Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2302 No. 6 Tiger Tank Type C

It is quite a coincidence to say that the 105 mm sub-loading ammunition saved the German commanders who commanded this new King Tiger a big trouble: selecting the appropriate type of ammunition to preload the loader. Google search reading

Different from the 88-gun semi-automatic loader, the new 105-gun semi-automatic loader works like this.

You only need to preload 6 propellant cartridges into the semi-automatic loader in advance. German engineers have made a rare humanization and designed the propellant cartridges of high-explosive bombs and armor-piercing bombs to have unified specifications. Instead of some lame armor-piercing projectile having a dedicated propelling cartridge for armor-piercing projectiles, high-explosive projectiles have a dedicated launching cartridge for high-explosive projectiles.

The biggest benefit of uniform specifications of preloaded propellant cartridges is that when loading in battle, you only need to select the appropriate projectile you want, then place it on the slide rail at the end of the breech to be loaded, and then push the rear semi-automatic The feeding handle of the loader can be manually pushed into the chamber along with the propellant cartridge and projectile.

In other words, the German commanders commanding the 105 King Tiger can freely change the types of ammunition during battle. They only need to let the loader put the type of projectile they want to launch on the slide rail.

The 6-round firing cartridge ready to be fired in the loading machine can send 6 high-explosive projectiles out of the gun barrel, or send 6 armor-piercing projectiles out of the gun barrel, or a mixture of the two types of shells can be fired. You can use it however you want. As long as it doesn't exceed

As for after 6 shots, if the enemy has not been completely eliminated and you still need to fight, then the situation will be a little tricky.

It is necessary to keep the semi-automatic loader in the reset and standby state, and then manually open the breech to load the propellant cartridge and projectiles. This is the biggest reason why the 105 King Tiger has two dedicated loaders, one main and one deputy.

When necessary, one person is responsible for loading the projectiles and the other is responsible for loading the propellant cartridge. The two work together without fatigue, and can still maintain the combat rate of fire under manual loading at a relatively satisfactory level. It would not be possible for the cannonballs in the loader to be loaded for a long time that could span centuries. If that were the case, it would be too bad and completely unacceptable.

Therefore, the extra loader is not added to the crew specifically to operate the loader. Although it is true that one person is responsible for operating the loading machine and the other is responsible for loading the projectiles, it will indeed increase the loading efficiency and shorten the loading time to a certain extent.

But that can only be regarded as a consideration for manual loading at best, and one of the additional benefits brought by adding a second loading hand is just like when you go to the mall to buy a valuable item and the merchant gives it to you as a bonus. , the core reason for adding a second loader is still considered for manual loading. 6̳̳

After all, the ammunition capacity of the loaded machine with only 6 rounds is really pitiful. In a slightly higher-intensity battle, the situation of insufficient artillery shells will definitely occur. We must consider and prepare for this in advance. The Germans have not yet Too stupid to even consider this situation.

A brand-new 105mm main gun system, a left-wheel semi-automatic loader, dual loaders, and an SLA 16 18-cylinder diesel engine with a maximum output of 750 horsepower.

All these gadgets and objects that may be reliable or may still have some problems are piled together, and finally create such an "Ultimate Tiger King" that is radically modified and upgraded on the original basis.

It is also because of the many improvements that it can be regarded as a new tank. Therefore, in the Germans' own equipment naming, this thing was even given a new name: Type VI Tiger Tank Type C, which is a reference to the previous generation. The perfect successor to the Tiger Panzer VI and Tiger B tanks, it is also the third tank member of the entire "Tiger" family.

As the latest experimental equipment, the output of the Tiger C tank is not large. Not only is the newly opened production work in the production capacity ramping stage, it is also subject to continuous damage and harassment from the Allied forces' daily strategic bombing. As a result, the production capacity of the entire production work was suddenly reduced and greatly affected. Therefore, only a small part of the Tiger C was actually delivered to the troops and put into service and put into battlefield use.

Not many German soldiers have even seen this thing or even know of its existence, not to mention the British and American Allied forces as opponents.

Wittmann and his 101st Heavy Armored Battalion of the Waffen-SS had just received this new supplementary vehicle.

In addition to not being with Wittmann, but leading another team to fight in another direction not far away, the battalion commander who supported the friendly forces also changed to this new Tiger King, the only one in the whole battalion The other Tiger C is in Wittmann's hands and is the command vehicle of the deputy battalion commander.

The subsequent impact of the Stauffenberg incident has made the differences and estrangements between the hair-washers and the Wehrmacht increasingly widening, and their mutual distrust increasing.

Because of this, this mustachioed man who still holds the power of the head of the empire began to allocate more and more resources of new cutting-edge war weapons to his private armed forces, that is, the armed SS troops, and even originally Even many resources that should have been allocated to the elite troops of the Wehrmacht were forcibly allocated to the elite troops of the Waffen-SS and were taken away halfway.

Don't ask, it's the order of the head of state, or the chicken farm owner Himmler. The equipment allocation document is issued in accordance with the order of the head of state. It is clearly written in black and white and has a signature and seal. As long as you still abide by the current German order. It's up to you not to admit it.

The Waffen SS's arrogant and unreasonable behavior of grabbing equipment really made many Wehrmacht commanders who were desperately short of equipment and were waiting for replenishment very angry.

Your SS has taken away the equipment. What will our Wehrmacht do? You euphemistically say that the Western Front requires good equipment to deal with the Yankees and the British. What? We don’t need good equipment to deal with the Russians on the Eastern Front? How about we switch, you use this pile of junk to fight the Russians on the Eastern Front, and I use the new equipment to go to the Western Front to play with the Yankees and the British. How about that?

No matter how great the grievances and dissatisfactions are, faced with the "hell-like reality" that the equipment has been stolen, the external environment has a powerful enemy, and the army is pressing down on the situation, the National Defense Forces, who were once angry, jumped to their feet. In the end, the front-line commanders had no choice but to admit defeat, find ways to solve the problem themselves, and continue to fight against the Russians.

Wittmann did not know that there were so many complicated stories behind his new car. Wittmann just felt that this new car was relatively in line with his expectations, especially in terms of its upgraded mobility and firepower. It's all satisfactory, and that's enough.

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