Chapter 2261?? "A little bit of both sides, but not completely"

"Hey! Which army are you from? Have you seen Comrade Division Commander's siege team?"

As soon as Alsim, who led his team out of the small building, came to the street, he saw the IS6 heavy tank in front of him, which had just knocked over a truck of German guns, continuing to advance along the main street of the neighborhood. Google Search Reading The Red Army soldiers of the reading brigade were moving forward together with the attack in a standard infantry and tank coordination posture, and they quickly grabbed a passing soldier and asked.

"We are from the first brigade. The siege team commanded by Comrade Division Commander should be further forward, in the next block. You can go through that alley to have a look. Please be careful!"

"Okay, got it!"

Originally, the combat engineers led by Alsim were operating together with Malashenko's siege team, but when they chased a group of fleeing enemies, they chased them too far. They caught up to the current place in one breath and rushed in. After breaking into the enemy's company-level command post and killing all the German soldiers who had fled along the way, it was considered complete.

As soon as Alsim calmed down after hitting the top, he realized that he had overshot. There was no sign of his comrade, the division commander. It was just an unfamiliar siege team passing by on the street in front of him. This was shocking. Alsim, who had Zirang shouting that something was wrong, was just worried and angry.

Without his team of elite combat engineers to protect the comrades on the left and right, the division commander and comrades must not do anything bad, otherwise it will be really doomed!

"Follow me, everyone! Hurry! Come this way, everyone, follow me!"

One unit continued to advance deeper along the street and continued the attack, while another elite infantry team crossed the street and entered the alleys, intending to take a shortcut to catch up with the troops commanded by the division commander and perform its duties. fulfill their responsibilities.

At the same time, the other siege team slightly ahead, commanded personally by the commander Comrade Chang Ma, was moving forward non-stop and rapidly with a different scenery.

"Reconnaissance team, don't be stumbled by the enemy! If you encounter stubborn resistance, take a detour and rush in! Don't be afraid of being surrounded by the enemy. The large force will follow behind and be there soon! Use the fastest speed to find out the situation at the train station. If the defense is empty, Seize that place quickly, I want to receive the feedback report as soon as possible!”

If there is any place in Fort Nordenburg that is most important and has irreplaceable and important tactical value in Malashenko's eyes, then there is no doubt that it is the train station.

The enemy in the city is loosely organized, disorderly dispatched, lax in defense, weak in resistance, and not strong in combat effectiveness. These are all conditions that have been actually discovered through the initial stage of the siege battle so far. The impact on Mara There is no doubt that this is good news for Shenke.

Almost every siege team used radio to provide real-time feedback, and the battle status information reported was almost all good news. Only one or two siege teams encountered relatively tenacious enemy resistance.

But that’s not to say that there is no way to open up the situation, but that the progress is relatively slow. In comparison, other siege teams are not progressing as fast. Generally speaking, everything is within control. .

But under the appearance that everything seems to be under control, there is still a crisis hidden: Nordenburg Railway Station.

Intelligence feedback from aerial reconnaissance and aviation raids showed that the Germans have been using the Nordenburg Railway Station as a frontline supply distribution center in recent days to conduct a large number of railway motor transports almost around the clock.

However, aerial reconnaissance these days is really limited in its ability to perceive and obtain intelligence. In the photos taken, we can only see the German military train entering the Nordenburg train station, but we have no idea what is being transported on the train. Is it equipment, supplies, or a large number of reinforcements? None of this is certain and will only be known once ground troops actually arrive to capture it.

Malashenko was worried about these Germans who were unwilling to fail and mobilized heavy reinforcements through railway transportation to prepare to support the front line.

If this is the case, then the German heavy-armed reinforcements will definitely not deploy into the city, but will temporarily stop at the train station as a transfer and distribution center for rest, and may even continue to travel by rail without rest. a node.

There is no trace of German heavy defense troops in the news reported by various siege forces in the city. That means either the Germans really did not deploy heavy troops to the city and transferred all the precious heavy equipment to the front line and the front of the Red Army. In a decisive battle, Fort Nordenburg, as a safe rear area, was defended by only a few light-armed troops.

Either, the only heavy German troops in the city are still piled up in the train station. After hearing the explosion of guns, they may want to get on the train and run away quickly, or they may be deploying to help defend the city and fight with themselves. Fight to death.

Regardless of the possibility, Malashenko does not intend to back down.

Letting go of the Germans' heavily armored reinforcements would be detrimental to the battle on the front line, and allowing these Iron Kings to deploy and assist in defense and reinforcements would seriously hinder their subsequent siege operations and waste time. Even if they are not saved, they will be delayed until the next wave of reinforcements of German troops arrive by train.

By then, this battle may turn into a mess, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it will take a lot of effort for the leader to get through it no matter how hard he or she is.

Both possibilities are unacceptable to Malashenko. This is not the best outcome that Malashenko wants. Regardless of what the possible German heavy troops at the train station want to do, just press him down. Dying in the train station must be the best outcome.

To this end, Malashenko asked Kulbalov to dispatch a fairly elite high-speed reconnaissance force.

This small but sophisticated reconnaissance force has no other tactical goals. Its only mission is to use all means to reach the outskirts of the train station as quickly as possible, ascertain the situation and report back in time, so that Malashenko can follow the instructions Make further offensive adjustments and deployments based on specific circumstances.

After all, whether there is a group of heavily armed Germans in the station will have a great impact on the subsequent battle, enough to have a direct impact on the direction of the leader's division's focus on troop deployment, and it is nothing more than Malashenko treating it as a The first priority requires the fastest execution.

What happened next was just as Malashenko expected. Purely mechanized high-speed assault forces such as massed tanks and infantry fighting vehicles rushed into the city at all costs, heading straight towards the location of the train station. The reconnaissance team that went there quickly reported back.

It's just that the news fed back cannot be said to be completely correct no matter which situation Malashenko expected. "A little bit of both sides, but not completely" is perhaps the best way to describe it. The shouts coming from the radio really made Comrade Lao Ma frown in the car.

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