Chapter 2296?? "Tiger in Omaha"

Just as Malashenko thought, he has the ability to control and guide the rhythm and flow of this interview. This feeling of being in control is exactly what Malashenko is looking forward to, rather than the feeling of being manipulated by a tricky reporter. Walk with nose in your mouth. Google search and read, not to mention that the person in front of me is a "beautiful" and charming sunshine beauty, such an exclusive interview is both pleasing to the eye and pleasing to the eye.

"Thank you for taking some precious time out of your busy schedule to accept my interview. General, my first question is, what do you think of the huge military defeats suffered by the Soviet Red Army from 1941 to 1943? What is the reason behind the series of failures? "Who is responsible?"


After hearing this, Malashenko's eyes narrowed and he became energetic.

This seemingly offensive question was not included in the pre-prepared interview question and answer script. Needless to say, this must be a clever and improvised addition by reporter America.

But Malashenko, who could detect something through his eyes, didn't think that this little girl, Jill, could figure it out on her own. If you want to say that there is no "advisor from an expert" behind it, Malashenko thinks that is just fucking fart, and it is a bad question given by some kid who has a son.

"I think this question is not what you want to ask yourself, right? Miss Gill.


Malashenko's sudden question clearly hit something. Gil, who was at a loss, seemed to have thought of something, but didn't know how to speak for a moment. He seemed to be worried, but he was well aware of the current situation. I have to say something, and I repeatedly wander around in the dilemma of "I want to say something but don't know how to say it".

Seeing the situation, Malashenko, who understood the situation, did not want to make it too difficult for a little girl. Since she had asked so, he might as well talk to her, but what he said was not the leader of the New York Times newspaper. The content you want is not necessarily the case.

"This question is not difficult to answer, but first, I also want to ask a reciprocal question, who is responsible for the piles of corpses and rivers of blood of American and British soldiers on Omaha Beach and in Pokakee Village? ? What is the reason behind such heavy casualties? "

With Malashenko's current status and network of connections, it is not difficult to gain access to some internal information that only senior Red Army generals have access to.

It can even be said that as long as Malashenko wants to, Malashenko can basically get the external reference intelligence received at the front level of the front military headquarters and read it. This was the case when he worked under Vatutin.

Through the Soviet Union's extremely efficient European intelligence network, Malashenko learned about the tremendous changes in the Western Front battlefield in this timeline.

The Germans on Omaha Beach were even more ferocious than in history. Because of the Red Army's rapid advance on the Eastern Front, the Normandy landings that were forced to start early accidentally happened to hit Omaha Beach. A veteran field division of the National Defense Force that had just been withdrawn from the Eastern Front and rested, replenished with soldiers and new equipment, and fully staffed.

In addition to this, an additional armored grenadier regiment will be added as a reserve mobile force ready to support at any time, as well as a few scattered fortification group garrison companies.

The density of German troops on the entire Omaha Beach was almost twice that of the previous history. With a higher proportion of veterans, more technical equipment and better quality, the garrison strength was quite strong. The U.S. military, which was under-prepared in intelligence work because it launched the operation in advance, suddenly hit the iron plate and suffered a split brain and bloody head on the spot.

Malashenko didn't know the specific battle. After all, he wasn't there as an audience to watch the American troops being beaten. He could only understand the general situation at that time through the subsequent intelligence sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs' agents in Europe. .

According to the statement mentioned in the intelligence, it was confirmed based on the German intelligence that the agents had access to, as well as the summary analysis of U.S. military casualties obtained by Soviet agents in the United States.

The final analysis report released by the Soviet Union believed that the U.S. military experienced three waves of bloody battles by landing troops on the Omaha beach before finally advancing the front to the beachhead high ground and began to compete with the German troops stationed here for control of the fortifications and trenches.

The German field divisions defending the Omaha beach were worthy of having fought the Battle of Moscow. Without any reinforcements, they were fighting from day to night, as dusk approached, and they still held some of the beach defense positions and the landing US troops. Confrontation.

Seeing that the friendly lines on the left and right flanks around them were penetrated and breached one after another, and there was a risk of being surrounded and annihilated by the US military if they stayed any longer, they took advantage of the cover of night and left the corpses and lost equipment on the ground and retreated hastily.

The German army retreated quite miserably, with corpses coming and they had no time to restrain themselves, but the situation on the US military side can only be said to be not the worst, only worse.

The blood of the Dahong Division, known as the "Emperor's Elite", was stained with blood on the beach. Layers of corpses were spread from the diving beach to the hinterland of the German defense line like floor tiles. In the areas where corpses are most densely packed, you will stumble over new corpses every step you take. Blood and minced meat seem to be in unlimited supply on Omaha Beach.

Soviet agents in the United States failed to obtain the specific number of casualties of the US military on Omaha Beach that day. The level of confidentiality of this thing is a bit high. It is indeed possible to find a way to get it, but the cost of investment is obviously Not proportional to the income. The casualty figures of the US military can only be used as a reference and have little practical use. It is really not worth investing much in this effort.

But judging from the fact that the Americans have kept the news extremely tight, the number of casualties is obviously much higher. It is so high that the Americans themselves feel that if this news gets out, it will shake the morale of the military, affect the recruitment, and a lot of people will be killed. All kinds of troubles such as being fired and losing official title will follow one after another. Of course, you will also be ridiculed by outsiders and be very embarrassed.

If the US military can't get it, what about the Germans?

Not to mention, the Germans, who had been infiltrated into a sieve for a long time, did get some more accurate news, but the truth was a bit "shocked for a whole year."

According to De Lao himself, it can be roughly summed up as "annihilate 10,000 enemies and occupy Omaha."

Even if we extrapolate from the normal situation of casualties of three to one, if the battlefield situation is really like this, the total number of American soldiers killed and wounded would be more than just one Red Division? If De Lao's battle report is not watertight, then there is no doubt that the First Red Division has been annihilated by the entire formation and can be withdrawn. This is obviously too much nonsense.

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