Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2258 Death Fire Network

Chapter 2263 Death Fire Net

Before rushing into the train station, the reconnaissance team, which advanced at high speed and took advantage of their maneuverability to take a detour when encountering a slightly tougher German, did not expect that so many fire hedgehogs would appear in the station. Anti-aircraft firepower. Google search reading

Anti-aircraft firepower can not only deal with aircraft in the sky. In many cases, as long as the need arises, the gun barrel can also be leveled to deal with ground troops. This is not difficult, such as now.

Compared with the lax German garrison outside the station, the German garrison inside the station has been significantly strengthened and the defenses have been reinforced. What is particularly difficult to deal with is the large, medium and small caliber weapons that are everywhere, and there are quite a lot of them. They are all various anti-aircraft guns that suppress you from a high position.

Dong dong dong dong——

This is a series of sounds of 20mm small-caliber rapid-fire anti-aircraft cannon firing.

Bang bang bang bang——

This is the roar of the 40mm twin anti-aircraft guns firing wildly.


Needless to say, any Red Army soldier who has been in battle for a long time and has fought against the Germans many times can hear it. The 88 gun heirloom passed down by the Germans is this sound. The short 88 anti-aircraft gun was flattened and bombarded on the ground. It can also be considered as your German traditional performing arts.

Small-caliber German anti-aircraft cannons were installed at commanding heights such as on the roof of the waiting hall and on the roofs of several warehouses. When placing these anti-aircraft cannons and setting up gun positions, it was obvious that ground fire suppression was specifically considered. ability, try to avoid the problem of high shooting and low drop, which makes the anti-aircraft gun restricted by the depression angle and unable to cover. The firing range basically just covers the edge of the train station.

This allowed these German small-caliber anti-aircraft guns occupying the commanding heights to unleash their firepower unscrupulously on the reconnaissance team that had just rushed into the train station.

If the impact is to a closer position, it can indeed make these anti-aircraft guns that basically push the barrel depression angle to the limit and cannot continue to lower it. Because of the problem of limited depression angle, they can no longer attack to a closer position. Red Army troops on.

But the problem is that it is difficult to rush through this ferocious high-rate suppressive fire network. Speaking of this small-caliber cannon, it can actually withstand the main armor defense of BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles and T43 medium tanks, and will not be randomly penetrated.

But the problem is that these damn small-caliber rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns are condescending and hit low, which seriously weakens the inclination equivalent defense that the Red Army armored combat vehicles have always used. Armor-piercing projectiles fired high and low have a high chance of hitting the dome of the vehicle body. On the armor and the top armor of the turret, these two vulnerable parts of the defense really dare not bear the armor-piercing bullet chain of the small-caliber rapid-fire machine gun and fire continuously.

Just like those fighter jets and attack aircraft equipped with 20 to 30 mm cannons that attack the top and lick the ground, it is not surprising at all to be penetrated by small-caliber armor-piercing bullets fired from high places. It can be expected, so just bite the bullet. It is impossible to forcefully break through the fire blockade network, and it is not impossible to even transfer the entire reconnaissance team to this place.

Furthermore, the Germans don’t only have small-caliber cannons to cause trouble for you at high places. Those large-caliber 88mm anti-aircraft guns deployed on the ground are also a headache because of their wide body, fat body and heavy tonnage.



"Suka! The German 88 guns are still firing at us. This broken wall is about to collapse! Retreat, everyone retreat quickly! Quick, quick, quick!"

The reconnaissance team, who had been hiding behind a warehouse to temporarily avoid the enemy's fierce firepower, had no choice but to stay any longer.

Not to mention that those who rushed out would be beaten into a sieve and swept into a pulp. The Germans with enough firepower were not even satisfied with fire suppression. Instead, they directly started demolition operations, concentrating the firepower of large, medium and small-caliber anti-aircraft guns, and The 88 gun loaded with high-explosive bombs blasted the warehouse that was used as a bunker. Several rounds of intensive firepower directly left the warehouse full of holes, cracks, and about to collapse.

Seeing that the situation was not good and unable to make a breakthrough, the reconnaissance team could only retreat temporarily.

Not long after the front foot had withdrawn in an orderly manner, including people and vehicles, the Germans who were still carrying out a crazy fire attack collapsed the warehouse on the edge of the train station.

Crack, crackle and boom——

A wall fell down and the house collapsed, sand and rocks flew instantly, and it was also accompanied by shells and explosions, which were deafening.

The collapse of the warehouse and the smoke from the explosion of the shell filled the entire scene. The formation was so large that the smoke and dust and explosion flames were carried together and rose to more than 20 meters, almost 30 meters in the air.

Looking at this formation, it seems that the Germans were hoarding ordnance and explosives in the warehouse. When the warehouse collapsed and the shells exploded, they exploded simultaneously, which led to such a movement and the firelight and smoke. Soaring straight into the sky to such a height that it temporarily completely blocks the view of the battlefield in the entire area, this is the same for both warring parties, without any advantage or disadvantage.

The German's shooting field of view was temporarily blocked by the smoke and fire from the explosion. He originally wanted to continue to fire wildly to see if he could kill some more Russians who had lost their bunkers to expand the results, but now they encountered this situation. That can only be given up.

However, this does not mean that the German army has stopped. All the German anti-aircraft artillery batteries in the station that can cover this direction with firepower still remain on alert without exception, preparing to attack anyone who appears in the field of vision again after the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipates. The Russians opened fire.

"Hold on! The train is pulling into the station and stopping, and our reinforcements have arrived! Soon we will organize a counterattack and drive the Russians out completely. We must not lose our ground! Everyone must fight to the end for the Führer!"

A fanatical German commander waved the pistol in his hand, stood on the anti-aircraft position and loudly encouraged and ordered his subordinates around him.

But before this guy finished speaking, and it looked like he probably wanted to beep a few more words, a gunner who was at the commanding heights, with the tail of the gun on the roof of the terminal, forcibly interrupted him, and shouted without warning at the top of his voice. Yelled.

"Heavy tanks! Stalin 6! The Russians increase their firepower"

call out--


The sharp air-piercing scream and the roaring roar of explosions sounded almost simultaneously. The powerful explosion instantly destroyed the 20mm anti-aircraft gun emplacement before it had time to fire.

The entire German anti-aircraft artillery crew didn't even have a chance to escape. They were attacked by the man in the tank who had never met him before and would never have the chance to meet him again in this life, but he was obviously a master, with extremely fast reactions and accurate gunnery skills. The Red Army gunners were taken away by a cannon, and both men and cannons were blown into the sky.

The powerful 122mm grenade not only blew up the entire gun crew, but also directly blew up a large area on the edge of the roof of the waiting hall. The flying masonry fragments and construction debris were smashed into pieces like rain. Stone flying debris, no fatal damage, at most a little painful.

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