Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2312 Fighting to the Death (Part 1)

Chapter 2312: Fighting to the Death (Part 1)

"Is this the end? I thought these Americans could survive a little longer."

Although the U.S. armored forces did not surrender, the final result was actually almost surrender. In the final analysis, they lost their combat effectiveness.

In addition to Wittmann's No. 007 Command Tiger King, which fought its way through the road and intercepted the American troops, the situation faced by the Sherman used to block the road at the back of the street was not much better. It could even be said that it was even worse. To be worse.

After realizing that the American tank on the opposite side was alone, and did not have the courage to come out on its own for a one-on-one duel.

The 112 King Tiger, which had already killed its sworn enemy, roared up again, driving the 700-horsepower gasoline engine transplanted directly from the Tiger One, driving this heavy steel body with a combat weight of nearly 70 tons. Grind forward and actively seek opportunities.

Although it is a proactive attack, it does not mean that the decisive opportunity will be handed over to the enemy.

The No. 112 King Tiger, obviously driven by a veteran crew, aimed its entire body directly behind the building on the street where the 4a3e8 Sherman was hiding. Then, with full power, the accelerator pedal pushed to the bottom, and the muzzle of the gun pointing in the direction where the enemy might be hiding in front, it roared all the way and crashed into the corner of the wall, and faced the falling masonry debris all over its body.

"Damn it, that Tiger King is coming! Fire, fire quickly!"


After all, the stationary one has the advantage of firing first over the tactical mobile one. Even if the distance between the two sides has reached the point of being close to each other, Sherman, who is braking still, can still take advantage of the King Tiger and roar from the muzzle. The armor-piercing bullet fired had already hit the King Tiger before it roared.


call out--

It's not "armor-piercing, blasting, and burning, all in an instant", but "life, ricochet, and bounce, all in an instant". He is indeed a hero of tanks, but he just refers to the King Tiger on the opposite side.

The armor-piercing projectile, which was too nervous to aim carefully, and indeed did not have the opportunity to aim carefully, hit the base of King Tiger's pig-nosed gun mantlet and was instantly bounced away, pointing diagonally towards the sky with a tracer trail. Like a shooting star in the sky.

The only damage caused was the innocuous gap on the Tiger King's pig-nosed gun mantlet, and it was not even able to damage the barrel.

"Damn it! Move, move! Load high-speed armor-piercing bullets, quickly!"

Sitting still here is just looking for death. In the turn-based attack game, if you miss a move, it's someone else's turn to take action. The U.S. military commander commanding this Sherman doesn't think he's strong enough to forcefully take over 88. .

"Run, you son of a bitch!"

“Load, reload, reload and you’ll have a chance!”

The closer it is to the final moment of life and death, the person will often become more and more crazy and make some seemingly incomprehensible actions. For example, the driver and loader are muttering in their mouths at the same time, as if... The bard-like singing buff can really bring some kind of benefit to yourself.

The Sherman was doing his best to maneuver while loading. What he was loading was a high-speed armor-piercing projectile with a greatly increased penetration depth. It is said that this thing has the ability to break through the frontal protective armor of the King Tiger turret, but this is just hearsay. I have never heard of anyone actually using this thing to attack the King Tiger successfully, and still come back alive to tell the story of his tiger hunter legend. of.

At this point, we have no choice but to bite the bullet. At this point, we have no choice.

Unlike this Sherman, which was running like a rat trying to avoid enemy gunfire.

The No. 112 King Tiger that broke through the corner and rushed out immediately stopped the car and stopped maneuvering. The heavy turret driven by the electric steering gear began to aim at the fastest speed, and at the same time, the car body was turned by the dual-stream transmission for use. Aiming was completed as quickly as possible, and the fighting atmosphere in the car was also extremely tense.

"Aim at it, hurry up! The driver will follow and help accelerate, don't let it go around to our side!"

Theoretically speaking, the King Tiger, a thing with strong armor and powerful guns but a huge and bulky body, is best at sniping and killing US tanks one by one in a long-distance line, so that it can better demonstrate the "you can't shoot me through" , but I'm going to shoot one at a time, I don't need to maneuver, and no matter how fast your maneuver is, it can't be faster than my shells." The tactical advantage.

It is really unwise to drive the King Tiger right into the enemy tank's face and blast the line.

But you have no choice in the current situation. Tank battles in the context of street fighting will inevitably involve fierce bombardment and close combat. The advantages of the strong armor and sharp artillery that the Tiger King is proud of are greatly offset and reduced, and the maneuverability is insufficient. Jia's biggest shortcoming has been greatly magnified.

If the U.S. military vehicle crew performs reasonably, the current battle situation is likely to be favorable to the U.S. military.

But as the saying goes, the most important factor that determines the outcome of a war is that people are not things. People's subjective initiative is always the biggest variable factor in war.

The skilled and experienced SS crew tried their best. The turret and the hull rotated rapidly at the same time under the tacit cooperation of the gunner and driver and the unified dispatch and command of the commander. The muzzle steering originally directed to the left was reversed by the dual-flow transmission. With the blessing, the speed was doubled, and the black muzzle quickly aimed at the target at extremely close range at an unbelievably fast speed.

The aiming speed was beyond imagination, and could even catch up with the speed of Sherman who was maneuvering at a high speed just a dozen meters away.

The lateral distance between the Chang 88 muzzle brake and the Sherman is rapidly decreasing, while the King Tiger's lateral body is constantly moving in the completely opposite direction to the Sherman's maneuvering direction with the support of the dual-flow transmission. Turning, he saw that the maneuvering Sherman was getting farther and farther away, while the main armor belt on the front of the car body, which represented the heading, was getting closer and closer to the Sherman.

Everything seems to be tilting in your own favor, but sudden accidents often happen in an instant without warning.

"The engine is overloaded, I smell burning! We won't last long!"

After being attacked at the intersection, he urgently turned on the spot to meet the enemy. Next, in order to ensure that the car body was facing the enemy head-on and try not to expose its weak points, it forcibly crashed into the corner of the wall to break up the attack. As soon as the corner collapsed, there was another burst of masonry and rubble. The dual-stream transmission enables on-site steering maneuver.

Under such a perverted and violent operation, it seemed reasonable and natural. The 700-horsepower gasoline engine transplanted directly from Hu Yi was finally overwhelmed and could not bear it.

Something in the power compartment was overheated, and a burnt smell filled the interior of the car.

The loader who was the first to smell the smell reminded loudly that there was no guarantee that the self-igniting fire would erupt from the power cabin in the next second. However, the only one who answered him was the commander who remained calm. ordered calmly.

"Don't worry, continue! Keep turning and aiming, listen to my orders with your ears up!"

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