The Dead and Death

The war eagles of the Red Army completed the air raid and flew away, leaving behind a field of German corpses scattered on the white snow, and Alsim, who had a panoramic view of the scene of blood in the snow in front of him. Google search reading

"Do you want to hit them? Give them a couple of blows?"

The tank platoon leader on the side was very itchy after watching the show. He couldn't wait to go over and give the German guy who was beaten almost to death a few times to have a good time.

Alsim, who felt it was not necessary for the moment, didn't think so. Killing the Germans was a physically and mentally pleasurable thing, but completing the mission was more important, and a mission plan formulated with the goal of completing the mission did not require this.

"There's no need, not yet."

"Let's see what these German guys do next. If they clean up quickly enough and come in our faces, we will let them feel happy when the time comes. Just wait now."

The German army, hit right in the face by a sudden wave of air strikes, needs time to recover. They have to clean up the mess before they can get back on the road and escape. Alsim, who aims to hinder the evacuation of the German army and track its movements in real time, is waiting for this moment. The premise is that If the Germans can really regroup and start running away before their own large forces arrive.

Since there were almost no decent armored targets in the team, either infantry or light vehicle units, and they were still being attacked by air attacks on the way to escape, without any cover or shelter, there was no one who could hide in the desolate snowy field around them. There was no place anywhere, so this rapid wave of air strikes did cause considerable casualties to these German troops.

The wreckage of the truck that had been blown into an empty shell was burning, leaving only an empty frame burned by the flames.

The 251 half-track vehicle was directly hit by a 132mm heavy-duty aviation rocket and was blown into two pieces. The broken front and the broken butt were at least seven or eight meters apart. Who knows how powerful the explosion was to destroy this broken vehicle? It exploded like this. As for the people in the car, they disappeared from the world without even thinking about it, and even finding a piece of minced meat was a luxury.

The equipment losses were already heavy, but the human casualties were even worse.

The German soldiers who had nowhere to hide became the best training targets for Il-2 bomber pilots. After the rockets and bombs were exhausted, only the sideshow of machine cannons beating people was performed continuously on this desolate snowfield. .

Flesh fragments shot to pieces by 23mm projectiles were everywhere. Those German soldiers who survived the catastrophe were walking in despair with broken guns in their hands. Every few steps, you can see large pieces of minced meat or broken arms and legs lying on the ground. Only the white broken bones are exposed among the scarlet, which looks even more hideous than the rotten blood and rotten flesh. terror.

There were only a few wounded, and the greater number were the corpses of German soldiers killed instantly by 23mm machine guns, heavy aviation rockets, and aerial bombs starting at 100 kilograms.

Human beings of flesh and blood are so fragile and vulnerable in the face of the war machines of industrial masterpieces. Those survivors who survived the disaster did not even have the chance to save their lives. Even the corpses had to be collected with shovels and bags instead of carrying them. solve.

"Why, this is obviously our land, our motherland, and we are the conquerors, but why is it like this now? We were massacred like this by the Russians on our own land! Why on earth is this?" said Where is the good victory?"

Most of the survivors who had their souls blown away didn't care much about someone's yelling. A German soldier who looked mentally broken and seemed to be crazy was kneeling in the snow, holding his hands in the snow. He scratched and scratched randomly until he screamed hoarse and heartbroken.

It's surprising that he can spend his energy on such a useless thing. Many of the other German soldiers who have only eaten one meal since yesterday doubted whether this man was stimulated. Crazy and stupid, but I don't have the heart to care about it.

This kind of thing is nothing new in 1944. Ever since the new recruits began to arrive in batches under the age of 20, incidents of madness on the battlefield like this have increased more and more, so much so that they are so endless. People are not surprised at all.

Who cares about a "normal thing" that happens every now and then?

The answer is of course no, it is better to take care of yourself than to mind your own business. Anyway, the kind of people who "generally go crazy" can't live for long. There are various ways to die in the end. There are also people who want to resist and be shot after being caught by their own people as deserters. It's obvious that a person who has a high probability of dying is obviously It's not necessary.

The surrounding German survivors watched indifferently as the soldier fell on the snow, watching indifferently, as if it never happened. They were just busy doing what they were supposed to do, rescuing the few wounded, and collecting things that could be used after the Russian air raid. Compared with caring about the "madman", these things were more important. significance.

But not everyone chooses to watch indifferently. There are still some people who are willing to take care of this poor guy who has a mental breakdown. The person who came is the commander of the German soldier who fell in the snow: a man with an stg44 assault rifle in his arms. second lieutenant.

"Get up, soldier! Do you want to be a coward and die in the snow, or do you want to fight with those Russians to defend this land?"

The second lieutenant not only ordered the soldier under his command to get up quickly and do something serious, he even vaguely supported the handle of the stg44 assault rifle slung in his arms with one hand and put his index finger on the trigger.

This is both a warning and a deterrent, as well as self-protection.

It's true that recruits went crazy and shot at their comrades. It had happened before and more than once.

No one can guarantee what a mentally broken and irrational person will do next on the battlefield. The second lieutenant has to do this even if it is for self-defense.

After hearing the second lieutenant's order, the soldier threw himself in the snow and yelled like crazy. He put his hands on the ground and slowly raised his head. His mouth was full of snow brought out of the soil. He looked at the second lieutenant in front of him with his face clearly visible.

"One last time, soldier! Stand up and do what you have to do."



The second lieutenant holding stg44 was a little confused, his brows furrowed even more. He couldn't even understand whether the soldier was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

"Why are you laughing? I asked you to carry out the order, Li"


An unexpected gunshot pierced the silent snow after the air raid. The surrounding German soldiers who were shocked by the gunshot subconsciously touched the weapons on their hands, backs or shoulders, and immediately looked towards the place where the gunshot came from.

There were two people at the place where the gunshots were fired. A standing officer stood there with an assault rifle slung around his waist. A soldier lying on the ground was bleeding from the head and was already dead. He was still holding in his hand an officer's pistol that did not belong to him and was probably pulled from the corpse for self-defense. The clearly identifiable gunshot just now was also made from the pistol.

Looking at the body of the young soldier who suddenly committed suicide in front of him, and laughed miserably without even a moment's hesitation, let alone a last word, the second lieutenant, who boasted that he was used to seeing life and death and all kinds of human tragedies, finally still He was stunned for a while, released the grip of the rifle in his hand, and remained silent for a long time.

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