Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2289 Core Goal

"Comrade Marshal, please allow me to ask a question first. How much do we currently know about Berlin's city defense? For example, do we know where the Germans' strongest defensive core area in the city is.

Malashenko had a lot to say to Zhukov, but first, he had to introduce the key points of the topic before he could continue. Letting Zhukov understand the key points of the topic was the first step.

"The strongest defensive core position? Hmm"

Although it does not mean that any high-level intelligence he knows can be shared with Malashenko, after all, there are differences in status between marshal and major general.

But Zhukov, who has an extraordinary relationship with Malashenko, both publicly and privately, is still willing to tell Malashenko a lot of things. In other words, only when Malashenko knows certain situations can he make some analysis that may be eye-catching. Zhukov certainly understands this and knows what he should do next.

"Comrades on the intelligence front lurking in Berlin sent back intelligence, pointing out that the most strongly defended areas in Berlin relied on core defense buildings to expand to the periphery."

"One of the more noteworthy ones is the Reichstag, which overlooks the Reichstag Square and the river crossing bridge leading to the square. It is typically easy to defend and difficult to attack. Intelligence shows that the Germans had begun militarizing the Reichstag a few months ago. Reinforcement work, relying on the Reichstag Building as the core, begins to expand the perimeter of the defense circle and strengthen defensive measures. If we launch an attack on Berlin, the Reichstag Defense Area will definitely be a very difficult nut to crack. "

The Capitol is not easy to chew, and Malashenko certainly knows this.

But as the saying goes, "a drunkard is not interested in drinking." For this building that must be substantively occupied rather than directly destroyed, Malashenko feels that it does not require the kind of "destructive firepower" he wants to use. To conquer, the "goal" Malashenko really wanted to tell Zhukov openly was something else.

"In addition to the Capitol Building? Comrade Marshal, is there anything else?"


Zhukov couldn't guess what Malashenko meant at first, but this was not the first time. If he could always guess what Malashenko wanted to say, he wouldn't be able to guess what Malashenko meant every time. Shenke felt "surprised" here and was "impressed" by it.

Realizing this, Zhukov decided to wait and see what happened, and while continuing to talk, he also looked at what Malashenko had to say in the end.

"Except for the Reichstag, the most difficult to deal with among the large-scale core defense targets that have been identified so far are the tall air defense towers in Berlin.

"These extremely tall military buildings made of concrete are all built according to the standards of permanent fortifications, so they are not only towering into the sky but also extremely strong. They are equipped with automatic cannons and heavy anti-aircraft guns, and can garrison a large number of personnel. . This is clearly confirmed by the air defense tower design drawings we have obtained and the information reported back by intelligence personnel.”

"They were originally built to defend against large-scale bombing by the Americans and British. The long-range bombers of the United Kingdom and the United States can cover the city of Berlin and carry out long-range strikes. This puts the washer's lies at risk of being exposed and shakes him. rule, so it is necessary to re-establish confidence in the hearts of the people, and those tall and mighty-looking air defense towers were created for this purpose.”

"Intelligence shows that these huge air defense towers actually have limited power against the long-range bombers of the British and American Allies, and only a handful of targets have been shot down. After realizing that these fire hedgehogs are very troublesome, the British and American Allied bombers will also take the initiative to avoid them. Go bomb somewhere else.”

“But another result of this is that these huge and solid air defense towers have absolute commanding heights and vision. Although they are designed for air defense rather than ground suppression, their limited ground attack firepower can still cover a large area. The Red Army siege troops in a large area, if we really launch an siege operation. "

He handed Malashenko a stack of confidential photos found in his desk drawer. The subjects of the photos were all the air defense towers scattered throughout Berlin.

These on-site photos from far or near angles were all taken secretly by the Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel lurking in Berlin at their own risk. If you are not careful, the Germans will notice something is wrong or even catch you on the spot. The consequences will naturally be One can imagine.

To be honest, the value of these things is not very great to Malashenko, although it is indeed valuable to other people, and of course it can be called confidential information.

Looking through the photos of air defense towers in his hands that he had seen countless times in the future world, Malashenko discovered that the Kraut air defense towers in this timeline were still no different from the Kraut air defense towers in existing history.

It was still designed for the purpose of air defense with all the firepower concentrated on the top of the tower. It did not include the heavy firepower points set up on the tower for ground attack. There was not even any reserved heavy firepower. hole.

In this case, the situation will be obvious.

In addition to being so hard that it hurts the brain and making it almost helpless, the tower seriously lacks ground firepower, which is almost zero. The anti-aircraft firepower deployed on the top of the tower is limited by the range of fire and depression angle. It actually poses a considerable threat to ground troops. Key factors such as limitation actually make this thing a "very difficult to chew, but not very threatening" existence that can be called useless.

And this is also the reason why Zhukov said what he said next.

"I discussed this issue with Vasilevsky before. He proposed that we can bypass the anti-aircraft towers that appear on our attack path and leave them alone to conquer the core area of ​​Berlin, which is more practical. , such as the Prime Minister’s Office and the Parliament Building.”

"Once we have completed most of the operational objectives, these air defense towers will become isolated and alone, and the threat level will be reduced to an infinitely low level. Considering that the entire war may have been over by then, we The Germans in the analysis towers cannot hold on for long, either physically or mentally. Placing and besieging these anti-aircraft towers until they finally surrender is a good and feasible tactic, what do you think?”

Of course, Malashenko did not intend to say, "Vasilevsky can't do that job, come here, Comrade Zhu, and watch me give you a whole tough job." This is obviously a statement with low emotional intelligence.

As for what to say about high emotional intelligence, Malashenko has of course organized the language and is about to speak.

??The first update today. Brothers, you have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning to do some errands. You have to go to bed early and take the time to make up for everyone.



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