Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2275 The Belly of the Tiger King (Part 2)

Chapter 2280 The Belly of the Tiger King (Part 2)

The answer is not unsolvable. Malashenko found the source of the problem, which is two structures similar to artillery trunnions that are used to rigidly connect and fix the entire bomb nest. The other end is directly connected to the breech block, but the size is small. Relatively speaking, it is small and inconspicuous.

Stretching out his index finger, he touched the rigidly connected silver-shined fixed rod. Malashenko touched it casually as if he had caught something. He pressed his index finger with his thumb and twisted it. The smooth and greasy touch was indeed just like that. What Malashenko guessed was generally expected.

After confirming that his guess was correct, Malashenko immediately raised his right index finger in front of Iushkin.

"Hydraulic oil, this thing is operated by hydraulic mechanical force. As expected, the hand-operated device is a backup when the entire vehicle is powered off or the equipment fails. The real operating method of this thing should be to press the button and spring the nest The lifting and resetting of the gun are all operated automatically by hydraulic machinery. Only the last step of pushing the bullet into the chamber is done manually. Now do you know why the speed is slow? "


Iushkin, who came back to his senses, wanted to say, "Let's press the button and see how fast this thing is." However, the entire car was now powered off, the power compartment stopped working for unknown reasons, and the driver's seat at the front of the car body There was also a corpse lying on top of it that had committed suicide with a gun. Not to mention whether running over to start the car at this time can start the ignition, just moving the corpse away from the driver's seat is annoying enough.

Who has nothing to do all day long and likes to deal with rotten blood and rotten flesh? Just such a simple reason.

"That means the loader only needs to press the button, push the shell into the breech block, close the breech block, and that's it?"

It did sound a bit like "Isn't this too damn easy?", but Malashenko, who was basically sure that his guess was accurate, nodded.

"If nothing else, it is like this. It is a traditional skill of Germans to like to design complex machinery. Even a simple semi-automatic loader is so complicated. The maintenance of this thing is a troublesome thing."

Malashenko complained in a low voice while playing with the German's loading machine and continuing to study it. Iushkin, who had been thinking about the thing in front of him for a while, suddenly spoke again.

"Is this thing more powerful than our loader? It seems to reload much faster."

Men, when it comes to issues of "cannon" and "force value", they always like to compare with their opponents. This is the most basic sense of competition as a male creature.

This sense of competition goes back to its origins, that is, the sense of competing for mates and reproductive rights. Whoever has a stronger "cannon" will have a higher "force value" and whoever is awesome. The reloading speed is obviously a key factor in whether the "cannon" is powerful or not. The German's feeling of "their force is greater than mine" makes Iushkin feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, but not entirely."

Malashenko's answer was a bit ambiguous. Iushkin decided to be patient and continue to listen instead of answering immediately. He knew that Malashenko still had something to say.

"The Germans' reloading speed is indeed higher than ours, but you have to consider another issue."

"How many millimeters is this crappy German gun? It's 88 millimeters. It could barely be considered a large-caliber tank gun before, but now it's a waste. We not only have 122 main guns, but also 130 main guns. Because of the caliber, especially against tanks The damage effect on non-armored soft targets is much stronger than that of this cannon. It is not an exaggeration to say that one shot can have the effect of three shots. "

"There are only a few times when armor-piercing bullets can be used on the battlefield. Even if our division fights more armor-piercing battles than other units, the ratio of armor-piercing bullets to grenades on a single vehicle is only 1:5. The ratio of armor-piercing bullets to grenades is only 1:5. For other Guards units, Stalin tanks even carry only a few armor-piercing rounds, and the rest are all grenades.”

"So, in most battlefield environments, that is, non-armored confrontations, our overall combat efficiency is still much higher than that of the Germans, but it is limited to the new IS7. I estimate that the combat efficiency of the traditional 122-gun is different from that of the Germans. The new Long 88 loader is similar, and its rate of fire advantage can make up for some of its caliber disadvantages. However, sometimes even if the number of weapons is stacked in the same unit of time, it is difficult to achieve the qualitative effect of caliber crushing, as you know. "

"It should be said that the Germans have regained some disadvantages for themselves, but they are better than us and better than the leader division. He is not qualified to say now, even if it is simply better than the firepower projection efficiency of tank guns, not to mention the overall performance of tanks The combat effectiveness is the same."

There are some things, you can’t say that Iushkin doesn’t understand them at all or understands them at all.

The reason why he asked that was entirely because he believed in Malashenko as always.

Comrade Commander always knew a lot about the new weapons and equipment of the Germans. Iushkin felt that it would be much better to ask Comrade Commander to make some interpretations and evaluations than to make random guesses and analyses, which he was not sure about. The result given by Malashenko is indeed exactly the same as the answer Iushkin expected.

"That's what it is, that's right. Do the Germans want to surpass us with this thing? These nazis have a great idea!"

Iushkin's expression looked a little triumphant, but Malashenko saw a different problem.

The standard capacity of the first ammunition rack of the IS7 loader is 6 rounds. The standard capacity of the first ammunition rack of the King Tiger loader is slightly more, reaching 8 rounds.

But in essence, the first-generation semi-automatic loaders that the Soviet Union and Germany put into actual combat within less than half a year each had a common shortcoming: the capacity of the ready-to-fire ammunition in the loader was too small. .

The Red Army's IS7 really has no choice. The 130 shells transplanted from the naval destroyer guns are extremely huge, and they are also loaded separately. This causes the first ammunition rack at the end of the turret of the IS7 to be divided into two layers, the upper and lower layers. It's a projectile,

After going back and forth, even if the super wide head of the IS7 is stacked horizontally, after excluding the space occupied by the loader body, it can only accommodate only 6 rounds of artillery shells.

It stands to reason that the Germans do not have the constraint of "enlarging the shells", so they have the conditions to achieve a larger loaded machine shell capacity.

But you Santoku prefers to do frivolous things, so I came up with something similar to the French tank magazine gun after World War II, and adopted the revolver style of American cowboys. The fusion of the United States and France is really too much. Not German anymore.

It should be said that the loader of the Kraut 88 responds very quickly, and coupled with the advantages of fixed-loading ammunition, it is not uncommon to burst into bursts of fire every five seconds.

But the German guy failed to be a good student with both good character and academics. Instead, when the objective conditions allowed, he took an eccentric approach and became a partial subject. He increased the reloading speed but kept the ammunition capacity. It's pitifully small. It only has two rounds more ammunition capacity than the IS7 loader, which has a huge shell size. It's a waste of an existing advantage that could have made a difference.

What can Malashenko say about this?

I scratched my head and couldn't think of any suitable words to complain about, so I'll just give it to the German guy by saying, "You can bite the lighter when you have no more work."

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