Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2314 The bloody battle continues

The ground was covered with blazing, black-smoking steel wreckage, and one Sherman tank after another was turned into a torch filled with high temperatures. This battle with huge disparity may have been doomed to end from the beginning. Google search reading

"It's all over, these Americans are dead, huh"

One King Tiger was destroyed and completely lost, and the power system of another was knocked out of the street, but it is still possible to be repaired.

In terms of battle damage ratio alone, Wittmann, who killed an entire US tank column, undoubtedly won an absolute victory, but sometimes when judging whether a "victory" is real or not, you cannot just look at the numbers.

The US military has a continuous supply of new vehicles available, but Wittmann and the entire 101st Heavy Armor Battalion will not be able to obtain new tank supplies for a long time to come.

After a group of American troops are eliminated, another group will soon come. These Shermans of poor quality are like endless wild fruits in the woods, everywhere and in an endless stream.

To put it bluntly, even if the Americans exchanged 5 Shermans for 1 King Tiger, Wittmann felt that he had lost a lot, and the loss was huge. He could not afford to lose money by competing with the Americans. Soon, Will be swallowed up and drowned by a steady stream of Shermans like poking into a cockroach nest.

But at this point, there is no other way. No matter whether you think this battle is good or bad, the result is that it can no longer be changed.

There are two less King Tigers available on hand. The King Tiger that can still be commanded and mobilized, including his own half-disabled King Tiger that has damaged guide wheels and track pads and may completely stop at any time, has already been reduced to a single position. There are only 9 vehicles left.

Nominally speaking, he commands half of the 101st Heavy Armored Battalion, but the number of tanks currently available is less than a quarter of what the 101st Heavy Armored Battalion would be when fully equipped.

To put it bluntly, Wittmann now feels a little bit "too embarrassed", but there is no practical solution, and in the end he can only admit defeat.

"Keep fighting. The battle is not over yet. Go support those panzer grenadiers. They need our help. Let's go!"

Wittmann knew that now was not the time for him to think about his troubles. Those armored grenadiers who were temporarily separated from the support of the armored forces were "extremely vicious". Without the support of King Tiger, they could still attack, although the advancement speed was a bit slower. But he continued to attack after all.

Wittmann was really a little afraid that the casualties of this group of people would be too great and he would be involved in it. Then the fun would be great. Without enough infantry to protect the tiger king, it can only be regarded as a zoo ornamental tiger with its teeth pulled out. Regardless of whether they are Yankee or British infantry, they can easily approach and destroy these nearly 70-ton steel behemoths.

Although Wittmann did not like Heisenberg and his group of "bloodthirsty beasts", protecting them on the battlefield was actually protecting himself. Without the cooperation of infantry, tanks would surely die. Wittmann, who could clearly grasp this matter in his mind, immediately commanded the troops to take action again, moving closer to the Panzergrenadiers who were still fighting on the street.

Dong dong dong dong——


"Damn it! Stop fighting, don't even fight! Put your head back and don't rush forward, it's the Yankee's heavy machine gun!"

If you can think of a way to deal with the suppression of the .30 machine gun, try to use tactics to see if you can knock it out.

So when facing the .50 machine gun with a larger caliber and more power, Heisenberg, who knew that this thing was definitely not something that infantry could physically resist, was still clear-headed.

The red tracer barrage that hit the head and face could almost set the air on fire, and the screams and screams of the bullets piercing the air were like the grin of the god of death. Just being whizzed by this thing at a very close distance is scary enough, and the masonry debris splashed on the wall around you can make your face hurt.

If you really get hit by this thing, even if it's just a single shot.

Losing arms and legs in an instant is the best outcome. The unlucky guy will even have his head smashed directly by this thing, cut into two parts at the waist, and the intestines and all the organs that can fall out will be wrapped in a big ball of blood. In an instant, it was scattered all over the ground. The scene was really so miserable, and it was so painful to watch.

You could even think of it as part of the "oppressive force," because that is exactly what it is.

He shouted loudly and raised his hands to press down, calling his men to temporarily stop the attack and not to continue charging forward to death in the face of the Yankees' heavy machine guns from the commanding heights. The few corpses that were beaten into pieces on the street were already telling the problem. If we didn't find another way, no matter how hard we pushed forward, it would be meaningless.

"We need tanks. Where are those King Tigers!? Where are Wittmann and his men?"

What kind of commander leads what kind of soldiers? Heisenberg's deputy is also a tough guy with a bad temper who enjoys killing. He is reloading the STG44 in his hand and is currently cursing those who he thinks are true. An extremely incompetent armored soldier.

"There is only one step left to penetrate the town's core defense. These iron-clad losers are missing now!? Did his mother pinch his head when he was born!?"

"Stop scolding! They are dealing with the Yankee tanks and they are too busy to do anything. There is no use scolding them now!"

He signaled the deputy and the soldiers around him to continue to lean back and not stand too far out to prevent the Yankees' .50 armor-piercing bullets from hitting the wall. Heisenberg had finished speaking. Ge soon heard the answer.

"Then what should we do now? Are we just going to sit in this hellish corridor and let the Americans hold us down with machine guns until we die? I'm going to fuck it."

call out--

The yelling here didn't even have time to finish. A roaring scream that broke through the air instantly resounded through the entire street, directly suppressing the remaining half of the curse on his lips.


A huge explosion sounded instantly and deafeningly at the other end of the street. The sound of shattering bricks and stones resounded again, carrying dust and smoke that obscured the view. The terrible and annoying "Lao Ganma" standing on the commanding heights of the second floor was heavy. Machine guns have finally stopped completely.

"Save it, there are some things that you don't need to scold. I can trust him when it comes to fighting, and he has never let me down."

Although each other does not agree with each other's character, conduct, and many other things, Heisenberg and Wittmann, the "battlefield enemies", still trust each other only in terms of their fighting ability. This is the same as Wittmann was talking to himself in the commander's position in the car at this moment.

"It's really cool to lead a manned attack against a heavy machine gun."

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