Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2316 I’ve been waiting for you for a long time

"Quick! Come on, we have to get out of here, quick!"

"The Krauts are targeting the bell tower. They've found us! Let's go!"

"Then the Tiger King is targeting us, bastard!"


When you reap the benefits, you will inevitably pay a corresponding price in many cases. Just like you have to pay after eating a delicious Manchu banquet, you also have to pay a price for standing high and seeing far from the battlefield for complete insight. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

The Tiger King at the intersection raised the barrel of the gun and adjusted it to the maximum elevation angle and fired a shot. The loud and violent explosion almost instantly tore the entire church bell tower to pieces.

In the end, Major Verhaydon and his party were too late in their escape. They had just climbed halfway up the wooden stairs of the church bell tower when they were thrown away by the blast wave. The whole person was thrown around like a rag doll in the lower half of the church bell tower by the impact, and fell heavily to the ground with a severe pain and tearing sensation as if his head was about to explode.

"Verhaydon! Get up, we have to get out of here, this place is going to collapse!"

I don’t know whether he fell heavily from a height of five meters or four meters. Verhaydon was in a bad state.

The whole world in his eyes was spinning and blurry. Even his hearing had been completely lost and he could hardly hear anything. He could only see clearly that the deputy who had climbed down first was helping him up and making gestures to leave. The subconscious movement under his feet The action followed quickly and all came together.

"Wait for me, pull me up. I'm stuck. Please help me!"


The deputy who was holding up Verhaydon and preparing to leave was tripped by the shouting from behind. He suddenly stopped and turned around, only to see a young, immature and extremely panic face calling for help.

The collapsed masonry ruins from the top of the church bell tower weighed heavily on him. It was impossible to escape with his own strength. Even if someone came to help him, it would take a concerted effort and be very time-consuming. .

The masonry ruins around me are still falling like rain, and the creaking sound is still coming from the half-remaining bell tower above the head. It is terrifying, abnormal and continuous. As long as the ears are not deaf and the eyes are not yet A blind person must know that the time the bell tower can hold up can only be calculated in seconds.

"Go and save him, then go back to him and we'll be together."

Verhaydon, who was half-conscious and half-awake, was still being held on his shoulders by his deputy, but he had recovered some of his hearing and heard the cry for help and began to force himself to give orders. We must save the young correspondent and leave this hellish place together. The company has not left a single brother since it landed on the beach in Normandy, so we can't just leave like this.


He glanced at Verhaydon, who was being held on his shoulder, gritting his teeth in pain, and tried to turn around to take another look at the young correspondent behind him who was pinned down and calling for help, but after hesitating for a moment, he still couldn't turn his head around. go.

"Sorry, can't do it."

Before he finished speaking, the determined deputy carried the Clay Buddha across the river and Verhaydon, who was unable to save himself, rushed out together, completely ignoring the desperate and struggling eyes behind him who were still desperately calling for help.

"Save me, don't leave me, save me, sir, mommy"


That was the sound of the big metal bell stuck in the middle of the bell tower falling heavily and hitting the ground. The ruins and masonry in the middle of the bell tower couldn't support such a heavy weight. It was only a matter of time before it collapsed completely, but it all came eventually. Some are just unexpectedly fast.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

The complete collapse of the bell tower caused a chain reaction like dominoes toppling.

The ruins of the collapsed bell tower that stood at the top of the church hit the roof of the church directly. The church in a small town that was in disrepair and had a long history could not withstand such a heavy blow. The entire ceiling was hit and began to collapse. A chain reaction led to the collapse of the church. The roof on the other side that was intact also began to collapse. The current scene in the entire church could only be said to be no different from a landslide.

"Here! Hey! Here! Come over here! Come on!"

Hope is just around the corner!

The door of the church has been opened, and several comrades who have evacuated to safety outside the church are shouting and waving to the two of them, preparing to respond.

"Hold on! It's just a little closer, let's go!"

The deputy, who held Verhaydon's arm tightly, used the last bit of strength to run as hard as he could. More and more ruins and bricks were collapsing around him, just like the drizzle turning into a storm, almost all of them. Submerge people.

His feet kept moving, and he continued to rush forward with the people. However, when the deputy subconsciously looked up, his expression changed instantly and was full of horror.

"Oh shit!"

A huge crossbar supporting the roof structure of the church hit the two of them on the head with a momentum that was absolutely impossible to avoid at normal running speed.

In an instant, it seemed as if the passage of time slowed down and almost froze. The deputy, whose eyesight returned to level, saw the horrified expressions on the faces of his comrades who were already close to the door. They also witnessed the approaching danger of death. , but there is nothing to do, no way to stop it, so I can only watch helplessly.

“Something has to be done, and I’m the right one for it.”

"If one day I die in front of you, remember to engrave this sentence on my tombstone. When my son comes to visit my grave, I can still teach him this last sentence."

"Remember to carve a tombstone for me"

The joking words he once said when drinking with Verhaydon echoed in his mind, and he murmured his brother's last words before he parted. The deputy held the person's entire right arm and pushed with the greatest strength he had ever used in his life.

After hearing the low whisper, Verhaydon had a face full of surprise. He didn't have any extra time to react. He just felt like a cannonball being fired, being shot directly out of the church.


Boom rumbling——

There were no screams or wailings, only the sound of the walls collapsing and the entire church completely collapsed into a large ruin.

Verhaydon, who was pushed to the ground in the posture of a dog chewing shit and was only a few steps away from the collapsed church behind him, raised his head. While getting up from the ground, he looked at everything so close behind him. He was unwilling and trembling, and his fists filled with grief and anger hit the ground heavily on the spot.

"Son of a bitch! Shit-eating hair-washer! Fake!!!"

"My English is not very good, but who are you talking about? Mr. Major."


A gun butt hit him head-on, the severe pain that hit his face, and the German-sounding, extremely poor-sounding English. Major Verhaydon turned around and passed by until he completely lost consciousness and his eyes went black. The last trace of memory I had before.

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