Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2286 “The Village’s Only Hope”

"I said, you need to talk to Comrade Marshal when you go in later, and we need to rest and recuperate. Think about it, some of the personnel and technical equipment lost during the previous attack on southern Poland have not been replaced yet. It was said that supplies would be supplied as soon as we arrived in East Prussia, but who knew that we would encounter a tough battle as soon as we arrived in East Prussia? We even gathered our troops in a hurry and then rushed to the battlefield. "

"There are so few new equipment that have been received on a limited basis, and many of them have not even been fully mastered. At least the TOS-1 has the help of comrades from the workers, and it can be considered a serious use. But those IS7s can still only be driven around and fired. It’s not a good thing to be unable to exert combat effectiveness with new equipment when you haven’t practiced your skills yet. You have to explain this situation clearly to Comrade Marshal. We need some time, right?”

Just like usual, the unlucky guy Iushkin was "forcibly requisitioned" by Malashenko and used as a royal driver. He left the train station in the "Walker Happy Car" sent by the empire for free and drove all the way out of the train station. Driving in the direction of the front army headquarters, there were also troop transport trucks full of combat engineers sent to protect the division commander.

In fact, Lavrinenko initially proposed to send infantry tanks to "escort" the division commander, but Malashenko rejected it and gave a reason.

First of all, Poland is already a liberated area. Although there are still small groups of local anti-Soviet armed forces and guerrilla forces that are opposed to both the Soviet Union and Germany running around and have not yet been wiped out, large groups of armed forces have been swept away by the Red Army. After the settlement, it no longer existed, and now all that is left are just a few cats and dogs, dead dogs and miscellaneous fish, which cannot make any difference. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

As for the large number of German troops, they no longer exist. In such an overall situation, there is no reason to send tracked armored combat vehicles to protect them.

After all, although the leader division has a lot of technical equipment, the precious motorized hours of heavy equipment cannot be left there for "cheap manufacturing", right?

Furthermore, Malashenko said that he was going to see the comrade commander, and he was not going to lead the troops to participate in the military parade and mobilize the troops to form a long convoy and drive over. Is that okay? This is not good.

It is true that Malashenko knows that he has a good relationship with Comrade Lao Zhu.

But you can't just put a brick under the chin of a big leader and put eye drops on people just because there are people behind him or connections, right? The closer you are to Comrade Lao Zhu, the more you have to keep a low profile. Otherwise, what will those other eyes around Zhukov think if they see you? Um?

You, Malashenko, are in such a big show. When you come to the Front Army Headquarters, you will be escorted by tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, and accompanied by elite combat engineers. Why don't you call the Front Army Headquarters in advance and send you a few more What about the integrated air-ground escort by fighter jets? Wouldn't that be beautiful?

In short, in order to avoid various situations that may cause trouble or cause too many necessities, Malashenko did not choose to have a grand spectacle of being protected by tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. Instead, he brought one at the front and one in total. Two vehicles of combat engineers accompanied and escorted each other.

In Malashenko's words, "What kind of Polish ghost can defeat these two vehicles of combat engineers armed with assault rifles, wearing body armor, and carrying iron fists on their backs?". If you Polish ghost guy doesn't recruit hundreds of people and drive armored vehicles to cause trouble, then I, Malashenko, won't be able to approve it and will just treat it as a gift.

Just like this, we drove all the way to the end point near the front army headquarters. I kept driving intently all the way, and ditched the car for fear of slipping in the snow. Then Iush became "Malashenko's happy car". Seeing that the driver's task was about to be completed, Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to chat with Malashenko, giving a suggestion that he wanted the troops to rest first.

Malashenko, who was sitting in the passenger seat and lighting up a cigarette, did not speak directly when he heard this. Instead, after lighting up the cigarette, he put out the lighter, put it back in his pocket and put it away, then put the hand holding the cigarette on the door. Shang said leisurely and contentedly.

"You don't need to tell me that I will mention it to Comrade Marshal. It is true that our division has not had a good rest since we left Warsaw. Until now, both the equipment and personnel have basically reached the limit, and the overall combat effectiveness has dropped to the critical level. It’s definitely not cost-effective to forcefully fight the next battle without stopping.”

"But you have made great progress. Now you have learned to consider maintaining the combat effectiveness of the troops. I thought all you could think about was killing Fascism."

Malashenko, who changed the subject as he spoke, praised Iushkin on the spot, which made Comrade Iushkin who was not expecting it feel quite flattered.

"What's the point? I'm not stupid~ You tell me these things and give me lessons all day long. Of course I can learn it. Isn't it you who taught me how to improve my thinking pattern?"

"Hahaha, that's right! I taught you this, and you are quite enlightened! You can become a teacher in the future!"

Malashenko, who grinned widely, was about to subconsciously pat Iushkin's shoulder with his big hand, but when his hand almost fell to his shoulder, this thought suddenly felt wrong.

This guy is driving, so he can’t get excited! If you overturn your car in excitement, wouldn’t it make you extremely happy and sad? I don’t want to be asked for a state funeral in front of Zhukov. Who knows if I have a state funeral now, I will have to be rewarded by my loving father and comrade.

Iushkin didn't know what Malashenko was muttering or thinking in his heart. He just replied while holding the steering wheel and continuing to concentrate on driving.

"What does a division commander mean? I want to be a corps commander and a group army commander in the future! Just wait and see, I'm the first one in our village to be promoted to captain! The only hope for the entire village's military officers is in me, the future general. It will be the same."

Iushkin has been working as a gunner for Malashenko's command vehicle. Malashenko is used to such a convenient person and is unwilling to let go and replace him with someone else. Iushkin was simply given several promotions to make up for it. The position of gunner remained unchanged and he was slowly promoted to the rank of captain. However, he was still such an "ordinary gunner". Without any command card, he could be regarded as a full-fledged gunner. The only special case of a leader.

Seeing that Iushkin was so "ambitious" and was known as "the only hope of the whole village", Malashenko, who was trying not to laugh out loud, could not hurt the child's self-confidence, so he could only speak in agreement. .

"Okay, okay, I'll wait for you in the position of marshal. When the time comes, you will be the commander of the group army and continue to work for me."

"Working? You are not a capitalist, why should I work for you?"

Hearing this, Malashenko feigned anger, raised his hand and slapped him in the air, giving a pretentious but serious threat.

"You kid, you still dare to talk back!? Be careful, I'll beat you up! Drive well! Keep your eyes on the front for me, don't look around!"

"Just drive, no matter how dangerous it is"

The chatting and laughing at the end just went all the way to the finish line and finally stopped.

It's just that neither Malashenko nor Iushkin thought of one thing. The joking words just now would actually become a reality one day, even though the situation at that time and the lives they faced were completely different. That's the difference.

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